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.Johnnywas the manager and muscle behind the establishment.Buthe wasn't the money or the brains.That was Tuco's domain.255 Lady Gallantby Gini Rifkin"Tell your boss that I'd like to buy him a drink," Garrickoffered amiably."Mr.Tuco, he ain't up yet.""I don't believe it," Garrick jibed."He's too much theadventurer and mercenary to sleep-in.He'd be afraidsomething important might happen without him."A dark-skinned little man materialized at Garrick's side."You know me too well," Tuco said.His broad smile wasconspiratorial, and his limpid brown eyes were alert butfriendly.Besides owning Pasha Johnny's, Tuco found delightin keeping the local hearsay bubbling and brewing.He wasalso the most notorious go-between in the lawless territorywest of Serasker Pasha Tower."I will have my usual," Tuco said, to Johnny."Make it a coffee for me," Garrick put in.That was the firsttime he'd ever turned down hair-of-the-dog.He shrugged.Itwas probably best to keep a clear head.The bartender delivered their drinks then at Tuco's nod,the man discretely wandered off."Anything new regarding who's running the show aroundhere?" Garrick asked."It is written on this paper," Tuco said, as he slid a scrap ofparchment across the bar to Garrick."Remember theinformation did not pass my lips."Garrick's eyes widened as he read the names."Is yoursource reliable?""It is hard to say.""Then it is hard to pay," Garrick negotiated."Verify the information first," Tuco offered."I trust you."256 Lady Gallantby Gini Rifkin"A generous offer," Garrick said."And a safe one.I know where you live." The little manchuckled."Besides, the fee is double if not paid at time ofservices rendered."Tuco was a scoundrel, but an open-faced one."Your record at the track is good enough for me," Garricksaid."I'll pay now." He laid down the usual fee on top of thebar.Tuco glided his palm across the coins, and theydisappeared as if by sleight of hand.They talked a few more moments in general termsregarding general topics then the Turk favored him with astilted bow indicating their conference was at an end.Garrick returned the gesture of respect, gulped down thelast of the dark Turkish coffee, and took his leave.Excitement wound through him like a living entity.If thisinformation proved true, he had an exclusive that would setParliament on its ear.He'd best send a telegram to Shamusand have him confirm the details in London.Meanwhile he'dinvestigate the two people here who were supposedlyinvolved.As he walked, a chill crept across his shoulders.He haltedand turned around.Was he being followed? The onlyoccupants on the otherwise deserted street were a three-legged dog and an old lady toting a laundry basket.Everything appeared normal and above suspicion, but he'dbeen around long enough to trust his gut instinct rather thanhis eyes.In Turkey, there were dangers greater than enemybullets.257 Lady Gallantby Gini RifkinShaking off the ominous feeling, he boarded a transportbound for Scutari.Why was he so edgy? He should havegotten a real drink at Pasha Johnny's, but he'd promisedhimself to cut down on the hard liquor.Besides, after lastnight, a drink would probably put him under.Visions of Josie elbowed aside his concerns, and he smiled.It was a miracle he had enough energy left for anythingbesides twelve hours of sleep.It had taken all his will powerto leave Josie this morning.If only they could run awaytogether and forget the grim nightmare that surroundedthem.But regardless of what he felt or wanted, he knewnothing could stop the reality of the war.At least not forlonger than one night at a time.As the little passenger barge made port, a soberingquestion commanded all his attention.Was the war the onlyreason that he and Josie were together? Was it only theconfusion of the times that made them seek comfort andshelter in one another's arms? What would happen when thewar was over? Would Josie's need for him fade away with theecho of the last rifle shot? No it couldn't be.What hadhappened between them last night was more than just thedesperate uniting of two wounded souls trying to survive.Atleast he thought it had been.He ran his tongue across his lips and tried to find alingering taste of her.He couldn't and was almost glad.Hehad no business wanting to keep a part of her, no businessthinking they could belong to one another.It seemed clearthat she expected no strings attached to their relationship.Just for tonight.That's what she'd said.But he couldn't forget258 Lady Gallantby Gini Rifkinthe feel of her body beneath his.He couldn't erase from hismind how it felt to be inside of her, and how her shudderingclimax had delivered him to a world he yearned to visit again.Leaving the dock he headed for the telegraph office.As hewalked, erotic images of Josie blurred through his mind.Never in his life had he been so consumed by passion.Hechuckled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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