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.Was the man psychic and reading her thoughts? Until now, the timethat they had spent together was solely between the two of them, and now that the opportunity waspresenting itself, and in such an intimate setting, she wasn t sure.Yet, she knew that it was now or never.She and James were way beyond a casual relationship.After taking a deep breath, she said,  Iwould love to.What time should I be there? Anytime that you want, but we normally have dinner around six thirty or seven.That time would work well for her.It would give her time to get off work and run the few errandsthat she would need to. I will join you all for dinner on Friday, but on one condition.He paused. And that is?She smiled at his hesitance. That you let me cook dinner. Only if you let me pay for it.She laughed, knowing that the deal wasn t going to get any better than that. In that case, we have a deal, and I will be there.They talked a little bit longer until she yawned.He made her get off the phone knowing that she hadto get up early.She told him good night then disconnected the call.As she lay there, she now knewwhy her sisters didn t mind being tired.With a man like James around, she was willing to drink anextra cup of coffee or two if that was what she needed to make it through the day.As it turned out,she didn t need any coffee.The idea of having dinner with the Feldons was enough to keep hergoing for the next two days.* * * *When the bell rang signaling the end of class for the day, she wished everyone a good weekendbefore turning to erase the chalkboard.Jamie stuck her head into her classroom a moment later. Ms.Smith, I need to run to my locker.She nodded at Jamie. Okay.When you get finished, meet me at my car.I am in my usual spot. I will meet you there, Jamie stated and left the room.She turned back to the chalkboard and continued erasing it.Tonight was the big night, and she andJamie were going grocery shopping prior to heading to the Feldons house.She d volunteered tobring Jamie home since they were already in the same location.That would give James more time topick up the other kids and get them settled.She finished straightening up the room then gathered upher bag and heading to the front office to sign out.Jamie was standing by the car waiting on her, andshe hit the unlock button allowing Jamie to enter her car.The teenager was all smiles by the timeKayla got into the car. What are you grinning about?Jamie shrugged her shoulders. I am just excited that you are coming over for dinner tonight. Kayla started the car and drove out of the parking lot. So am I.They pulled in front of the grocery store.She pulled the grocery list out of her purse and tore it inhalf.Giving the bottom half to Jamie, she kept the top half for herself. You take that list, and find everything.Then we will meet by the sour cream.Jamie nodded, and they went into the grocery store.It didn t take her long to find everything on herlist, and she and Jamie walked over to the sour cream at the same time. I found everything on my list.Her jaw dropped at the amount of food that Jamie had in her basket. Good Lord, girl, how manypeople are we feeding?Jamie laughed. Don t forget, Ms.Smith, you are feeding seven people.She looked at her own basket.It definitely wouldn t be enough to feed seven people.She had neverneeded to feed so many, but she was up for the challenge.Looking back up at Jamie, she smiled. Maybe I need to go back and pick up extra.Jamie looked inside of Kayla s basket. I would say yes to that.She picked up a family size container of sour cream before heading back down the aisles that she djust came from.When they were both satisfied that they had enough food, they made their way forthe check out.By the time they made it to the Feldons house, the kids were in a high state ofexcitement.Jana and Jenna sprinted off the porch and made their way to the car animatedly.Thegirls embraced her eagerly, then grabbed a bag, and headed inside the house.Kayla s breath caught in her chest when James appeared.He walked toward her and gave her a briefkiss on the lips while taking the bags out of her hand.He walked over to Jamie, and gave her a kisson the forehead.She relinquished her hold on the groceries bags when he took them out of herhands.He led the way to the house.Dennis embraced Kayla warmly as he stepped aside. You are looking good, Mr.Feldon.James laughed. Don t tell him that.His ego is already big enough.At that moment, Jana came around the corner holding Josh.Kayla felt her heart melt.He was soadorable and a miniature version of his father.Josh stared up at her shyly for a moment beforereaching out for her.She took him into her arms, happiness surging though her.It had taken him longer to warm up toher last time. Hi, Josh.He gave her a shy smile. Hi.James continued toward the kitchen, and everyone followed him.  What are we having for dinner, Ms.Smith? Jenna asked as she bounced happily in one spot.Kayla turned to look at all three girls. Well, first I would like it a lot better if you call me Kayla.School ended a few hours ago, and we are at home.Secondly, we are having what I call nacho layerdip.A cheer went up around the kitchen, and James shook his head as he unloaded the grocery bags. Did I give you enough money?She nodded. You even have some change. Can we help?She looked at Jana. Everyone can help after I get the meat ready.Jana was the quietest of the Feldon kids.Kayla could tell that the child was extremely shy butintuitive.In the short amount of time that she d known Jana, she knew that one way to get her toopen up was to talk about math or astronomy.Either subject brought Jana out of her shell andquickly.Giving Josh a kiss on the cheek, she put him down. Even you, Josh.He made his way to the table as quickly as his little legs could carry him, and Jamie put him in hishigh chair. What all do you need? James asked as he looked over at her.She told him, and he gave her everything she needed.When she d come up with the idea to cookdinner, she d asked him about any food allergies that the kids might have.She was happy to hearthat they didn t have any.A few moments later, the kitchen was starting to smell good from theseasoned ground beef.She was surprised at how at home she felt.So much so, that she was actuallywalking around the kitchen barefoot.When she had the ground beef ready, she put it in thecasserole dish and set it aside. How are the refried beans coming along, Jamie?The microwave dinged giving her the answer that she needed.Jamie brought the beans over and satthem on the counter before stirring them. What do I do now?Kayla handed Jamie a spatula. Spread the beans over the meat.Jamie did what she said then moved back.Kayla motioned Jana closer. Okay, Jana, we are ready forthe cheese [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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