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.Shewas in a South street bar and a seaman bought her a beer and his friends who depended on him for their drinks got panicky fearing hewould leave them and spend their beer money on her so when he went to the head they took the beer from her and threw her out into thestreet.She sat on the curb yelling until a cop came along and kicked her and told her to move.She sprawled to her feet cursing everysonofabitch and his brother and told them they could stick their fuckin beer up their ass.She didnt need any goddamn skell to buy her adrink.She could get anything she wanted in Willies.She had her kicks.She/d go back to Willies where what she said goes.That was thejoint.There was always somebody in there with money.No bums like these cruds.Did they think she/d let any goddamn bum in her pantsand play with her tits just for a few bucks.Shit! She could get a seamans whole payoff just sittin in Willies.People knew who she was inWillies.You bet yasweet ass they did.She stumbled down the subway and rode to Brooklyn, muttering and cursing, sweat streaking thedirt on her face.She walked up the 3 steps to the door and was briefly disappointed that the door wasnt closed so she could throw it open.She stood for just a second in the doorway looking around then walked to the rear where Waterman Annie, Ruthy and a seaman weresitting.She stood beside the seaman, leaned in front of him and smiled at Annie and Ruthy then ordered a drink.The bartender looked ather and asked her if she had any money.She told him it was none of his goddamn business.My friend here is going to pay for it.Wontyahoney.The seaman laughed and pushed a bill forward and she got her drink and sneered at the ignorant sonofabitchin bartender.The rottenscumbag.Annie pulled her aside and told her if she tried cuttin her throat she/d dump her guts on the floor.Mean Ruthys gonna leave assoon as Jacks friend comes and if ya screw it up youll be a sorry sonofabitch.Tralala yanked her arm away and went back to the bar andleaned against the seaman and rubbed her tits against his arm.He laughed and told her to drinkup [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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