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.They re fur-lined but made of steel, attached to chains, soldered into steel supports behind the headboard, and anchoredinto the studs in the wall.In other words, she wasn t going anywhere until he was good and ready to let her go.Panic surged ahead of fury.But a fresh curl of arousalwasn t far behind.From the moment they d met, Hunter had been trying to control her verbally, sexually.But now he was getting really serious.Manacles and chains and steel.Oh my. I m not ready for this, she choked. Your body is.It s your mind that s fighting.We re going to get past that.And you ve earned these punishments. So you ve chained me to the bed and you re going to, what? Refuse to give me an orgasm? The thought only made her crave it more. Every hour on the hour, until you cooperate.Just like I promised.Oh, God.She already wanted him so badly, she was about to crawl out of her skin.How desperately would she need him by then? She didn tlike being controlled this way.She didn t like being controlled, period. Piss off. If that s what you want. Hunter leaned over her, supporting his weight on his elbows. Or you can learn some compliance.Then you ll find I canbe as accommodating as hell.Kata felt the lethal spread of his chest over hers, his steely six-pack pressing into her belly.He nudged an erection of killer proportions betweenher spread thighs.Her clit burned with arousal.When she tried to close her legs and squeeze her thighs together, she found them tethered, too.A gasp slipped from her lips.Her helplessness excited her even more.God, why did she find that so damn sexy?Above her he smiled, a flash of disconcerting white in the near darkness. Yes, your ankles are manacled, too, attached to chains, set intitanium supports under the floorboards.I helped Logan install them, so I know. You plan to keep me tied up until I give in? Her pussy clenched at the thought. Nope.I want to make defiance unpleasant, but I don t get off on forcing a woman to do anything.Once the punishment is over, I ll release you.But since this all started with your refusal to cooperate, you can end it now by  You mean my refusal to roll over and play dead? she snapped.Granted, she wasn t making a strong case for that orgasm she craved, but his I m-all-big-and-bad routine, along with his mastery of her body,scared the crap out of her.This power-trip, steamroller shit was beginning to remind her too much of Gordon.If she gave an inch now, Hunterwould take a hundred miles later. I want a submissive woman, not a well-trained dog.And my attempt to go slow and put you at ease is getting us nowhere. Get the hell o oh!He drowned out her protest by laving her nipple with his tongue in a teasing glide, prodding the hard bud with his thumb.His nip was an electricjolt of pain, teeth to burning flesh, followed by a soothing lick.He paid similar homage to her other breast until both nipples felt swollen, alive withneed.Kata wanted to hold out, throw his seduction back in his face.but she ended up arching to his mouth with another silent plea.Hunter slid down her body, his lips gliding across the sensitive undersides of her breasts, caressing over her rib cage.His tongue dipped intoher navel, swirling around as his humongous hands gripped her hips in a way she could only describe as possessive.Kata swallowed.This  punishment she d supposedly earned felt more like Hunter wanting to overwhelm her senses to prove that he could command her at will.Fear jolted her. Why are you doing this to me?He froze, raised his laser-precise gaze to her. What is it you think I m doing? Trying to show me that you re the man and can bend the little lady to your will, no matter how much you have to trample my independence orself-esteem.You may make me beg for an orgasm because, God knows, you ve figured out exactly how to put my body in the palm of your hand.But in doing so, you re trying to steal my soul.And you can kiss my ass.I m not giving it to you.His brows shot up.He looked affronted, then considering.Finally, concern settled into the sharp angles of his face. Honey, you re still notgetting it.I m not doing this to you.I m doing it for us.We can t really be together until you re honest with me and with yourself.Your body cravesdomination, takes to it like surrender is the most natural thing in the world.It s your head getting in the way.God knows, I ve made myself clearenough that I want to be the man who grants all your fantasies for the rest of your life.But you persist in thinking that I m trying to belittle you andbreak you down, rather than build us up.You couldn t be more wrong.Explain.He punctuated his demand by nuzzling his lips across her low belly, then followed with another nip of teeth.at the same moment he brushedhis fingertips across her clit.The combination of pleasure and pain was nothing short of hypnotic, cajoling.Panic, anger, and fear collided, compounded by this dangerous arousal.Regardless of his little speech, Kata felt overtaken.Hunter had nearlycrushed her free will by hurtling her to the very edge of desire again and again.She bucked, trying to dislodge him.He wasn t moving an inch.Really, she should refuse to bend, keep him in the dark.Except that he was relentless enough to keep her manacled to this bed until she toldhim everything.If he wanted the shitload of 411, that was his stupid mistake. I ll tell you why.Did I ever mention that my mother isn t allowed to choose her own clothing every day? Gordon insists on doing it for her.Hunter s brows shot up, and he shrugged. If they re a Dominant/ submissive couple, that s not uncommon.I don t want a twenty-four/ sevenslave like that, but some Doms  I don t know if he s a Dom.Even if he is, the real problem is that he s an asshole.Every day for the past dozen years he s been telling mymother that she could look better.He started by picking her jewelry, because, according to him, he has an innate talent for such things, which shelacked.Then he started choosing her shoes, then shirts, skirts, pants.Now she doesn t wear a stitch without consulting him because he sconvinced her that she s a train wreck without him.Even in shadow, she saw the concern deepen on Hunter s face. Kata, I  No! How dare he suffer remorse now for pushing her to talk.He wanted this Pandora s box opened, so he d better deal. That was just thebeginning.He cut her off from all her friends, scheduling conflicting events, inventing  crises whenever she had plans to go out.Soon, even thefriends who d stood by her after my dad died, fell by the wayside.So Gordon convinced her that he was a better friend than all of them puttogether.She d had a great career as an OR nurse, but five years ago, she and the surgeon lost a little boy on the operating table.My mom wascrushed.You know what Gordon said? Maybe she wasn t as talented as she d thought, and that everyone would be better served if she stayedhome.She fucking loved that job.Poof, it was gone.He s made her too afraid to pursue getting another.Her driver s license expired, and he sbeen dragging his feet for two years to take her to have it renewed. You re right; he is an asshole, he said softly.Kata paused, stared at him in the dark.It wasn t a line.He sincerely meant that.Somehow, all the jumble of anger, panic, and desire that hadbeen biting her morphed into grief.Tears stung her eyes. Gordon calls all the shots.Since about the time I began driving, Mom hasn t been the same woman I grew up with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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