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.Graves leaned forward, eager.“Think about America,” he said.“Do you really believe it’s possible for a nation to just stumble into the greatest power in the history of the world? We didn’t get where we are by God’s grace or by clean living.There’s always a price.Someone’s got to pay the bills.You know the kind of currency I mean.For this kind of prosperity? There’s only one payment that will do: blood.And even with all the little wars we’ve kicked up, the tiny atrocities, the kids picking up land mines, America is still way, way, behind on the dues.We haven’t had major casualties since Vietnam—hell, World War II, if you think about it.There’s not enough suffering going on.We owe.And I believe you know who is coming to collect.”Cade’s lip curled.“Disappointing,” he said.“What?” Graves was insulted.“You think I’ve never heard anyone predict the end of the world before?”“I’m not wearing a sign and ringing a bell, Cade.It’s already happened.No matter what you do, you’re already too late: the world has ended.”“Then why are we still here?”Graves smiled.“You think the new world will be empty? We’ll need workers.The new management will require worshippers as well.Human beings, most of us, we won’t fit properly.But some of them can be adapted.Remodeled.Made to serve.”“The Snakeheads.”Graves nodded.“Exactly.Deep down, everyone knows this is the way it’s going to be.Hell, they’re even anxious for it.Why else do you think they’re all stuffing themselves with zombie movies and apocalypse books? They’re getting ready.They know what’s coming, and they want to get it over with.”“But not you.You really believe your masters will protect you from the Hell you’re trying to unleash? They didn’t stop me from killing Bin Laden.”“He was a tool, nothing more.My masters have plans for me.There are places reserved.When the smoke clears, we will emerge, better and stronger.And we will be rewarded.The new world will require enforcers, governors, supervisors—”“Traitors,” Cade said.“Predictable.Selling out your own kind for the Other Side.You’re just another pawn.Another servant.”Graves didn’t look offended.“Everyone has to serve someone.There are advantages to being on the winning side.You’d find out, if you joined us.”Cade’s mouth twitched again.Really, Graves was cracking him up.“I can’t do that.”“Don’t be so sure.How could you be loyal to the United States if it didn’t exist?”For an instant, the vampire side of Cade rose to the idea.Freedom.To run wild, to kill whomever and whenever he wanted, even to slake his never-ending thirst.Cade shook it off almost as quickly as it hit him.He was more than his baser instincts.Graves had made the same mistake as many others in assuming Cade was a prisoner of his duty.An oath only works if both sides agree to it.Cade had made his choice over a hundred and forty years ago.He would not break his word now.“I’ve had stronger temptations from more terrible demons,” Cade said.He turned to the office door.“That’s it? You’re just leaving?”No reply.“I asked you a question.” Graves was shouting now.“You can’t just walk away from me.”Cade had no interest in trying to explain it to Graves.He couldn’t do anything here, but neither could Graves stop him.He had work to do, and it wasn’t here.SOMETHING ABOUT CADE’S total disregard for him stuck in Graves’s craw.He’d admit it to himself, if no one else.He’d been frightened of Cade, haunted by the mere idea of him, for so long.And here he was, human-sized and unable to lift a finger against Graves.It was a chance that would never come again.He reached behind his belt and pulled out the Gigli saw.The Gigli was a loop of tempered steel wires with finger rings at each end.It was invented to cut through skulls for brain surgery.But the CIA knew a good tool when it found one.It could saw through a wooden two-by-four or even iron bars.It could be hidden inside lapels, heel compartments, even shoelaces.It was listed in the official catalog of clandestine weapons as an escape device.Even in its own documents, the Agency liked to hide the truth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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