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.At the same time,the engine on his motorcycle stalled.In the same areaan engineer saw a luminous object coming downrapidly.(Anatomy 130)260Oct.14, 1954 Thieulloy-la-Ville (France).On the road between2010 Thieulloy-la-Ville and Beauvais, Mr.Covemacker sawan object fly over his car as the headlights died.Itwent on toward the north, seemingly following atrain.(Personal)261Oct.15, 1954 Perpignan (France).Near the swimming pool inSaint-Assiscle, Damien Figueres, 56, was walkingwith his dogs when a reddish, luminous sphere landed30 m away and an individual in a diving suit walkedaround it.The dogs barked at him.He boarded themachine, and it flew away in silence.(65; Carrouges120)262Oct.15, 1954 Boaria (Italy).A farmer leading cows to a pond sud-denly saw an object fly over his house.The cowspanicked and ran away, throwing a girl to the ground,while the object emitted a burst of light.The witnessran to the house and fainted; three other persons sawthe craft depart.Dark, surrounded by short blue andyellow flames, the object was egg-shaped, flew 15 mabove the ground, and emitted intense heat.The littlepond was found desiccated, and haystacks caught fireas it flew over, while the cattle suffered burns.(67;Plantier 104)263Oct.15, 1954 Saint-Pierre-Halte (France).A baker saw a brilliant0340 yellow craft descend rapidly and land on the railroadtracks.It was shaped like a mushroom, about 4 mdiameter, 2 m high.(62; M 180)264Oct.15, 1954 Luino (Italy).An ovoid object made a pass over a1300 range of trees; two caught fire.(83)265Oct.15, 1954 Po-di-Gnocca (Italy).Farmers saw a disk-shapedafternoon object land, then take off vertically.At the site wasfound a deep crater about 6 m in diameter.Poplartrees were partially burned.Official investigation.(65; M 181)266Oct.15, 1954 Nimes-Courbessac Airfield (France).A yellow, cigar-1950 shaped object with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 mdiameter, was seen on the ground.Figures with hel-mets covering the head could be seen inside.A sort ofhaze was observed at both ends of the craft.(Quincy)267Oct.15, 1954 Southend (Great Britain).Pat Hennessey ran awaynight when she saw an object land on the road near Chalk-well Park.It had vanished silently when she lookedback.(M 182; Humanoids 4; FSR 62, 12)268Oct.15, 1954 Isbergues (France).A steelworker observed a lumi-night nous sphere land in the countryside; it then emittedlights of various colors.(54, 68; M 181)269Oct.15, 1954 Fouesnant (France).Truck driver Rene Le Viol sawnight a flat craft, shaped like an inverted plate, fly very lowtoward the sea.A second disk followed shortly after-ward.Both emitted a red glow.(69; M 182)270Oct.16, 1954 Quasso (Italy).Two objects were seen, one of whichmade a pass at treetop level.It top-shaped, and asmall, gesticulating human figure was seen under it.The witness was a bus driver, Mr.De Rossi.(84)271Oct.16, 1954 Thin le Moutiers (France).Approximate date.Anobject landed about 30 m away from a woman, whofainted.The witness suffered from a skin disease fol-lowing the incident.(Challenge 53)272Oct.16, 1954 Cier-de-Riviere (France).Guy Puyfourcat, 22, whowas coming back from the fields, leading a mare bythe bridle, was surprised when the animal becamerestless.Rising from the side of the road, a gray objectabout 1.5 m in diameter flew over them.The marerose about 3 m in the air, and the witness had to re-lease the bridle.Then the animal fell like a mass andfor 10 min was unable to move.At last, it rose andattempted to walk, but it was still trembling andstumbling with fear.The object had long since flownaway at high speed.The witness himself had feltabsolutely nothing.(Personal)273Oct.16, 1954 Mazaye (France).Mr.Bachelard was driving a light1730 truck on road D52-E between Chanat and Couhaywhen suddenly the engine seemed to slow down andhe felt "paralyzed." He then saw in a field near theroad a brown object about 10 m long, 2.5 m high.Silent, it gave off no light and showed no opening.(70;M 198)274Oct.16, 1954 Baillolet (France).Dr.Robert, while driving throughnightfall this village, saw four objects, at about 300 m altitude,flying slowly in echelon formation.Suddenly one ofthem dropped to the ground with a dead-leaf motion,100 m away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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