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.There’s nothing he can say to get himself out of this one.He was caught with his pants down, literally.“Get out of my house!” Salem’s voice is beginning to waver.He takes a step towards her.“Baby, I’m sorry.She means nothing.You’re the one I love, you know that.”I watch her give in to him, wrapping her arms around him as she cries into his shoulder.Why does he have such a hold on her? How can she forgive him? She caught him in the act! I can feel my heart shattering into a million pieces as I watch them through the door.I clench my fists tightly together, not caring about how much it hurts.If I could pound a hole in the wall right now, I would.He tries to kiss her.“No!” she pushes him away from her.“Not this time, Blaine,” she says confidently, as she stands up tall.“I think it’s time for you to go, Blaine,” Jocelyn orders as she enters the room.“Don’t worry, I’ll pick up the pieces like I always do,” she pats him on the back.“Salem, please,” he grovels as Jocelyn leads him out by his arm.“It’s too late for that.You should’ve thought of that before you had your cheap whore sucking your dick,” she turns her back to him.Atta girl.I smile to myself.I watch her through the door as she sits down on the corner of her bed, wiping the tears from her face.I want to run out to her, to comfort her, but I need to be sure Blaine’s gone before I do.“The prick is gone,” Jocelyn opens the bathroom door.Pushing by her, I rush to Salem, taking a seat next to her on the bed, “I’m so proud of you,” I caress her hair.She leans into me and begins to bawl.“Shhhh… you did so good.You held your own and didn’t back down.I wanted so badly to come out here and knock his lights out.”Salem begins to laugh through her tears; her face all splotchy from crying.“Don’t you shed another tear for him, Say, he’s not worth it.” Jocelyn growls angrily.“You should’ve dumped his ass.”“You know it’s not that easy, Jocey.”“Oh, it is that easy.Watch and learn,” she boldly walks up to Jase.“Blaine, you’re a cheating fuckball,” her finger pokes into his chest.“Go fuck yourself!” She turns to us, smiling, “See, easy as pie,” she then leaves Salem’s room and leaves behind a completely stunned Jase.He finally finds his voice.“Wow,” he whispers in awe.My arm is snugly around Salem as she rests her head on my shoulder.I can feel her smile even though her body shudders every few seconds from crying.“That girl is a trip,” I laugh.“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Jase says cautiously, “but we only have about fifteen minutes until my appointment, and I’m not feelin’ so good.”I look over at him.His complexion is ashen; beads of sweat are covering his brow, and his lips are dry.His hands are stuffed into his pants pockets, but I can see him fidgeting.“Oh God, Jason, I’m so sorry,” Salem looks up at him.“Let’s go,” her voice is urgent as she jumps from my hold.“Come on, we’ve got to go!” she shakes her head at me impatiently, holding her hand out.I look up at her with a smile; she amazes me yet again.She’s putting aside all her hurt and pain for Jase, a man she hardly knows.Hell, I hardly know him anymore.As we head down the stairs in her condo, I stop halfway down, “You don’t think Blaine is waiting for you outside, do you?”“No, I heard the pansy-ass peel out when he left,” Jocelyn chimes in from the top of the stairs.“Good, I hope he wraps his car around a tree,” Salem sneers.“You don’t mean that,” I give her a gentle squeeze.“Yes she does, and so do I!” Jocelyn yells.I shake my head, laughing at Jocelyn’s comment.“How you holding up back there, Jason?” Salem asks.I look at him in the rearview mirror.He’s biting his fingernails again, “I just want to get this over with.”“You’re going to be just fine,” Salem reaches around to touch his knee, giving him a warm smile.“I’m glad you think so,” he forces a smile.The waiting room of the clinic is small and stuffy.There are at least half a dozen people waiting who look just as bad or even worse, than Jase.Salem walks up to the frosted window and lightly taps on it.The window opens, and an older, heavy-set woman asks briskly, “May I help you?”“Jason Vega,” Salem says, keeping her voice down.The woman turns to her computer.“Does he have an appointment?”“Yes, he does,” I interject.“It could be under ‘Jase Vega.’”“Well, I don’t see either name in here,” her tone is short as she peers up from her glasses.“Are you sure it’s here?”“Gabe,” Jase moans.I turn to look at him, and he’s doubled over holding his stomach.“I think I’m gonna puke.”“Do you have a bathroom?” Salem looks over at the receptionist.“It’s only for patients [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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