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.Peter nearly came, it was so beautiful.But he held off, grabbed Arvel's ass in both hands, and began to thrust,pushing his lover against the wall, using it to keep them both upright.Arvel tookPeter's head in both his hands and stared into his eyes, searching, hunting forsomething deep inside. So good, pet.Arvel smiled and closed his eyes and offered Peter his throat.It was a slendercolumn, much like his cock, light skinned, so transparent Peter could see the faintveins underneath and the large one that carried his life's blood.Peter lowered his head and bit, nipping at Arvel's throat.Clinging to it, hesucked up a mark for Gareth to see.He'd know Peter had fucked Arvel while he wasgone, know that Arvel had come to him, not waited for Gareth.That thought made Peter slam hard into Arvel's ass, pumping his cock inagain and again, each time deeper than the next, searching for that sweet bumpthat would send Arvel over the edge of the chasm and take Peter with him.Peter angled his hips and thrust, impaling Arvel.Arvel bucked, arched, andsucked in a huge breath, telling Peter with his body that Peter had found the spot.Another shudder took Arvel's body, and he spouted, white ropes painting hisbelly, smearing between them as their bodies rocked and pressed.God, it was sobreathtaking.Peter's stones rose tight to his body, and with a cry Peter erupted, fillingArvel's tight channel.They clung to each other as their breath returned, and Peterslid from Arvel's hot inner grasp.Peter lowered him to the ground as Arvel held on,arms snaked around Peter's neck. 96 Lynn LorenzHe nuzzled, his lips pressing kisses on Peter's throat.He stepped away andsmiled as he placed his hand, two fingers out, on his heart, then covered Peter's.Peter returned the gesture as they gazed at each other in the dim light of the closedstable. Gareth should return soon, Peter said.Arvel grinned and nodded.He quickly found his linens, wiped off his belly,pulled them on, and tied them.He put the brush back on the ledge of the stall.Peter fastened his clothing, setting it all to right.Taking Arvel's hand, Peter slid open the door and came face-to-face withGareth.And he didn't look happy. In the Company of Men: Silent Lodge 97Chapter Fourteen Arvel, pet, go inside. Gareth's gaze never left Peter's.Arvel frowned, but hemotioned to the horse. Nay, I'll see to him.Go on, go. With a gentle push, heushered Arvel out of the door and then shut it.Peter refused to back down from this contest of wills.He'd done nothing wrong.Arvel had offered himself willingly. Did your journey to the village go well? Peter asked. Aye, it did. He motioned to the sacks strapped to the back of his saddle. Help me with these.Peter moved to the other side of the horse, and as the leather thongs werereleased, he caught the sacks and lowered them to the ground. Flour and grains. Peter leaned against the horse's flank, never breaking eyecontact with Gareth.The man might be larger than he, but he was a soldier also,and well skilled in the ways of a warrior.If it came to a fight, he'd give a good showing.Gareth loosened the last strap and heaved the sack to the ground.As hestraightened, he narrowed his eyes at Peter. If you have something to say, say it. Peter cocked an eyebrow at him.Gareth's jaw worked. I can't be concerned about Arvel each time I leave himwith you. You don't have to be.He's in good hands with me.I promise. Too good, I fear. For a moment, fear flashed across Gareth's face and it tookPeter aback. 98 Lynn Lorenz You fear me? Peter snorted. You, who holds Arvel's heart in his hand? Do I? Gareth broke their connection as he turned away. You took him whileI was gone, didn't you? Aye.He offered. Peter saw no reason to lie. Are we not to share? Iunderstood it to be so.If not, just let me know and I will make my bed elsewhere.Gareth shook his head as if he didn't believe Peter. You would give him up? Now Gareth pinned him again with a hard glare asif trying to see the truth buried deep inside Peter. Arvel doesn't own my heart, Gareth. Peter smiled. He is lovely, aye.But I donot love him, nor does he love me. He wants you. Gareth jerked at the cinch to loosen it. Aye.But wanting isn't loving.That much I do know. Aye, it's not. He pulled off the saddle and slung it over the side of the stall. Ishouldn't be jealous, I know it, but I fear to lose him. His eyes darkened as he ranthe brush over his mount's side. It would be a loss too great to bear. I know well of such a loss. Peter picked up another brush and worked hisside of the animal. My wife died recently. Your wife? Gareth froze, brush in the air. A marriage of convenience? No, I loved her.She died in childbirth. Peter continued brushing, this timeavoiding Gareth's gaze. Indeed.I'm sorry for your loss, both the wife and child. He worked for a fewminutes, then broke what had become a comfortable silence. You haven't alwaysfelt an attraction to men? Nay.Aye.I'm not sure. Peter shook his head and smiled. As a youth, I hadoften thought about men but never took action.And when I met my wife, thosethoughts vanished. Love, eh? Love at first sight, just as all the poets and singers tell of. In the Company of Men: Silent Lodge 99 Was she beautiful? Beautiful and kind.I could speak to her about anything. Peter gazed into thedark corner of the stable. We'd discuss matters for hours in the evening beforegoing to our bed. I'm not much for conversation. Gareth shrugged. No surprise.You've chosen a deaf-mute for a lover. Peter chuckled. Oh, but Arvel can talk! You should see him when he has much to say.Allhands and arms and those eyes. Gareth laughed, and Peter could see the warmth,the love the big man felt for their caretaker. Aye, I have seen him in such a way. Peter put down the brush and steppedback as Gareth led the animal to its stall.After securing the gate, he returned toPeter's side. Peter, if Arvel is willing, I will abide by his choice.He is free to be with whohe wants.If it's you or me or both. Well and good. Peter headed to the door of the stable. And if you wish to bealone with him, let me know.I'm sure there is something I can find to occupy mytime. Peter paused [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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