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. He cast a sidelong glance at Gabe.A goofy smile played along theedges of the other man s mouth and his eyes had gone all dreamy and shit. How do you make it work? Pablo asked. What made you decide it was him and noone else?Gabe sobered and placed his beer bottle on the floor next to his feet. You don t knowanything about me, do you?Pablo shook his head and Gabe smiled. Until Angel, I was as straight as a fucking arrow.I had a girlfriend.Been living withher for years. Shit.Really? Yes. A faraway look came into Gabe s eyes. I hated him for making me feel theway I did.I hated myself for needing him when I knew I shouldn t.Wow.Heavy shit. I knew all his faults, all his crimes, all his dark deeds and yet&  You still wanted him, Pablo whispered. I did and I made a choice.Loving him was what I wanted, being with him was whatmade me happy.The job didn t. What did you do when he went off to jail? Angel spent two years in jail on weaponscharges before faking his death.During that time Pablo hadn t spared a thought to Gabeand what he might have been going through.Gabe shrugged at his question. I quit the job and isolated myself in the Poconos.Mybrother was not happy he s a marshal.I tried dating other men.Ugh. He made a face. Disaster.I compared everyone to Angel. And now? Now we work to make sure our relationship works.We re in it for the long haul.Gabe twisted the gold band on his ring finger. We made a conscious decision that nomatter what life threw at us, we re working it out, no one s leaving.No one s walkingaway. He leveled a steady gaze at Pablo. Why did you come? I I m in love with someone. Ah. Gabe shifted on the bench. A DEA agent. Fuck.Dude. Sympathy was all over Gabe s face.Pablo snorted. Yeah. What are you going to do? I sent him away.Forced him to leave. Pablo bit his lip. I have to go to him.Ask for forgiveness. Why did you send him away? There were too many obstacles stacked against us. Pablo brought his gaze to the sky. I needed to get rid of a few before I could go to him.Be worthy of him. Jesus.Hesounded like a chick. Did he ask that of you? Pablo shook his head and Gabe continued. He s lawenforcement so he knew going in who you were, right? And he got involved anyway, fellin love anyway? He was undercover. Sounds like he knew his own mind, Pablo.He knew the costs and he chose to paythem to be with you.  He did. Pablo coughed to clear his throat. The thing is, he s the one sacrificing forme.Giving shit up for me. He swallowed. I just, I wanted to be able to do the same andI had to send him away to do that. Did you tell him all that? No and I know, I m an idiot. Well, yeah.The gates at the end of the driveway hummed open and a black Jeep pulled in.Gabejumped to his feet, the widest, brightest smile on his face.Fuck.It hurt to look at him likethat.Gabe went to the car and Pablo stood where he was as his childhood friend exited thevehicle, barely managing to slam the door shut as Gabe molded to him.Angel wrappedhis arms around Gabe, lifting him off the ground as they kissed.And kissed some more.Pablo stood with his hands in his pockets and smiled.It was nice seeing that.Atwinge of jealousy itched his chest.He wanted that.Wanted that with Shane.The house and commitment.The kisses to welcome him home.He wanted it and he d get it. Hermano. Angel walked up the porch steps hand in hand with Gabe. Welcome.Finally. He released Gabe and opened his arms and Pablo went to him, hugged himtight, squeezing his eyes to hide the moisture. Angel.Angel kissed him on the cheek. Come.Gabe said you talked?Pablo nodded as Angel led him back to the bench.They sat next to each other, Gabe inAngel s lap. I like the house, Pablo said. Wait  til you see inside, Gabe gushed. You ll stay for dinner? Uh, yeah? Gabe slid his fingers through Angel s shoulder-length hair.Angel smiled up at him. Where s your shoes, babe?Gabe frowned down at his feet. Umm.I was distracted.We had a guest.Our firstguest.Your mother and Kane don t count and don t get me started on Syren.Pablo laughed. Didn t we agree you d stop walking around barefoot? Angel asked his husband.Gabe shrugged. You talked.I ignored you.Christ, they were hilarious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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