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.Deficiencies of the key fatty acids is a sure invitation to cancer.In fact, some of thefatty acids actually work as immune system modulators that help to keep the immunesystem properly programmed so it doesn't attack itself.A full spectrum antioxidant boosts the immune system in multiple ways.Just one ex-ample is Curcumin.In Immunological Investigations, 1999, Vol 28, Issue 5-6, pp291-303, there are published studies that prove that Curcumin can increase whiteblood cell count by some 50% in just 12 days not to mention circulating antibodiesby some 512 in the same time frame.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors.- 155 -.Let's Talk About CancerCleaning out the liver improves its ability to produce immune factors and removebacteria from the blood.An impaired live is like a death sentence to your immunesystem.Cleaning out the blood and balancing your blood's pH also helps to improve immunefunction.In fact, low pH in body tissue is almost a guarantee for the onset of cancer.Invading pathogens can eventually overwhelm the immune system, rendering it inca-pable of performing its normal protective functions.Your mental attitude matters.There is a strong statistical correlation between depres-sion and cancer.Lack of exercise reduces immune function and causes the lymph to stagnate furthercompromising the immune system.And keep in mind that the ingredients in a single can of soda can depress parts of yourimmune system by as much as 50% for as long as 6 hours or more.So what does thatmean if you drink 4-5 cans of soda a day or more?Again, what at first appears to be overwhelming becomes quite manageable when we view itas part of the whole.3.CirculationBy circulation here, I'm using it in the broadest sense, as it applies to all of the body's circula-tory systems: Blood, Lymph, and Energy.BloodIf there is any restriction of blood circulation (caused by anything from narrowing of the arte-ries to tension in the surrounding muscle tissue) several problems arise.Sufficient oxygen can no longer reach key areas of the body.Oxygen is a cancerdestroyer.Sufficient nutrients can no longer reach that area of the body, thus starving it, weak-ening it, and making it vulnerable to mutation.The waste material produced by the cells can no longer be efficiently removed.Thebuild-up of toxic waste in the cells eventually leads to cancer.LymphYour lymph is your body's sewer system, removing dead cells, waste, toxic matter,heavy metals, bacteria, etc.from body tissue.Unfortunately, the lymph system has nopump of its own.If for any reason your lymph is stagnant, you end up poisoningyourself.Cancer is a likely outcome.Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors.- 156 -.Let's Talk About CancerEnergyFundamentally, our bodies are pure energy systems.As you look more and moreclosely at the subatomic structure of all matter, the physical world begins to disap-pear.All that's left is a series of force fields and probabilities that create the illusion ofmatter as we know it.Certainly, we have to deal with this illusion (the physical world)as we see it, but we also have to deal with the consequences of the world of energythat remains unseen but is nevertheless the true reality behind all physical matter.The bottom line is that a major factor in the onset of cancer is when these energies inour body become unbalanced or diminished in any way.And, as we learned in the last chapter, cancer cells are almost exclusively low-energycells.So Where Does That Leave Us?Once we understand what cancer actually is, it's easy to understand:Why medical treatments for cancer have had such dismal resultsWhy most of the current research is a waste of time and moneyAnd most important of all, what you can do to prevent and in many cases even re-verse cancer.So let's take on these points one at a time1.Why medical treatments for cancerhave had such dismal resultsThis is real obvious.Medical treatments are based entirely on eliminating the symptoms (ormanifestation) of the cancer in your body.They do nothing to eliminate the causes of cancer toremove those things that stimulate it's growth in the body.Think about this for a moment.Does surgery or radiation treatment or chemotherapy do onesingle thing for any of the causes that we have discussed in the previous sections? And the an-swer, of course, is zero, zilch, nada, nothing.All they do is attempt to remove the symptom (thephysical manifestation of the cancer) that results from these causes.Is it any wonder they havehad such a poor track record? And on top of everything else, now that we know the causes ofcancer, we can see that radiation and chemo actually significantly compound the problem.Exposure to radiation is a known carcinogen.Every treatment increases the likelihoodof future cancer.Chemo drugs are some of the most power carcinogens known.Think about this for amoment.The prime cancer treatment we use today actually fills your body with someof the most powerful cancer-causing drugs known.Whoa! Who came up with thistreatment? The absurdity of it is mind boggling.Even if you temporarily destroy theCopyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, Jon Barron.All Rights Reserved Lessons from the Miracle Doctors.- 157 - [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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