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."Did you have a good weekend?""Yes, sir," Alex whispers."How was how was yours.?""Fine." Gavin pulls away and plants a hand in the center of Alex's back, pushing him not toogently down to all fours.He guides Alex into position back straight, arms straight, kneesspread apart slightly and then reaches up, sliding his fingers into Alex's hair and pulling hishead back as far as the collar allows.It's far enough Alex can see himself in the mirror, withGavin behind him.Gavin's shadowed just a little, and his eyes are narrowed and dark.He reaches behind Alex withhis free hand and presses down hard on the plug; Alex groans."You were so distracted gettingthis into you that you didn't even notice I was watching," he murmurs."I'm sorry, sir ""Don't be.It was hot.I liked how intent you were on following orders." He eases up on the plugfor a minute, then tilts his head slightly."Unless it was the plug itself that was getting you off somuch." This time when he rocks the plug in, his fingers move down, brushing against Alex'sballs.Alex gasps, hands curling into fists."Which was it?"Alex whimpers; Gavin wants him to talk now? "I you orders, sir," he pants, flattening hishands out again; he's not going to be able to hold himself up for long with his hands clenched."Sir, please, please ""You're so fucking easy," Gavin growls, easing up on the plug again."You don't need much, doyou? You just need someone to tell you what to do." He runs his hand over Alex's ass, and Alextries pushing back against that touch before Gavin's grip stops him."That's what gets you offhardest.Having somebody else take over."He'd nod if he could, but he's still caught in Gavin's grip, and instead all he can do is look back atGavin, try to meet Gavin's eyes, try to say yes without actually forcing the word out.Gavinsmirks at him again God, he's in such a good mood this morning; Alex doesn't know why, buthe's glad and rests his hand against Alex's ass, warm and promising."I want to hurt you," Gavin murmurs."I want to strap you until you're red all over, and then fuckyou until you scream for me.""Ahhh God, yes yes, sir, please ""But not today," Gavin says, finally letting go of Alex's hair.Alex's head drops down, and helooks down at the floor, breathing hard."Next week I'm going to bruise you.This week I'mgoing to keep you clean for Demetri." Demetri.Alex had, for a moment, forgotten anyone else existed.He shakes his head, trying toclear it, and Gavin runs a hand up his back."What?" Gavin murmurs."No, I I'm sorry, sir, I'd forgotten about Demetri."Gavin growls at that, low and dark, and he grabs Alex by the collar and muscles him over ontohis back.Alex goes with it, eager, easy, and when Gavin pushes his hands up above his head,Alex locks his fingers together and stretches himself into a straight line.Gavin crawls up Alex'sbody no, crawl's the wrong word, he prowls up Alex's body, fully clothed, still in everythingfrom his boots to his leather jacket, and he stops at Alex's chest, straddling him."Last Thursday I had to tell them I wasn't training your mouth," Gavin says.Alex's eyes go wide,and he licks his lips, almost without thinking about it."This week you're going to spend a lot oftime with your mouth anywhere I fucking want it.""Yes," Alex says he's trying to behave, so he doesn't stick his tongue out of his mouth, doesn'ttry to bend himself up, not that the collar would let him go very far, anyway.Be good, be good,he's promising to let you taste him.Gavin reaches down and slips a finger into the O-ring on the front of Alex's collar, pulling himforward just a little."I like how you can make 'yes' sound like begging," he murmurs."Does thatsound good to you? Me using your mouth all week long?""Yes," Alex groans; if the first 'yes' sounded like begging, he hopes this one does, too."Get your mouth open.Put your tongue out."Alex does, mouth opening wide, tongue resting over his lower lip.Gavin lets Alex's collar goand leans over him, rubbing the front of his jeans up against Alex's mouth.Alex moans out loud;the scrape of denim over Gavin's hard-on is one of the most arousing things he's felt since he gothere, and Gavin smells incredible some kind of dark, woodsy soap, clean laundry, and justenough leather from his jacket and his belt to give it an element of danger.Alex can't resistlicking at the outline of Gavin's cock, but he stops when Gavin pulls away."You're such an eager boy.You want to be used so goddamned badly, don't you?" Gavin slideshis legs together, pinning Alex in tighter, and he reaches down and unbuckles his belt, pops thebutton on his fly open and unzips it.He's not wearing anything under his jeans, and Alex's eyesgo even wider."Is this what you want?" Gavin murmurs, running his hand down the length of hiscock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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