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.” The little fingers closed around his, and he brushed his thumb over the child’s tiny knuckles.“Isn’t it strange to think we created this little miracle?”“Yes.”He shook his head over the idea that he had anything to do with such perfection.“Take a long shower, sweetheart, and don’t worry about anything.I’m closing the door, and no one will disturb either of you.”Kane left her, strangely proud of her for telling the truth to him about her fears.She wanted to please him, but she didn’t lie or make up excuses.He closed the bedroom door softly and went to greet the visitors.He’d grown up with Jaimie tagging along since she was a little girl.A true genius, she’d caught up with both Mack and him, attending the same school and classes.Her face lit up when she looked up and caught sight of him.Jaimie jumped out of the chair where she’d been waiting and rushed him.He braced himself for the collision.She flung her arms around him.“Should you be walking without a cane? Are you all right?” She looked past him toward the bedroom and lowered her voice.“Rose won’t leave your side.I think she thinks one of us might try to do you in.I’m a little worried that she doesn’t get any sleep.”“I told her to watch out for Mack.Was he pissed? He hasn’t lectured me yet.”“That you got shot? You have no idea.And as soon as you’re a hundred percent, you can pretty much count on him yelling at you.But it’s so exciting that you found Rose and the baby.”“I delivered the baby.” He’d done it.He may as well have bragging rights.Her riot of curls bounced all over her head.“No way! Really? Wow, Kane.That’s so incredible.” The smile faded from her sapphire eyes.“You really scared us, you know.Dr.Lambert kept you in a coma for a while.”“I’m sorry I scared you, Jaimie.” He wrapped his arm around her and dropped a kiss on top of her head.“I’m fine now.A little weak, but ready to start real training again.Physical therapy is wimpy, and I need some real work.”“Give it another week,” Eric Lambert cautioned.“You nearly died, Kane.You should have died.” He glanced toward the bedroom, and just like Jaimie, he lowered his voice.“I’d give a lot to know what she did to save your life.You should have bled out internally.”“But I didn’t.And Jaimie, you’re making a fuss when you’ve seen me every day for the past couple of weeks.”“Mostly in bed,” she defended.“Or with a cane.Nothing that I can remember has ever kept you in bed.It was scary.”That was going to change.Rose could keep him in bed, but he refrained from saying so.Just the thought of her showering in the next room sent a heated rush through his veins.Kane forced his mind away from his woman.“I was up.”“Looking like a ghost.”He grinned at her, pretending to sway like a ghost.When she rolled her eyes, he stepped all the way back to allow them inside.“Would either of you care for a cup of coffee?”“Sure,” Lambert said.Kane glanced at Jaimie.She burst out laughing.“I’ll make it, no problem, and, while I’m at it, I’ll make myself a cup of tea.”Kane grinned at her and waved his hand at the doctor, indicating for him to sit.The floor plan was open other than the bedroom and bathroom, following the floor plan of Jaimie and Mack’s home two stories up.The space was nice, but Kane had already decided a second bedroom would be needed for the baby.By the time he had it built, he was certain Sebastian would be ready for it.“Your son was born early and yet he appears to be thriving,” Eric said.“Even without the help of a doctor,” he added pointedly.“He must have amazing genes.”Kane didn’t react, although his body went on alert.He reminded himself that Eric was a doctor and specialized in gene therapy.Of course he would be interested in Sebastian and his progress.How could he help it? “He was small when he was born, but with Rose feeding him on demand, he began to gain immediately.We put him in a warmer so we could keep his body temperature constant.”Eric sat back, a pleased expression on his face.“Excellent.Good thinking.Were there any complications that you know of with the pregnancy or birth?”“Not the birth.Everything went according to the book.You’d have to ask Rose about her pregnancy.”Eric frowned as he formed a steeple with his fingers.“Rose is not very forthcoming about anything at all, Kane.I’ve asked her several times, but she simply ignores me.”“She isn’t quite ready to trust anyone,” Kane said.“Nor should she be.Once she feels safe, she’ll be more likely to answer questions.”“I’d like to examine Sebastian and do a few blood tests.”“No.” Rose stood in front of the closed bedroom door, her dark chocolate eyes smoldering with fire.“Absolutely not.He’s not a guinea pig, and he never will be.”“You misunderstand me, Rose,” Lambert protested.“I’m just here to make certain he stays healthy.I need to see what immunities you’ve passed on to him and.” He broke off when she resolutely shook her head, appealing to Kane.“It’s necessary for his health and safety.”“His blood is not going to any laboratory,” Rose decreed.Kane shrugged.“Sorry, Doc, but Rose has the right to refuse.”“Neither of you understand.Your DNA is not normal human DNA.You both have extraordinary psychic gifts as well as physical talents.In all probability you’ve passed these traits on to your child.We need to know what we’re dealing with.”Before Rose could reply, Kane held up his hand to stop her.“Actually, Eric, that’s where you’re wrong.Rose and I need to know what we’re dealing with.Sebastian is our child.You don’t need anything at all.He’s a curiosity, no more to you.He’s our son.While we both appreciate everything you’ve done for us, right now, we’re opting not to take his blood out of this house.”Eric Lambert frowned, shaking his head.“I don’t understand.Suppose something was incompatible.What if Rose had the Rh factor and neither of you realized it.She didn’t have prenatal care of any kind.There are tests that need to be run for his safety.For his health.”“Sebastian’s healthy, Doc.We thank you for the concern, but we’ll take care of him.”Rose leaned against the closed bedroom door, almost sagging in relief.Thank you.Kane kept his gaze on the doctor.He’s our son.If you’re not comfortable with Eric, we’ll find a doctor you are comfortable with.I know someone I think you’ll like.“How do you know whether or not I had prenatal care? You didn’t even ask me.”Kane was startled by the outright hostility in Rose’s voice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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