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.He will be called Yeshuah, for he will save us from our suffering."I give him to you, to lead you through the coming days when ourhardships will increase tenfold, that our joy may increase a thousand-foldthereafter.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Yeshuah, created by love before you all, and no other, is rightful king ofHeaven, and he who does not accept his law or disobeys him earns mywrath and shall be expelled from Heaven on that day.For this I can do theWalls of Heaven are not such that they cannot be opened to permit me toreturn to the flux any who reject the law of Heaven as I declare it to be forthe good of us all.I have lived alone amid only cacoastrum who amongyou could do this?"His eyes had taken on a burning aspect that those in the front couldclearly see.Now they softened."My people," he said, his voice low, "it grieves me to threaten, and to sayyou must do this, or you cannot do that.It hurts me.But it hurts me moreto see you destroyed by the mindless enemy that lives outside.Destroyed bythe hundreds and by the thousands.I will not permit it if I can stop it.Now,I can stop it.Now, no one will keep me from stopping it.And now, he whowill lead us in this is here."Now, all of you who have seen the birth of him who will save us, pay himhomage.I am Yaweh, I have created Heaven and I am father to you all.Asyou love me, let Yeshuah, my son, begotten before you all, be my armamongst you." He stepped back then and made a sign for Yeshuah to riseand stand by his side.Then all the hosts of Heaven before themfell to their knees and bowed their heads.Yaweh felt the waves of love and adoration directed at himand at his son, and he basked in them.He smiled.He lookedout upon those tens of thousands of angels, and he saw that itwas good."Milord? What means this, what we have seen?""I'm not sure, Beelzebub.I had no idea he could do that.""Do what, milord?""What he just did.You saw he created a being himself, out of illiastertaken from the angels.I'm.amazed.""Aye, milord.Amazed, verily.But what of his speech.What signifies it?""I'm not certain.It's obvious that he has some scheme of how to use this,but I don't even know what he wants anymore, much less how he plans toachieve it.""What he desires, milord? Certes 'tis clear 'tis all for the Plan thathark!""What is it?""Can'st thou not hear, milord?""Your ears are better than mine, Beelzebub.What is it?""Conversation, milord.They speak in whispers, yet 'tis nigh.""Which way? I'd like to know who it is that also wants to hide.Where arethey?""This way, milord."Lucifer looked around quickly."Did either of you hear something justnow?"The others shook their heads.Lucifer shrugged."Well," said Asmodai."Now we know.What do you think?""What do you think?" asked Lilith."I," said Asmodai, "am disgusted.Look at them out there, groveling tothat.that.thing.""I see what you mean," said Lucifer."Don't you feel it?""Yes," said Lucifer slowly, "I feel it.But I guess it's different for me.""What do you mean?""Remember, I was with him from the beginning.I know what he was likebefore, and I see what he's become now.I don't know what he's going to belike in a hundred days or ten.It's sad.You feel for those who aregroveling, and that's good.But I feel for the one who is making them grovel.What's happened to him, Asmodai? You knew him.Did he ever seem to yousomeone who would fill his palace with angels, armed with swords toprevent anyone from seeing him? Who would tell such a lie as to say that hewas responsible for us all? Who would make thousands of angels bow downto him? Is that the Yaweh you knew before?""No," said Asmodai slowly, "it isn't."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"So what has happened to him?'"I don't know."Lilith cleared her throat.They looked at her."Yes, Lilith? What is it?"She shook her head."No, I don't have an answer to your question.ButI've seen enough.Let us leave, now.""And go where?""Anywhere.""And do what?""Anything.I can't take any more of this.""All right.I think it's time we found Satan.I'm still not sure what we'regoing to say to him, but we should at least let him know what has happened.Maybe he can explain it to us.""I agree," said Asmodai."It is time to find the Lord Satan, and tell himthat the time has come for him to act.If he is the one that the angels willlook to, we must have him for ""Drop it, Asmodai.You're dreaming.The angels aren't going to look toanyone, now.They've been too thoroughly taken in.""Are you telling me we've lost? Before we've even begun?""Can you look out there and tell me anything different?""I can ""Please," said Lilith."Let us leave here.""All right," said Lucifer."Let's go back to Asmodai's home and figure outhow we're going to find Satan.""All right," said Asmodai."For whatever reason."They stood as one and left the woods."I don't see anyone now.""Nor do I, milord.Yet Iheir scent doth linger.Twas Lucifer, Lilith, andAsmodai.""Do you think we should try to find them?" "An thou wouldst.I canfollow them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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