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.: Ashgate, 2007); Dirk Kohnert,  African Migration to Europe: ObscuredResponsibilities and Common Misconceptions, German Institute of Global and Area Stud-ies Working Paper 49 (May 2007): 5 24.See also BBC News,  Spain in Senegal MigrationDeal, October 11, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/africa/6039624.stm.10.For several news accounts on these fourteen Senegalese Muslim men, see Leslie AnnMurray,  14 Senegalese Men Search for Economic Freedom, New York Amsterdam News, March29 April 2, 2007, 6; Robinson,  Rescue at Sea ; U.S.Customs and Border Patrol Protection, Fourteen Senegalese Refugees Rescued at Sea, http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/news_releases/archives/2007_news_releases/022007/02012007_1.xml; USA Today,  Africans Sea Voyage notes to pages 23 30 251to NYC Ends in Rescue Hundreds of Miles Offshore, February 1, 2007, http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-02-01-africans-at-sea_x.htm; Jeca Taudte,  Fourteen Senegalese Join theExodus to Europe and Beyond, Columbia Journalist, May 7, 2007, http://columbiajournalist.org/article.asp?subj=international&course=The_International_Newsroom&id=1523.11.Gebrewold, Africa and Fortress Europe; Kohnert,  African Migration to Europe,5-24.See also BBC News,  Spain in Senegal Migration deal.12.Vicky Short,  Spain Strengthens Borders against African Refugees, World Socialist,June 2, 1999, http://www.wsws.org.13.Ibid.14.Ibid.15.A CNN quote is instructive:  More than 38,000 people have made the perilousjourney across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia to Yemen during the first 10 months of thisyear, a  considerable increase from the 29,500 who made the same journey during the wholeof last year, UNHCR [U.N.High Commissioner for Refugees] said Tuesday. See CNN.com,  African Refugee Situation Getting Worse, U.N.Says, November 4, 2008, http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/11/04/un.refugees.africa/index.html.16.Emma Daly,  African Refugees Are Rescued after 2-Week Ordeal, New York Times,February 22, 2003, http://www.nytimes.com.17.Graham Keeley and Robert Hooper,  Grim Toll of African Refugees Mounts onSpanish Beaches, Guardian, July 13, 2008, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/13/spain/print.18.CNN.com,  African Refugee Situation Getting Worse.19.Kohnert,  African Migration to Europe, 13.Pirogues is a word from the local dia-lect.They are called cayucos in Spanish.20.Keeley and Hooper,  Grim Toll of African Refugees.21.Kohnert,  African Migration to Europe, 12.See also BBS News,  Key Facts: Africato Europe Migration, July 2, 2007, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6228236.stm.Thecost ranges between one thousand and sixteen thousand euros, depending on the point ofdeparture and the destination, but this is obviously an extremely dangerous way to travel.22.Qur an 2:156.23.Meg Bortin,  Desperate Voyage, Destination Spain: For Young African, RisksSeem Worth It, International Herald Tribune, May 31, 2006, http://www.iht.com/arti-cles/2006/05/28/news/senegal.php.24.Ibid.25.Manthia Diawara, We Won t Budge: A Malaria Memoir (New York: Basic CivitasBooks, 2003), 169.26.BBC News,  In Pictures: Immigrant Boats, September 11, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/5335062.stm.27.Tidiane Sy,  Mother s Battle against Senegal Migration, BBC News, November 6,2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6109736.stm.28.Nicolas van de Walle, Nicole Ball, and Vijaya Ramachandram, eds., Beyond Struc-tural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African Development (New York: PalgraveMacmillan, 2003).29.The phrase heading each chapter of the Qur an is  Bismillah ar-rahman ar-raheem( In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate ).The English translation of theseterms misses the important nuances alluded to in the text. 252 notes to pages 30 5030.The Qur an states,  Reverence God, through whom you demand yourmutual rights, and reverence the wombs that bore you.Verily God is always watchingover you (4:1).31.Paul Stoller, Money Has No Smell: The Africanization of New York City (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2002), 28.32.For a discussion of the Magal and its meaning, see Christian Coulon,  The GrandMagal in Touba: A Religious Festival of the Mouride Brotherhood of Senegal, AfricanAffairs 98 (1999): 195 210.33.Manthia Diawara, In Search of Africa (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1998), 99 100.34.BBC News,  Key Facts.35.For enslaved Africans in early America, the Middle Passage the transatlantic slavetrade linking Africa with the New World was considered a bridge back home.There was abelief that upon death, the African soul would fly back to Africa along this bridge.See CarlPedersen,  Sea Change: The Middle Passage and the Transatlantic Imagination, in WernerSollors and Maria Diedrich, eds., The Black Columbiad: Defining Moments in African AmericanLiterature and Culture (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994).36.Diawara, We Won t Budge, 226.37.Ibid., 228.38 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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