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.Verse 8Near the mouth of the Nvìz called Vajrv, and in the pericap (of theudhvra Lotus), there constantly shines the beautifully luminous andsoft, lightening-like triangle which is KvmarÖpa, and known as Traipura.There is always and everywhere the Vvyu called Kandarpa, who is of adeeper red than the Bandhujzva flower, and is the Lord of Beings andresplendent like ten million suns.Verse 9Inside it (the triangle) is SvayaAbhu in His Li´ga-form, beautiful likemolten gold, with His head downwards.He is revealed by Knowl-edge and Meditation, and is of the shape and colour of a new leaf.Asthe cool rays of lightening and of the full moon charm, so does Hisbeauty.The Deva who resides happily here as in Kvçz is in forms like awhirlpool.Verses 10 and 11Over it shines the sleeping Kuõìalinz, fine as the fibre of the lotus-stalk.She is the world-bewilderer, gently covering the mouth of Brahma-dvvra by Her own.Like the spiral of the conch-shell, Her shining snake-like form goes three and a half times round åiva, and Her lustre is as thatof a strong flash of young strong lightening.Her sweet murmur is likethe indistinct hum of swarms of love-mad bees.She produces melodious112 ûA -CAKRA-NIRÑPAöApoetry and Bandha and all other compositions in prose or verse in se-quence or otherwise in SaAskùta, Prvkùta and other languages.It is shewho maintains all beings of the world by means of inspiration and expira-tion, and shines in the cavity of the root (MÖla) Lotus like a chain ofbrilliant lights.Verse 12Within it reigns dominant Parv, the årz-Parameçvarz, the Awakener ofeternal knowledge.She is the Omnipotent Kalv who is wonderfully skil-ful to create, and is subtler than the subtlest.She is the receptacle of thatcontinuous stream of ambrosia which flows from the Eternal Bliss.ByHer radiance it is that the whole of this Universe and this Cauldron isillumined.Verse 13By meditating thus on Her who shines within the MÖla-Cakra, with thelustre of ten million Suns, a man becomes Lord of speech and Kingamong men, and an Adept in all kinds of learning.He becomes ever freefrom all diseases, and his inmost Spirit becomes full of great gladness.Pure of disposition by his deep and musical words, he serves the fore-most of the Devas.Verse 14There is another Lotus placed inside the SuüuAnv at the root of thegenitals, of a beautiful vermilion colour.On its six petals are the lettersfrom Ba to PuraAdara, with the Bindu superposed, of the shining colourof lightening.Verse 15Within it is the white, shining, watery region of Varuõa, of the shape ofa half-moon, and therein, seated on a Makara, is the Bzja VaA, stainlessand white as the autumnal moon.Verse 16May Hari, who is within it, who is in the pride of early youth, whosebody is of luminous blue beautiful to behold, who is dressed in yellowraiment, is four armed and wears the årz-vatsa, and the Kausubha, pro-tect us!Verse 17It is here that Rvkiõz always dwells.She is of the colour of a blue lotus.The beauty of Her body is enhanced by Her uplifted arms holding vari-ous weapons.She is dressed in celestial raiment and ornaments, and Hermind is exalted with the drinking of ambrosia.113 APPENDIX 4Verse 18He who meditates upon this stainless Lotus, which is namedSvvdiü°hvna, is freed immediately from all his enemies, such as the faultof Aha kvra and so forth.He becomes a Lord among Yogzs, and is likethe Sun illumining the dense darkness of ignorance.The wealth of hisnectar-like words flows in prose and verse in well-reasoned discourse.Verse 19Above it, at the root of the navel, is the shining Lotus of ten petals, ofthe colour of heavy-laden rain-clouds.Within it are the letters ía to Pha,of the colour of the blue lotus with the Nvda and Bindu above them.Meditate there on the region of Fire, triangular in form and shining likethe rising sun.Outside it are three Svastika marks, and within, the Bzja ofVahni himself.Verse 20Meditate upon him (Fire) seated on a ram, four-armed, radiant likethe rising Sun.In his lap ever dwells Rudra, who is of a pure vermilionhue.He (Rudra) is white with the ashes with which he is smeared; of anancient aspect and three-eyed, His hands are placed in the attitude ofgranting boons and dispelling fear.He is the destroyer of creation.Verse 21Here abides Lvkinz, the benefactress of all.She is four-armed, of radi-ant body, is dark (of complexion), clothed in yellow raiment and deckedwith various ornaments, and exalted with the drinking of ambrosia.Bymeditating on this Navel Lotus the power to destroy and create (theworld) is acquired.Vvõz with all the wealth of knowledge ever abides inthe lotus of His face.Verse 22Above that, in the heart, is the charming Lotus, of the shining colourof the BandhÖka flower, with the twelve letters beginning with Ka, of thecolour of vermilion, placed therein.It is known by the name of Anvhata,and is like the celestial wishing-tree, bestowing even more than (the sup-plicant s) desire.The Region of Vvyu, beautiful and with six corners,which is like unto the smoke in colour, is here.Verse 23Meditate within it on the sweet and excellent Pavana Bzja, grey as amass of smoke, with four arms, and seated on a black antelope.Andwithin it also (meditate) upon the Abode of Mercy, the Stainless Lordwho is lustrous like the Sun, and whose two hands make the gestureswhich grant boons and dispels the fears of three worlds.114 ûA -CAKRA-NIRÑPAöAVerse 24Here dwells Kvkinz, who in colour is yellow like unto new lightening,exhilarated and auspicious; three-eyed and the benefactress of all.Shewears all kinds of ornaments, and in Her four hands She carries thenoose and the skull, and makes the sign of blessing and the sign whichdispels fear.Her heart is softened with the drinking of nectar.Verse 25The åakti whose tender body is like ten million flashes of lightening isin the pericarp of this Lotus in the form of a triangle (Trikoõa).Insidethe triangle is the çiva-Li´ga known by the name of Bvõa.This Li´ga islike shining gold, and on his head is an orifice minute as that in a gem.He is the resplendent abode of Lakümz.Verse 26He who meditates on this Heart Lotus becomes (like) the Lord ofSpeech, and (like) yçvara he is able to protect and destroy the worlds.This Lotus is like the celestial wishing-tree, the abode and seat of åarva.It is beautified by the HaAsa, which is like unto the steady tapering flameof a lamp in a windless place.The filaments which surround and adornits pericarp, illumined by the solar region, charm.Verse 27Foremost among Yogzs, he is ever dearer than the dearest to women,He is pre-eminently wise and full of noble deeds.His senses are com-pletely under control.His mind in its intense concentration is engrossedin thoughts of the Braham.His inspired speech flows like a stream of(clear) water.He is like the Devata who is the beloved of Lakümz and isable at will to enter another s body.Verses 28 and 29In the throat is the Lotus called Viçuddha, which is pure and of asmoky purple hue.All the (sixteen) shining vowels on its (sixteen) pet-als, of a crimson hue, are distinctly visible to him whose mind (Buddhi)is illumined [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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