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.There was silence while the man did as directed.When he had gone, therewas a distinctshadow over the lovers, which lingered for the best part of the meal.Forbin hadan acute attackof nerves, fearing some technical fault which would allow Colossus to overhearthem in thebedroom.Cleo was in no better state; the sight of the CIA man reminded herthat her desiresmust be subordinated to duty.After the meal he allowed her to help with the clearing-up, then theysettled down side byaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rside on the sofa.Their thighs touched, but Cleo was sadly aware that this wasunintentional.Time passed, and passed quickly.Neither had much idea what they talked about,and Forbin'scovert glances at his watch did nothing to ease matters.He had determined todefer what hementally called "the crunch" until 2200.At that time precisely he stoppedtalking, yawned withmonumental insincerity and looked down at his feet."It's been a long day, darling.Guess we might as well." He clearedhis throat, andcame out with it."Colossus insists we undress in here.We can't enter the roomwearinganything."Cleo quickly took charge."Well, we'd better get on with it.You clear upthe coffeethings--and don't take too long." She got up and started to undress.Forbinhastily collected thecrockery and disappeared into the kitchen.When he returned, Cleo had gone."Don't be long, Charles." Her high, cool voice was impersonal, almostclinical."I'm inbed."Forbin was a riot of emotions.Embarrassment, an almost frantic desire toescape fromColossus, a longing to be with Cleo, fatigue, and no sexual urge whatever.Heslowly undressed,threw the last item on the floor, and gazed steadily at the camera."If you're not satisfied, say so right now." He picked up his clothes andplaced them onthe sofa.The T/P clattered.REMOVE THE WATCH"OK, I get it!" snarled Forbin, angered with himself.He slipped his watchoff and tossedit on the sofa and strode into the bedroom without another look at the camera.Anger overcamehis embarrassment and helped him to bed.All he could see of Cleo was her goldenhair on thepillow, face to the wall.He practically fell into bed, reached up and switchedout the light, andwas staggered by a momentary feeling of gratitude to Colossus for allowing thisrelief.To feelgratitude, however fleeting, for the temporary restoration of a right!For what seemed a long time he lay, stiff and wooden, avoiding contactwith Cleo.Veryslowly a little of the tension ebbed away as he savored the intense pleasure offreedom fromColossus.When tackling Colossus on privacy, he had no idea just how much hereally wouldneed it.Then a soft hand wheedled its way into his unresisting fingers.Timepassed--how much,neither knew.Then quite suddenly, Forbin grasped her hand hard."Thanks, Cleo, for what you've done, and the way you've done it.""Don't be silly." Now she must tell him."Darling," she began slowly, "I hate asking this, but there are things Imust tell you--aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rwould you prefer to have them now, or wait for the morning?"Friendly night overcame his shyness."You know as well as I do, my dear,I'm unlikely tobe the slightest good tonight.To know you are holding up news would make it tentimes worse.Tell me now."She edged closer--their shoulders, thighs touched, a frontier that feltwarm to him, cool toher.He lay still, unspeakably grateful for her presence, but no more."Well, first, Fisher.I'm afraid he has gone crazy, genuinely raving mad.Had what lookedlike a fit in the CPO, recovered and rushed out, shouting.The doctor fears itis a permanentcondition.""Poor Jack! Another victim." So much had happened, was happening, thatForbin feltlittle shock or concern at the news.Cleo placed her head on his shoulder."Don't move, darling,"she pleaded."It's very comforting to me, and perhaps to you--and there's more.""Go on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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