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.The girl sat down on my beige leather couch and flattened her dress down alongher legs, erasing any sort of wrinkles that might have attached to the cloth.She wassitting in front of the mirror that hung gently over the couch and I caught a glimpse ofmyself.I was wearing my con-artist psychic attire--a dark crimson velvet robe withbillowy sleeves meant for blowing in the wind.My dark hair was curled and piled neatlyon the top of my head while gold jewelry was haphazardly thrown across my wrists, mywaist, my arms, my neck and my ears giving the appearance of a fourteenth centurywizard.I looked pretty comical and tacky compared to the Barbie and her prim dress.The burning sage and Airwick Pine lingered heavily in the stifling air, so I turnedon the overhead white fan in hopes of dissipating the smells.When the scent of herbsand chemicals receded, only then did the corpse of Clyde say hello.His scent was allover them, decaying and rotting.I had eaten over fifteen pounds of raw beef since I hadsmelled the body, and thankfully, my beast s appetite was sated.Now was especially notthe time to turn. This is Shirley, my colleague, the Hunter said motioning to the supermodelreclining on my couch. Nice to meet you, I said shaking her hand and feeling her very strong gripnearly overpower my own.She had an otherworldly strength about her, and yet, as Iinhaled her, I couldn t smell anything out of the ordinary except for a heavily laden scentof metal.Smelling like metal could mean anything--she could be a robot (now that sfunny) or she could have a blood disease such as anemia.Yeah, my super smeller candetect diseases and even specify which type of cancer a person has.To be a wolf meansto be a predator and they are well adapted to sniffing out the weak and helpless because itmakes for easier prey.I m not saying it s right, I m just stating fact. Would you like something to drink? I have water, milk, and some tea? I asked,looking at the small beads of sweat that rested on Shirley s temples. No, thank you.Besides, I hate milk, she replied and the Hunter merely shookhis head.I nodded quietly and sat down in the awkward silence.They were both sittinguncomfortably in the leather sofa, squirming their legs and feeling their skin peel off theleather.I, on the other hand, accustomed to sitting in leather, just smiled knowing that Iwas causing some discomfort to the Hunter.After all, I wasn t here to make his lifeeasier.If he wanted my help, then he shouldn t have been a Hunter. Ms.Morgan, he paused glancing at the stone wolf statue that rested on my glasscoffee table,  May I call you Sophie? Ms.Morgan is fine, I replied now immune to his erotic, deep voice thatreminded me of liquid chocolate.Well, not exactly immune, I was just repeating thathe s a Hunter again and again and that was distracting from the urge to jump him and kisshim all over. Ms.Morgan, then, he said brushing aside the formal refusal of a more friendly LEGEND: THE WOLF Erin Dameron-Hill 41conversation,  I couldn t help but notice your dining room on the way in.Are you aWicca?I smiled and replied,  No.I m a psychic.I can read people and sometimes I cansee the future or the outcome of someone in distress. Is that why Mr.Davis called you in to see the body last night? You mean to see Clyde? Yes. Yeah, that s why he called me in. Did you find anything? he asked carrying the most perfect poker face I had everseen.If he didn t believe in psychics he wasn t showing it.He was absolutely blank.I thought about the question and the word  Anput popped into my head like abad memory.I didn t understand what I thought I had felt or seen there so I wasdefinitely not telling the Hunter my enigmatic vision.Hell, I wasn t going to tell anyonebecause it didn t even make sense to me. Ms.Morgan, he repeated,  did you find anything? No, I said quickly. Nothing at all? No.The spirits weren t talking to me that night. You say spirits talk to you? Well, it really depends.I can t explain it really.Sometimes there are feelingsother times it s like some sort of entity sends me images& I can t really explain it. So you said. You have to use all five of your senses to use the sixth one.I guess that s thebest explanation I can give it. I see, he said sending a glance over at Shirley s notebook, watching her scribbledown every word,  Was that the only reason you were brought there? What do you mean? I asked trying to delay the inevitable Are you a werewolfquestion.I just knew the Hunter was making a list of all of us and checking it twice.There is a lot of money to be had selling the skins of werewolves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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