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.Communi-cating is the broader subject and involves a substantial body of knowledge that is notunique to the project context.For example:" Sender-receiver models feedback loops, barriers to communications, etc." Choice of media when to communicate in writing versus when to communi-cate orally, when to write an informal memo versus when to write a formal re-port, etc." Writing style active versus passive voice, sentence structure, word choice, etc." Presentation techniques body language, design of visual aids, etc." Meeting management techniques preparing an agenda, dealing with conflict,etc.©1996 Project Management Institute, 130 South State Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082 USA103 FIGURE 10 1 A GUIDE TO THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGEFigure 10 1.Project Communications Management OverviewProject CommunicationsManagement10.1 10.2Communications Planning Information Distribution.1 Inputs.1 Inputs.3.1 Communications.3.1 Work results.3.1 requirements.3.2 Communications.3.2 Communications.3.2 management plan.3.2 technology.3.3 Project plan.3.3 Contraints.2 Tools and Techniques.3.4 Assumptions.3.1 Communications skills.2 Tools and Techniques.3.2 Information retrieval.3.1 Stakeholder analysis.3.2 systems.3 Outputs.3.3 Information distribution.3.1 Communications.3.3 systems.3.1 management plan.3 Outputs.3.1 Project records10.3 10.4Performance Reporting Administrative Closure.1 Inputs.1 Inputs.3.1 Project plan.3.1 Performance measurement.3.2 Work results.3.1 documentation.3.3 Other project records.3.2 Documentation of the.2 Tools and Techniques.3.2 product of the project.3.1 Performance reviews.3.3 Other project records.3.2 Variance analysis.2 Tools and Techniques.3.3 Trend analysis.3.1 Performance reporting.3.4 Earned value analysis.3.1 tools and techniques.3.5 Information distribution.3 Outputs.3.5 tools and techniques.3.1 Project archives.3 Outputs.3.2 Formal acceptance.3.1 Performance reports.3.3 Lessons learned.3.2 Change requests©1996 Project Management Institute, 130 South State Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082 USA104 PROJECT COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS PLANNINGCommunications planning involves determining the information and communicationsneeds of the stakeholders: who needs what information, when will they need it, andhow will it be given to them.While all projects share the need to communicate projectinformation, the informational needs and the methods of distribution vary widely.Iden-tifying the informational needs of the stakeholders and determining a suitable means ofmeeting those needs is an important factor for project success.On most projects, the majority of communications planning is done as part of theearliest project phases.However, the results of this process should be reviewed regu-larly throughout the project and revised as needed to ensure continued applicability.Communications planning is often tightly linked with organizational planning(described in Section 9.1) since the project s organizational structure will have a ma-jor effect on the project s communications requirements.Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs.1 Communications.1 Stakeholder analysis.1 Communicationsrequirements management plan.2 Communicationstechnology.3 Constraints.4 Assumptions10.1.1 Inputs to Communications Planning.1 Communications requirements.Communications requirements are the sum of theinformation requirements of the project stakeholders.Requirements are defined bycombining the type and format of information required with an analysis of the val-ue of that information.Project resources should be expended only on communicat-ing information which contributes to success or where lack of communication canlead to failure.Information typically required to determine project communicationsrequirements includes:" Project organization and stakeholder responsibility relationships." Disciplines, departments, and specialties involved in the project." Logistics of how many individuals will be involved with the project and atwhich locations." External information needs (e.g., communicating with the media).2 Communications technology.The technologies or methods used to transfer infor-mation back and forth among project elements can vary significantly: from briefconversations to extended meetings, from simple written documents to immediate-ly accessible on-line schedules and databases [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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