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.”“Okay, we’ll carry on our journey in your ride, Trey, seeing as the other two vehicles are pretty much wrecked.”Trey glanced over the clustered Dodge and the VW.“Hey, is that the pickup truck from the garage?”Mancini nodded.“I just about got out of that place.I’ll tell you all about it once we’re back on the road.Help me move Laughing Boy down there out of the way or we’ll run over him on our way out of here.” He nodded at Sonny on the ground.“What about him?” Trey gestured at Jorge.“Give the gun to Leticia and she can cover him.”Trey handed over the Heckler and Koch to Leticia, who looked suddenly nervous.“What do I do if he tries to run?” she asked.“Shoot him,” Mancini snapped.He wasn’t in the mood for messing around any further.Trey helped Mancini lift Sonny’s unconscious body and they walked him to the truck cab.They shoved him across the front seats and closed the driver’s door.“He’ll wake up with one hell of a headache,” Mancini said.“But at least he’ll still be alive.Come on, let’s hit the road.”Mancini ushered them back to the Thunderbird and Trey took the handgun back from Leticia.Jorge walked back to the Thunderbird with his shoulders sagging in defeat and a morose expression on his face.He’d been so close to escaping and would have succeeded if it hadn’t been for that asshole who’d pulled a gun on him.“Want me to drive?” Trey asked, as they drew alongside the T-Bird.Jorge and Leticia clambered back into the rear seats.Mancini reloaded both the Heckler and Koch handguns and hid the Beretta in the trunk.Maybe they’d need the extra firearm at a later stage in the operation.Mancini nodded.“Go for it,” he said and climbed into the front passenger seat.Trey fired up the engine and pulled back onto the highway.Mancini felt relieved to be back on track but wondered how much impact their prolonged stay in the town would affect the outcome of the mission.Chapter Forty-FiveMancini retrieved the map from the glove box and tried to calculate how far they still had to go to reach La Paz.He found Chorro de Arena on the map and groaned at the length of distance they still had to run.“We’ll possibly have to keep going all through the night to get to La Paz,” he sighed.“We’ve still got a hell of a way to drive.”“I just want to get this over with,” Trey said.“I’m done with all this fucking around.”Mancini felt slightly uplifted with Trey’s enthusiasm but he knew they still faced an arduous task ahead of them.Trey flicked on the Thunderbird’s one working headlamp when the light faded into dusk.“We don’t stop for anything or anybody,” Mancini said.“We keep right on going until we hit La Paz.”“Amen to that,” Trey agreed.Sonny awoke with a pounding pain in his head that spread in pulsing waves across his nose and the front of his face.He was surrounded in total darkness and he couldn’t think where he was or what had happened.He groaned and tried to sit up but the pain in his head stopped him.The memories came flooding back into his mind as he lay in the darkness for a while.The kid, Trey and his girlfriend, that son of a bitch in the blue VW and that bastard who whacked him with the club swirled through his thoughts.He finally forced himself upright, gripping the steering wheel in front of him and hauling his upper body weight to a vertical position.Sonny realized he was inside the truck’s cab as he stared out through the windshield.The crocked VW still lay in front of the truck, half tilted on its side.The landscape beyond the Beetle was almost deep sea blue in color, slightly illuminated by the moon in a cloudless sky.Sonny sat still for a few minutes, slumped against the steering wheel and waiting for the worst of the pain to pass.Then he heard screeches of creatures that were once human from somewhere in close proximity.The screams continued and sounded as though they were drawing near.He patted his waistband and felt his pockets but both the firearms and the cell phone were gone.He knew he had to move and hoped the truck was still drivable.Feeling around the steering column, Sonny found the ignition key and pumped the gas pedal with his foot [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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