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.Smith had found the preliminary results disturbing, to say the least.It was a matter of fact; Judith White would want more than mere survival.Much more.She wouldn't rest until her species dominated the world.And one of the two men who represented the last, best hope for humanity had already fallen victim to her.In a phone conversation earlier in the evening, Chiun had assured the CUREdirector that Remo's physical wounds were healing.But there were deeper cuts than these.The topic of Remo's potential psychological wounds was left undiscussed by both Smith and the Master of Sinanju.Smith turned abruptly away from his desk-away from the technology that had failed him.He spun to the picture window.As he stared out across the endless black waters of Long Island Sound, he saw no lights above the waves.Only the blackness of eternity-Mankind was alone.And in the claustrophobic darkness of his lonely, spartan office, Harold W.Smith prayed that Remo was up to the challenge that lay ahead.For humanity's sake.Chapter 25"I feel fine," Remo groused, for what seemed like the millionth time in the past forty-eight hours."You look pale," Chiun told him."I'm not sick," Remo insisted."I was commenting on the ghostly pigmentation natural to white skin, and not on your state of health," the Master of Sinanju droned."Honestly, Remo, I did Page 81ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlnot notice until the last two days how amazingly white you are.Is it possible you are the whitest white man on Earth?""Last I checked, it was still Pat Boone," Remo grumbled.The insults had started dribbling out slowly that morning.By noon, they were a flood.At first, he had welcomed the normalcy.For Chiun to stop doting and start insulting proved that Remo was well on the road to full recovery.But that was hours ago.Right around now, the Master of Sinanju's abuse was beginning to grate on him.As they drove slowly through the streets of Lexington, Remo tried to ignore the tenderness in his shoulder.His Sinanju-trained body healed much faster than that of a normal man, but the wounds Judith White inflicted had been deep.When they returned home after leaving BostonBio two days before, Chiun had stripped the cotton gauze away from Remo's lacerations.For the first time, Remo noticed the white bone of his clavicle peeking out through the deepest center gouges.The bone was coated with a watery pink film.The dressing Chiun had applied to the brutal gashes smelled worse than a used diaper, but had obviously done the trick.Flexing the muscle, Remo felt a tightness to his skin around the area where Judith's claws had raked.The tightness became more noticeable every time he turned the steering wheel on their aimless ride through the dark streets of Lexington.Beside Remo, the Master of Sinanju gazed into the dull yellow glow cast by a streetlamp.Insects that did not yet know summer was over fluttered lazily around the light."What are we doing?" Chiun queried abruptly.Remo was staring at the shadows beyond the windshield."Twenty, twenty-five," he replied absently.Chiun turned from the window, allowing the streetlight to slip into their wake."I was not asking our speed," he said with bland irritation.His tone shook Remo from his thoughts.He glanced at Chiun."You know what we're doing," he said tightly."Pretend I do not."Remo allowed a perturbed exhale to escape his thin lips."We're looking for her.""Ah." Chiun nodded.The ensuing silence lasted but a moment."Her who?""Judith White, " Remo snapped."We're looking for Judith White, okay? Jeez."The tension made his shoulder ache."I see," Chiun said, as if finally realizing the point of their quest."Forgive me for pressing, Remo, but I thought briefly that you might be on yet another futile search for your dream female.You can understand why I would not want to be in this vehicle while you violate local harlotry ordinances."Alert eyes locked on empty shadows."What makes you believe this creature is nearby?""Smith said the last body turned up here.Some college kid going to work this morning.""But did not Smith also say the previous victim of this iniquitous thing was found miles from here?" "Waltham." Remo nodded."It's the next town over.""Then why are we looking here and not there? Or for that matter, in another hamlet altogether?""I don't know," Remo replied, gripping the wheel in frustration."But it beats sitting around doing nothing.""You are sitting now," Chiun pointed out.When he turned to the Master of Sinanju, the shadows cast on Remo's cruel face were ominous [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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