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.When he finally came, Lambert kept sucking untilhe was satisfied to have emptied Rullio of the verylast drop of semen.Then he sat upright, only tocollapse again in ecstasy when Rullio moved histongue between his entrance and his little ball sack.A surprisingly large quantity of semen spurted allover his guest's astounded and unprepared face.Later, after some washing up, with water this time,there finally was some cuddling. Thank you, my lord, Lambert whispered, whilenestling himself in Rullio's arm. Whatever for? I seem to remember you did mostof the work. For not laughing at my.at me.They usually do. Oh, sweetheart, Rullio said, looking deep into hiseyes,  whoever makes fun of you for that is an idiot,and they don't know what they're missing.You'rebeautiful and a terrific lover. You think so? Yes, I most certainly do.Lambert took Rullio's right hand and guided it tohis groin. Could you just softly caress it, my lord? Of course, love. Lambert closed his eyes and smiled contentedly. Obie, there was a letter for you, Rahendo, whohad just entered the barrack, said.He placed his satchel on the table and produced athick stack of parchments. From Ninda? Obyann asked eagerly. 'Fraid not.I got one from Ninda.I got one from allof them, and they'll expect an answer.All of them.He sighed. Yours is from your father.He handed the letter over.In big clumsy letters itsaid,  To Young Sir Obyann of Ramaldah From SirEckfred of Ramaldah, Lord, That Is His Father.Under that someone had tried to scrape off an inkstain, leaving the greasy imprint of a thumb in theprocess.Obyann looked morosely at his letter. You should go and read that, Obie.It could beimportant.I'm sure Ninda will write to you soon. Have you written to her, Ramaldah? Arranulf,coming out of his room, asked. No.I wouldn't know what to say.  Why don't you give her the list of names of yourfirst twenty five sons, which I know you have fixed inyour head since age nine? Why don't you run into a wall and die,Landemere, Obyann sneered. Anyway, I have notime for your cheap shots.Got a letter from father.Who knows what is happening in Ramaldah while I'mnot there to keep an eye on things.All kinds ofmishaps, no doubt. Yes, who knows? Maybe there's an invasion ofinvisible killer squirrels going on as we speak,Arranulf smiled. The carnage could be terrible. That's it.You're dead, Landemere.Now you'regoing to get it good.You just lie down in a cornerand start bleeding already, as we say in Ramaldah.I'm coming as soon as I've read my letter to beat youup.Arranulf smiled sweetly. This time I mean it, Landemere.I'm going to hurtyou severely, Obyann bit at him while standing up.He retired to his room. Being in love hasn't mollified him in the least,Arranulf said. Anything interesting there?Rahendo looked up from the letter he wasreading. Mostly about their visit.They all think it was verygenerous of you to pay for diner in The Cranky Goat.Londo says she's going to try to get you apart nexttime to have her way with you.Incidentally, youropinion in the matter isn't asked.She does askhowever how long and thick your dick is.She'sconvinced I've had occasion to, eh, obtain the exactmeasurements.Ah, Alanda, on the other hand seems to think that I should let you have your waywith me.She has some sound advice and.ooh,she even gives a recipe for a herbal tea to bring youin what she calls a receptive mood. I'm afraid a certain ghostly giant squirrel with curlyhair might object to that plan.Speaking of which:where is he? On duty at the castle.Obie will be sleeping whenhe returns, so we're safe for another night. Still, isn't it about time we told him.Rahendo became suddenly very white. Oh no, Nulfie, don't do anything rash.You knowhow he gets.I'm slowly working my way up to tellinghim.Arranulf raised his eyebrows. How? By ignoring the problem? It's just a matter of getting him in the right moodand then.Rather discouraged he let the sentence die out. Only a heavy hammer will be sufficient to bringhim in the right mood for what you are trying to tellhim.Rahendo sighed.At that moment Obyann cameback out of his room. You did it on purpose, didn't you, Landemere?he roared. What? What have I done now? This, Obyann growled, holding out his openletter.Arranulf took the parchment and scanned it quickly.First there were some opening remarksconcerning the welfare of celery seedlings. We are all so proud of you here yes soproud that some say I should let you managethe demesne as soon as you return Vrenck ofcourse being one of them which is no wondersince he's been nagging me from the time wewere barely able to stand upright and eventhen he thought I should slow down and now hewants us to go fishing all day long that is to sayhim lying on his back in the grass and mebeing bored stone dead but I told him no andtried to explain to him again how this lord andservant thing works but of course he claims tobe growing deaf in one ear and strangelyenough it is always the ear I happen to betalking to the silly twat never mind. As I said everybody is so proud of youexcept of course Ruldo who called yousomething I won't repeat because it will makeyou mad but don't you worry because I told himto shut up and gave him five days of stableduty so he'll be wading ankle deep throughhorse shit for having a shitty mouth for the nextdays never mind thanks to you there will beplenty to eat next winter and they can all humpas much as they like which no doubt they aredoing as I am writing this like the randy rabbitsthey are because it doesn't matter anymorebecause there will be more than enough foot orfood I forget which but I haven't told you yetwhat happened so I will now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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