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.Hungrily, Tyler closed his mouth over its girth, taking it in as deep as he could beforesliding back, his tongue dancing along the smooth, taut flesh.He sucked with abandon, as if he could take the whole of Clint into himself, as ifthey could become one person.Lust, gratitude and a curious, powerful joy threatenedto overwhelm his senses.He forced himself to focus on pleasing the man standingbefore him, aware of his own cock rubbing against Clint s denim-clad leg with eachdeep-throated kiss.It wasn t long before Clint was coming, shuddering and arching against Tyler, hishand on the back of Tyler s head as he climaxed.Tyler sucked and licked, eagerlyswallowing Clint s cum.He turned his head so his cheek rested against Clint s baredthighs, his heart beating in time to the throb in his cock.Clint reached down, stroking Tyler s hair, pushing the matted, sweat-soaked bangsfrom his forehead.Tyler felt he could stay there forever, his arms around this amazingman.He felt a tenderness that was new to him, especially in the context of the kind ofsex he had just shared with Clint.When Wayne had used him and roughed him up abit, Tyler had been exhilarated, frightened, even thrilled.He d been grateful forwhatever Wayne cared to toss his way, while also deeply ashamed that he craved it sobad.But this was different, so different.He looked up at Clint, making sure he wasreally there, and not just some much longed-for dream. My, oh my, Clint said, looking down at him with a smile. That was amazin boy.Now it s your turn.I want to make you come. Uh, looks like we might be a little late. Embarrassed, Tyler looked down at hisgooey cock and back up at Clint with a sheepish smile. Sorry about your boots, Sir. Not to worry, Ty, Clint laughed. You ll be lickin  em clean. Chapter 5 This here s where we keep our tanks. Lucky Harding, a tall man with a bald headand a long, drooping gray mustache, led Clint and Tyler into a small building off themain barn.The door was padlocked, and they waited while he dug into his pocket forthe key.Clint and Tyler had awoken early, setting the mattresses back in their frames andtaking turns in the tiny shower stall before heading into town for breakfast.Upon theirreturn to Harding s ranch, they d been greeted by the owner, who apologized for beingabsent the day before.They exchanged the requisite small talk before getting down tothe heart of their visit. I can t believe the day s come where I got to lock stuff up, but that s the modernworld for you. Lucky frowned and shrugged as he opened the padlock.He movedtoward the large study metal shelves where several rows of semen tanks stood.Hepointed to a medium-sized tank labeled Mama s Boy. This one here s worth quite apretty penny.That bull s sperm has impregnated half the cows this side of Abilene.Wesell in New Mexico and Colorado too. Lucky patted the canister with a look ofsatisfaction. We had a tank go missin too, with prize quality semen, same as Mama s Boythere. Clint nodded toward the shelf. The odd thing of it is, we keep a watchful eyeback at our place.Ain t no one comin or goin that we don t recognize on sight.Howabout you? You had any strangers millin about the place? Anything unusual you canpinpoint during the time your tanks disappeared?Lucky scratched his head, lost in thought. Nope.Can t think of a single stranger.Itain t like folks just wander in.We re not exactly on the beaten path.That s the mysteryof it.Clint nodded, thoughtful.Tyler said,  Can you tell us exactly who came and wenton the day and maybe the days leading up to when you realized the tanks were gone?He held his pad at the ready.Clint nodded, figuring that was as good a place to start asany. Let s see, Lucky said, again scratching his bald pate as if this helped to jumpstarthis brain. There was Frank Corsair, deliverin the hay.And Hoss Johnson and his boywere by earlier [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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