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.Congress between a man and a female water carrier, or a female servant of a caste lowerthan his own, lasting only until the desire is satisfied, is called `congress like that ofeunuchs'.Here external touches, kisses, and manipulation are not to be employed.The congress between a courtesan and a rustic, and that between citizens and the womenof villages, and bordering countries, is called `deceitful congress'.The congress that takes place between two persons who are attached to one another, andwhich is done according to their own liking is called `spontaneous congress'.Thus end the kinds of congress.We shall now speak of love quarrels.A woman who is very much in love with a man cannot bear to hear the name of her rivalmentioned, or to have any conversation regarding her, or to be addressed by her namethrough mistake.If such takes place, a great quarrel arises, and the woman cries, becomesangry, tosses her hair about, strikes her lover, falls from her bed or seat, and, castingaside her garlands and ornaments, throws herself down on the ground.At this time, the lover should attempt to reconcile her with conciliatory words, and shouldtake her up carefully and place her on her bed.But she, not replying to his questions, andwith increased anger, should bend down his head by pulling his hair, and having kickedKAMASUTRA58him once, twice, or thrice on his arms, head, bosom or back, should then proceed to thedoor of the room.Dattaka says that she should then sit angrily near the door and shedtears, but should not go out, because she would be found fault with for going away.Aftera time, when she thinks that the conciliatory words and actions of her lover have reachedtheir utmost, she should then embrace him, talking to him with harsh and reproachfulwords, but at the same time showing a loving desire for congress.When the woman is in her own house, and has quarrelled with her lover, she should go tohim and show how angry she is, and leave him.Afterwards the citizen having sent theVita, the Vidushaka or the Pithamarda2 to pacify her, she should accompany them backto the house, and spend the night with her lover.Thus end the love quarrels.In conclusion.A man, employing the sixty-four means mentioned by Babhravya, obtains his object, andenjoys the woman of the first quality.Though he may speak well on other subjects, if hedoes not know the sixty-four divisions, no great respect is paid to him in the assembly ofthe learned.A man, devoid of other knowledge, but well acquainted with the sixty-fourdivisions, becomes a leader in any society of men and women.What man will not respectthe sixty-four arts,3 considering they are respected by the learned, by the cunning, and bythe courtesans.As the sixty-four arts are respected, are charming, and add to the talent ofwomen, they are called by the Acharyas dear to women.A man skilled in the sixty-fourarts is looked upon with love by his own wife, by the wives of others, and by courtesans.Footnotes1The fresh juice of the cocoa nut tree, the date tree, and other kinds of palm trees are drunk in India.It will keep fresh very long, but ferments rapidly, and is then distilled into liquor.2The characteristics of these three individuals have been given in Part I, page 117.3A definition of the sixty-four arts is given in Part I, Chapter III, pages 107-111.KAMASUTRA59PART 3:CHAPTER ION MARRIAGEWHEN a girl of the same caste, and a virgin, is married in accordance with the preceptsof Holy Writ, the results of such a union are the acquisition of Dharma and Artha,offspring, affinity, increase of friends, and untarnished love.For this reason a man shouldfix his affections upon a girl who is of good family, whose parents are alive, and who isthree years or more younger than himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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