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.His hands tightened on the reins.Whatif Elizabeth and Neeve had stumbled upon those savages? They would have gone from one set ofattackers to another.Cold fear chilled his blood.He tried to stretch his awareness toward her, but he couldn t home in on her presence likehe d been able to earlier.Riding as quickly as he was, he couldn t afford distraction from theslick ground under the horse s feet and the branches that lashed and tore at his skin.When he got his hands on her&He couldn t complete the thought, vacillating between paddling her ass and holding herso tightly her breath became his own.Perhaps he d do both as long as he didn t have to faceher broken, lifeless body.* * * *Elizabeth wiped the tears from her face.She d heard Micah call her name.He d wokenher from a sound sleep, his voice echoing through her empty soul.Cold and stiff, she stumbled toher feet.Her entire body ached as if she d slept on uneven rocks, which she supposed she had.She glanced at her friend who still slept peacefully near the fire.Gently, Elizabeth stroked Neeve s brow, checking for fever.Thankfully, she remainedcool to the touch.She stirred from sleep and slowly blinked.Elizabeth watched as the memoriesof the past day flooded back into Neeve s mind.She gasped and stiffened under Elizabeth stouch. It s all right, she soothed. We re safe among friends.Neeve pulled away the layers of blankets and felt for her wound. You healed me, she croaked, her voice rusty with disuse.  I helped, Elizabeth admitted.Had Neeve been conscious during the healing, and shehadn t known it?Neeve tried to shake her head but winced, stopping the motion. I can feel your energyalmost like a brand on my skin.Thank you, she whispered.Elizabeth s eyes filled with tears.She had to tell Neeve they were running out of time. We have to separate.Micah is on his way here.I m sure Asher is with him.Neeve slowly pushed herself from the cave floor. What? Why? Micah senses my presence. Elizabeth swallowed hard. It doesn t matter where I go.He ll find me. I m not leaving you, her friend said forcefully.Elizabeth gently pushed Neeve back to the ground. You have to.Otherwise, we ll bothbe dead.Neeve shook her head, her eyes filled with tears.Guilt washed over Elizabeth.She d convinced her friend to leave.It would be her fault ifthey got caught.When they got caught.Micah wouldn t cease searching.She pulled his cloak from her shoulders and settled it over Neeve s quivering form thenembraced her friend. I m so sorry I dragged you into this.You should be back at the temple,safely asleep. There is no safety there.We were right to leave. She dragged the heavy cloth from herbody and pushed it at Elizabeth. If we leave now, we can stay ahead of the overlord and Asher.Not missing the way Neeve s voice broke on Asher s name, Elizabeth shook her head. Itdoesn t matter where I go.Micah will find me.And if he finds me, he ll find you.And the rest ofthe women.I can t be responsible for destroying this place.I won t let that happen.She raised her hand to stop the protestations she knew were coming. I should be safewith him for a while.I don t believe he ll kill me yet.I m with child his heir.She knew she carried a girl, but hopefully, Micah wouldn t until she could figure out howto escape him permanently.Neeve studied her silently then placed her hands on Elizabeth s still flat belly.A slightsmile curved her lips, but it didn t reach her eyes. She ll be strong like her mother.Elizabeth choked back tears at the realization that her friend would likely never see thebabe.  We could both go back, the younger woman offered. I don t want to leave you to facethem alone. I ll be fine. Elizabeth embraced the woman who d become more than a sister to her in avery short time. Keep the cloak.You re going to need it more than I will.Micah will be here,soon.Neeve clung to her, but Elizabeth pulled away. It s the only way.With tears in her eyes, Neeve nodded and laid back on the blanket.Elizabeth raised a cup of cool water to her friend s lips, and she drank deeply.Shelowered her head to the ground and closed her eyes.Elizabeth smoothed Neeve s hair off herface as Tamara approached. How is she? the other woman asked. She s doing well.There s no fever.Tamara smiled.It was so like Micah s that Elizabeth felt it in her chest.Tamara motionedfor Elizabeth to rise and extended her hand.Elizabeth grasped it and stood. Grandmother wants to speak with you.Silently, she followed Tamara, knowing what Alinore wanted to discuss.Though Micahsupposedly had no magical ability, he d managed to find her every time she d left, and now, hewas on his way here.Her stomach twisted, and she knew with certainty that no matter where she went, he d beable to find her.If he found her, he d find Neeve and the others.She couldn t let that happen.These people had risked their lives to help her.She wouldn t betray them by leading theirenemies to their door.Her breath caught in her throat.No matter what, Micah and his remaining familymembers were enemies.With her heart aching, she wished she had the power to heal that greatwound, but it was far to deep.The damage was permanent.Elizabeth followed Tamara through the hewn rock corridor until it opened into anunderground pool.Alinore sat by the water s edge staring into its glass-like surface.Elizabeth turned and hugged Micah s sister her friend, she amended. Thank you foreverything, she murmured. Tamara hugged her fiercely in return.When she pulled back, there were tears shimmeringin her dark eyes. Be well.Elizabeth nodded, tears forming in her own eyes.She watched as Tamara walked away.Quietly, Elizabeth approached Alinore and sat down beside her, waiting for her to speak.When she didn t, Elizabeth summoned her courage. I must leave here.Somehow, Micahsenses my presence.Sooner or later, he ll find me. She picked at the hem of her dress, waitingfor Alinore to respond. I never wanted to hurt the children, Micah s grandmother finally murmured, soundingweary. I tried to take his father s power, but he was too strong. Pain slumped the old woman sshoulders. So I harmed the next best thing his son.So much suffering.Elizabeth s heart ached.It didn t have to be this way.Alinore whirled to face her, eyes sharp. I couldn t bring myself to take the child s powercompletely.I just blocked it. She gazed intently at Elizabeth. You re freeing his abilities. But I don t know how  It doesn t matter.You are the catalyst. Alinore turned away from her and stared overthe calm surface of the lake. Events are unfolding as they must.She pulled a pendant on a chain from the inside of her dress and lifted it over her headsettling it around Elizabeth s neck.Elizabeth lifted the ornament in her hand and studied it.A deep green gem set in a heavysilver setting glinted in the low light.She ran her thumb over the oak leaf carved in the stone.Alinore smiled kindly at her. This belonged to my mother.I d like you to have it. But& She closed Elizabeth s hand around the pendant. It s yours now. Thank you.It s beautiful. Elizabeth slid the pendant along the long, silver chain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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