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.Without realizing what he was doing, Marc reached again for the bloodline—and again found nothing.What was happening to Blake? Jen had never said straight out what she had been made to endure, but she had hinted at a few things, and sometimes her reactions had given away more than her words.It hadn't been pleasant.Death was the kindest fate demons could offer humans or vampires.How long had it been for Blake already? On Earth, in this dimension, only hours had passed.But time was different wherever Blake now was.Jen claimed to have spent ten years on the other side, but she had only been missing in this world for less than a month.Did Blake know that? Marc couldn't remember if he had ever shared that tidbit of information with him.Was he losing hope, or was he clinging to the thought that someone would come for him? That his Sire would come for him.It was what Sires did—wasn't it?"Will you come with me to talk to Simon?"Marc forced himself to look at Kate.Her eyes were still very red, and the black-blue circles around them made her appear older.Grief shortened human lives faster than disease, hunger, or even fear.Unable to hold her gaze, he 95Blurred Bloodlines [2nd in Blurred Trilogy]by Kallystenturned his eyes to Daniel again, and made a half gesture toward him."I should."He couldn't finish.He had been about to say that he had to be there for Daniel, but Blake was his Childe as well.He was more than that, even if they'd never had any use for the words."Marc?" Kate said when he didn't reply.Her hand clasped his arm so tightly that her short nails bit into his skin through his shirt."Please.We have to get him back."He covered her hand with his and nodded."Yes.Let's go."They stood, hands reaching for each other and clasping at once.Marc glanced at Daniel again before leaving, and made the silent promise that he'd be back in time for his awakening.Until Daniel rose as a vampire, there was nothing Marc could do for him.He only wished he hadn't be so scared there wasn't anything he could do for Blake, either.Kate clutched Marc's hand all the way to Simon's room, two floors above his.She didn't know what she would have done if he hadn't been with her.She couldn't imagine not having him at her side when she had already lost Blake.Her own reaction had shocked Kate.She had always prided herself on her strength.She was a soldier, had always been a soldier, and she knew that losing comrades was part of it.She had never lost a lover before, though, and had been wholly unprepared for the pain she felt.As she glanced at Marc's expressionless features, she couldn't help but wonder—how much did he hurt? He wasn't 96Blurred Bloodlines [2nd in Blurred Trilogy]by Kallystenonly Blake's lover; he was also his Sire.They had spent much more time together than Kate had even been alive.Was his pain beyond tears? Or was he waiting to be alone, maybe?She squeezed his hand gently, a reassurance to herself that she wasn't alone, and to him that neither was he.She guided him to Simon's door, and only after she had knocked did she realize that she didn't know what time it was.Maybe Simon was asleep, maybe—The door opened after only seconds and Simon appeared behind it, his clothes as rumpled as his hair.Tear tracks had left his face red, and as she and Marc stepped inside, he scrubbed at his eyes.He didn't look like he had caught much more sleep than she had."You've got to help us," she said.Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat, trying to make it firm again."We have to get him back."Simon walked back to his bed, and he seemed to collapse more than sit.He grabbed a pillow and held it to his chest."I can't."She had heard the same words many times, over the years.Simon was fantastic when it came to using magic, but his fear got the best of him in too many situations, stopping him from reaching his potential."Of course you can," she said, tired but convinced of the truth of her own words."You just need—""I can't," he repeated, and there were tears in his words as well as in his eyes when he looked back and forth between her and Marc."I tried.When you told me he went through, I tried opening the breach back up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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