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.”“Are you sure?” She smiled wickedly.“Julian can be very stubborn.”He is stubborn.He might need a little push.“You would do a spell on your own brother?”“If I thought I’d be helping him in the end, then yes.I’m a good witch,” she assured me with an overly cheesy wink.I looked around the room.I had only seen pentagrams and spell books in movies.I thought if I would have been up close and personal with a witch, I would have run away.“So all of this time, this is the secret you and Julian didn’t want to tell me?” Since I knew her to be a good person, I wasn’t going to suddenly change my opinion.“Can you blame me?” She laughed, and I think it relieved her of a lot of stress.“It’s not so common.Bible thumpers like my brother would prefer to see people like me burned to a stake like it’s the Salem Witch Hunt all over again.”What about your parents? A love spell could save their marriage.“Would it be wrong of me to ask you to do a spell to keep my parents together?”“No.I wish I was better versed in the dark arts when I was little.It probably could have kept my mom and dad from fighting so much.”“Where are your parents?” I plopped down on her bed, feeling like I actually had a girlfriend I could chat with.That was great considering that I had to ditch all my friends when all my drama erupted.“I hope you don’t mind me asking.”She shook her head and lay down next to me.“My dad left the state to make big bucks in oil.He sends us enough to take care of us, and I have no clue what he does with the rest of it.”“And your mom?”“She was in an accident.” She sighed heavily and looked up to the ceiling where there was another unique pentagram that was as big as her bed.Whatever it was, she seemed to draw strength from it.“She’s been in a coma for the past few years.”Don’t you wish your mother was in a coma? “I’m so sorry.” I felt awful for her, but there was a piece of me that was a wee bit envious.But she obviously must have loved her mother.If only you two could trade places.“There isn’t a spell or something you could perform to make her better?”“Julian literally said he would kill me if I tried any witchcraft on Mom.He thinks I’ll make it worse.I don’t see his god doing anything about it.” She rolled her eyes, and her bitterness seeped out like a poison.“If he helped me, I know we could pull off our own miracle.”“Why would Julian help you?”“He taught me everything I know.”“Wait!” I yelled.My mind was officially blown.“Julian is a witch?”“Warlock is the proper term,” Julian said from right outside the doorway, “and I’m retired.” He looked pretty pissed off.“Come on, Michelle.”Are you really gonna let him control you like that? “No.I think your sister might be able to help me.”“Come on.” I don’t know what it was about Julian that made him so domineering, but I did exactly what he wanted me to do and left right out of Maria’s room.He looked back at Maria, and she was pouting on her bed, waiting for me to come back.I wanted to make her feel better, but I had to follow him.He was my sensi or whatever.But just because he’s your teacher doesn’t mean that you can’t offer anything.“Why don’t you give her a chance? She thinks she could save your mom.She might be able to help my parents.”“There’s no such thing as magic, Michelle.” I didn’t appreciate that he spoke to me like I was a child.“Your sister certainly thinks there is.” I crossed my arms stubbornly.She was not that convinced for nothing.“It’s not real magic.” Julian looked back into his sister’s room.She was still watching us, so he slammed the door hard enough to make me jump.“I used to think it was about being one with nature and it letting us channel its energy.Well, I was wrong.It’s much darker than that.Witchcraft and demonic spirits go hand-in-hand.Nothing good comes from witchcraft.”“But your sister is so nice.” I didn’t know much about demons and witches, but I knew Maria.“That doesn’t mean anything.It’s addictive, Michelle.You haven’t even practiced and yet you’re so curious about it.Do you think that’s you or your demon?”Is it fair how he always thinks you’re incapable of making your own decisions? “I think any normal person would be curious—”“Don’t be stupid, Michelle.” He grabbed my arms and stared into my eyes and began to loosen the grip the demon had on my mind.“Messing with witchcraft is dangerous, especially for someone like you.Maria isn’t possessed, but you are.It could become real with you.You could be dangerous.”I nodded and decided to listen to what he had to say.He led me back downstairs and away from Maria.I sat down on the couch and tried to clear my mind of whatever happened to me in her room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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