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. And neither will anyone else, he added with a smile as he placed hishand on Tadd s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Who s going to believe you d go anywhere elsewhen you have me?Tadd laughed as Jack smiled up at him. This story is ridiculous.I hope like hell itdoesn t affect my ability to keep working with the youth groups. Oh, surely not, Jack said. You love mentoring those kids. But he d dropped hisvoice, and there was pain in the statement.It was entirely possible that Tadd could beseparated from work that he loved and that he thought was important.Davis left the doorway and went over to the desk, standing next to Tadd.He pattedhim on the arm. I m so sorry. It s not your fault, Tadd said, reaching over and squeezing Davis s hand. Self Preservation 71 I&  Christ, me and my evil minions have really done it now.The poor guy does allthis charity work, and I come along and cut him off at the knees for it.Tadd sat back down in his chair, and Jack knelt next to him as they looked over themonitor. I m going to sue the pants off this bastard, Tadd said, pointing at the picture. Baby, you do look a little worse for the wear, Jack said, smiling It was a vacation, for Christ s sake.I was visiting some friends.Jack looked back at the computer and began reading the gossip blog out loud.  Sourcessay this beefy media darling & he got that part right. Jack leaned over and gave Tadd a peckon the cheek.Tadd laughed at Jack s obvious yet sweet attempt to diffuse the mood, but he took upthe reading where Jack had left off.  Vacationing in Palm Springs two years ago where heallegedly hired a well-known male escort for a raunchy evening of sex, drugs, anddebauchery! Bad, bad, evil minions, Davis thought. It s disgusting, Tadd sneered. I have no clue who that guy is, but I damn well didn thave sex with him, paid or otherwise.All I did was go to that party with my friends.I sure ashell never took any drugs.I don t do drugs.I never have.Jack winked at him. My big, hunky Boy Scout.Jack s presence and lighthearted flirting began to ease Tadd s frustration as he lookedover the picture. I don t even know where this prick got the picture. It s not really that big a deal, is it? Davis asked. You don t know what it s like being in the public eye, Davis.You have to be perfect,and I ve always done my best to put good back out there.I want to be a role model for gayteens, show them they could be out and still live a very full, successful, and respectful life. And that s really great, Tadd. Davis began to fidget. I m sure no one is going to lendthis any credibility. I can t believe the newspaper actually ran a story based on this, baby. All they said in the article was that the blogger alleged it. Tadd shook his head,looking over at the paper. The article never says that the paper itself lends it anycredibility.Davis watched Jack look lovingly at Tadd. That s shady as hell. Davis closed his eyesas they kissed, completely pissed that merely an hour before he d been holding hands withJack.Guilt swept over him for thinking about himself, especially considering it was probablyhis fault that Tadd was even in this situation. I m calling a media conference right now, Tadd said decisively. Let s put an end tothis here and now. 72 Ethan Day* * * * *Tadd sat a long conference table with a group of microphones placed in front of him.His attorneys flanked him right and left.Reporters peppered them with questions, and Davisfound himself astonished by Tadd s discipline as he answered each insulting, prying querycalmly and concisely.Another two men sat at the table, friends who d accompanied Tadd onthe trip and who were there to support him and to confirm the events.Davis felt wretched;he wouldn t wish this on someone he hated, and he certainly didn t hate Tadd.He wished hecould be that kind of person, but it just wasn t in him.Tadd was good people.The bloggerhad named the prostitute, and Tadd s lawyers had tracked the guy down and gotten a swornstatement from the man that none of the allegations were true.Davis reached into Jack s pocket and took out his cell phone.Jack turned, feeling thehand in his pocket, and smiled.He nodded his head as Davis slipped through the glass doorinto the hallway with the phone.He flipped it open, punched in the numbers, and placed itup to his ear.Tapping his foot and placing his hand on his hip, he waited as it rang. Hello, Deseree Wildwood. It s me, he whispered. I had nothing to do with it, so don t even start. Then who the hell did? Davis asked. What am I, psychic? she asked. How the hell would I know? You don t think& ? What? Alex? Davis asked. Well, he was there when we overheard the conversation. No& like he d really care what happens here. You re probably right. This is so unfair, Davis said, feeling relieved that he wasn t to blame after all.Heturned and saw Jack watching him from inside the conference room.He smiled and waved,and Jack smiled back. We had a great lunch.I really felt like something was getting ready tohappen and then this shit.I don t know what else to do. I did have one thought [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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