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.System generated.llDrainID - Long: Unique identifier (HydroID) of the drainage area linked to the feature.In this particular case, Catchment being a drainage area, same as HydroID (field may be created empty by Adjoint Catchment Processing).llNextDownID - Long: HydroID of the next downstream catchment (field may be created empty by Drainage Line Processing if the Catchment tag is set, created/populated by Adjoint Catchment Processing or Hydro Network Generation).llJunctionID - Long: HydroID of the junction that serves as the outlet for the catchment (field may be created empty by Drainage Line Processing ,if the Catchment tag is set, or by Adjoint Catchment Processing , created/populated by Hydro Network Generation or Store Area Outlets).lDrainageLine (Drainage Line Processing)lARCID - Long: Unique identifier of the drainage line segment in the feature class.llGRID_CODE - Long: Grid code of the catchment the drainage line segment belongs to.llFROM_NODE - Long: From Node for the drainage line segment.llTO_NODE - Long: To Node for the drainage line segment.llShape_Length - Double: Length of the river segment in map units.llGridID - Long: Grid code of the catchment the drainage line segment belongs to.llHydroID - Long: Unique identifier in the Hydro database.llNextDownID - Long: HydroID of the next downstream drainage line.Populated with "-1" if there is no next downstream line.llDrainID - Long: HydroID of the catchment where the drainage line is located.Populated with "-9" if there is no associated catchment (created by Adjoint Catchment Processing).lAdjointCatchment (Adjoint Catchment Processing)lShape_Length - Double: Perimeter in map units.llShape_Area - Double: Area in map units.llGridID - Long: GridID of the catchment located downstream from the Adjoint catchment.lDrainagePoint (Drainage Point Processing)lHydroID - Long: Unique identifier in the Hydro database.System generated.llDrainID - Long: HydroID of the catchment draining to this drainage point.Populated with "-9" if there is no associated catchment (created empty, created/populated by Hydro Network Generation).llGridID - Long: GridID of the catchment draining to the point.llJunctionID - Long: HydroID of the Hydro Junction corresponding to the Drainage Point.One Hydro Junction may correspond to several Drainage Points (created by Hydro Network Generation).lBatchPoint (Batch Point Generation)lName - String (25): Name of the batch point.llDescription - String (25): Description of the batch point.llBatchDone - Short: Indicates whether the Batch Watershed Delineation was performed:lo `0' Delineation not performedo `1' Delineation already performedo `-1' Delineation failedlSnapOn - Short: Indicates whether the point is to be snapped during the Batch Watershed Delineation.lo `0': do not snapo `1': snaplHydroID - Long: Unique identifier of the Batch Point in the Arc Hydro database.lWatershed (Batch Watershed Delineation)lDrainID - Long: Same as HydroID, since watershed is a drainage area.llName - String (25): Name retrieved from the Batch Point input layer.llComment - String (25): Comments retrieved from the Batch Point input layer.llHydroID - Long: Unique identifier of the watershed in the Hydro database.lWatershedPoint (Batch Watershed Delineation)lDrainID - Long: HydroID of the associated watershed.llName - String (25): Name retrieved from the Batch Point input layer.llHydroID - Long: Unique identifier of the watershed point in the Hydro database.lSubWatershed (Batch Subwatershed Delineation)lGRIDCODE - Long: ID of the Batch Point used to generate the watershed.llHydroID - Long: Unique identifier of the subwatershed in the Hydro database.llDrainID - Long: Same as HydroID since subwatershed is a drainage area [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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