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. Uh those higher demons you said thatthey were after us? Why? She felt a slightshiver pass through her body.Their blackeyes still haunted her.David looked intently at Kara. Not onlyafter us, but after guardian angels ingeneral especially the rookies, sinceyou re easy targets.Kara frowned with curiosity as shewalked.Puffs of red sand escaped her feetas she kept up the pace with David. Sothey were after my mother too.But why? Ithought demons were only after souls like,to eat or something? Well, they do eat them, sort of. Hecombed the top of his hair with his fingers. Lesser demons, like shadow demons devour souls.Souls are a life force.Themore they feed on them, the more powerfulthey become, and it gives them longevity onEarth.Without the souls, they would die.Kara stared at the salt pyramids as sheand David walked passed them.Shereflected on this new information.Whitepuffy clouds ran across a perfect blue sky,shaped like wild animals.An oceanfragrance surrounded them.Kara raised her brow. This place iseven freakier than I could have imagined.Her mind flicked to thoughts of the blackeyed demons. So, what about the blackeyed freaks? Higher demons? As she saidthat, a guardian angel with two starstattooed on his forehead approached them.He smiled, lifted up his hand, and he andDavid high-fived one another.Theyexchanged a few words.The angel pattedDavid on the shoulder, then walked away. So, I see you re a celebrity in Horizon, laughed Kara. Huh? A smile reached David s lips. Right the higher demons.Yeah, they renasty, said David as he lifted up the collarfrom his leather jacket. Can t be too carefulwhen they re around. He gave Kara hiswink du jour.She signed and rolled her eyes. Godyou re so full of yourself.I could slap you!She kicked up some red sand with hershoe. But why were they after us? Afterme?  Cause, you have something they want.Your GA life source is like a thousandregular souls.One guardian angel soul canmake a higher demon almost as powerful asan archangel and trust me, you don t wantthat. David looked away and seemed lostfor words. You said that the higher demons knewwhere we were? That seemed to freakRamiel out a little why s that?  Well, for starters that never happenedto me before.It usually takes hours beforethe higher demons or any demon, cansense us back on Earth.They don t justshow up like that, a few minutes after weshow up.I don t get it& ? He searchedKara s face, with that same puzzledexpression in his face. Don t look at me like that! It s not like Iannounced our arrival or anything.Besides, I m new here! How would I knowanything?David shook his head. I don t know, butit smells bad.Kara felt that was probably true, butthere was nothing she could do about it.This new job came with a lot of unansweredquestions and a lot of new dangers.David raised his eyebrows.His blueeyes glittered. It almost feels likesomeone from the Legion told them. What? But that makes no sense?  It makes perfect sense.And it shappened before. He face hardened. Traitors, working for the demons frominside the Legion.They re fallen angels whogo over to the dark side their heads filledwith a lust for power.Kara stayed where she was, frozen, asher mind strained to process all this newinformation. But why us? Who would dothis to us to me? And why? I can think of someone. David steppedbeside Kara.She saw a flash of anger inhis eyes.She knew exactly who he wasreferring to someone tall and powerfulwho happened to hate David s guts. Benson? No& are you sure?David s tone was sharp. Positive.Thisis his chance to get rid of me for good.It shis payback for what I did to Sarah.If what David was saying was true, thatmeant Benson was going to get her killedas well caught in the crossfire just to get to David.She had just barely escaped withher angel life on their last job.It s just goingto get worse.A part of her felt betrayed,she hadn t done anything to anyone, shehad just died recently.And now her life wasin danger.Another part of her was angrythat someone wanted to hurt David.Shelooked up into his clear blue eyes. So&what do we do?He looked fierce. We get him beforeanything else happens.We ll need proof,obviously, or to catch him in the act.I dlove to see how Gabriel fries his ass! So, should we follow him? asked Kara.David narrowed his eyes. Yeah he llprobably have to rendezvous with thedemons back on Earth.We should find outwhat his next assignment is and follow himthere.He s bound to make contact withthem sooner or later.Images of the higher demons flashedbehind her eyes, she started to feel anxious. But shouldn t we tell Gabriel, orone of the archangels? This is prettyserious, David; shouldn t we tell them?He looked down at the ground. No,they ll just think I m up to somethingbecause of our history.They won t believeme.It s not like I m Mr.Popular with thearchangels or haven t you noticed.And ifBenson finds out somehow, we ll nevercatch him no one can know about this,Kiddo.Kara knew David was right.They dnever believe him, or her.They would haveto do this on their own.They wandered through the twisted rowsof blue tents; watching the ongoingcombats.Operations was full of noises:bursts of combat cries, the clatter of metalon metal and the raised voices of theoracles teaching classes, and thenforgetting what they were supposed toteach.The fragrance of salt drifted in the air.She followed David into the weaponstent.Two guardian angels were makingtheir selection of weapons and looked upas they saw them enter. Yo, Dave! What s up? said the tallerone. We heard about your jump.Awesome! It s spreading all over the legionalready. Don t think Gabriel s too happy aboutthat, laughed the smaller one, as he eyedKara. He s in a really bad mood.You sureyou want to be here right now? he slappedDavid on the arm.David lifted his chin and puffed out hischest. Gabe loves me.He just doesn tknow it.The three young men laughed stupidlywhile hitting one another.To Kara, it waslike watching the end of a winningbasketball game, where all the boys dancedaround excitedly after the match.David, so it seemed, had won the popularity gameDavid versus the archangels.More and more guardian angels stoppedtheir training and came to congratulateDavid on his wild escape.Some evencongratulated Kara.She turned aroundquickly and became very interested in ashort silver dagger.She flicked the bladewith her fingernail.The sound was drownedby sudden loud cheers.She looked backtowards the crowd.She saw David jumpdown from one of the large tables.He wassurrounded by an animated group ofpredominantly male guardian angels.He re-enacted their suicidal plunge off the OldPort.His cronies giggled excitedly, like apack of wild hyenas.He bowed after eachperformance which were many.Kara wondered, Am I really stuck withthis idiot for all eternity? Chapter 9.A traitor among usTime passed in Horizon.From time to timeKara thought about her painting, and aboutthe life she left behind.But now her old lifeseemed insignificant and dull compared withthe busy new life she led now.Every nowand then, when she thought of her mother,the feelings of guilt and homesicknesswould start.But with all she had to learn atcombat training and her new lessons withthe oracles, Kara didn t have time to feelsorry for herself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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