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.Why was he so cold? Aggie stood and startedto leave him alone."Stay," Jace whispered."I was going to get you another blanket.""Stay."She sat beside him, her fingers stroking his cheek.He could feelhimself drifting back into oblivion, but wanted to keep his eyes open--wanted to look at her.He missed looking at her when they were apart,and they'd been apart far too long while he'd been touring last month.Aggie sniffed.A lone tear slipped down her cheek and dripped off theedge of her jaw."Don't cry," he murmured."This is my fault.If you'd never met me, this wouldn't havehappened.""If I'd never met you, I would have never gotten to hold you.I'll takethe bullet."He hadn't meant to make her cry harder.She wrapped her armsaround him and pressed her face into his shoulder.Her body quakedwith sobs as she clung to him."Don't die on me, Jace, please.""Not planning to."He wanted to hold her, comfort her, but his exhaustion had reachedabsolute, and he had no choice but to succumb to it. Chapter 24The next time Jace opened his eyes, a bright light was shining in hisface."Ah good, you're awake." A blurry face came into focus.At firsthe thought it was Trey, but the man was older and lacked Trey's longbangs and face piercings."Doctor Mills?""I don't usually do house calls."Well, of course not.He was a frickin' plastic surgeon.What in thehell was he doing here anyway?"Your friends think you're on death's door, but you're just healing.Nosigns of infection.You are anemic and dehydrated, but you'll recover.""I feel like shit.""Not that any of you kids ever listen to me, but you really need ablood transfusion and a month of uninterrupted bed rest.Preferably in ahospital, in case there are complications with your recovery.""Can Aggie take care of my complications?" He chuckled."This is no joking matter," Aggie said from the opposite side of theroom.He might have watched what he said if he'd known she was there."He will stay in bed and rest, Doctor.You have my guarantee.I knowfifteen ways to tie a man."Doctor Mills chuckled."I bet you do.""I can't spend a month in bed.We have three shows next week.InCanada.""Then you'll be playing your bass from your bed," Aggie said."Don't worry," Eric said."I've got the perfect solution."Eric? Just how many people were in the room?Jace lifted his head, his eyes scanning the room.Aggie, Brian, Trey,Sed, Eric, and Doctor Mills.Okay, all the guys were there witnessingfirsthand how pathetic and helpless he was.Jace lowered his head tothe pillow with a groan."What kind of perfect solution?" Sed asked."I asked Jon to stand in for Jace for a few shows," Eric saidcheerfully."He said it wouldn't be a problem."Jon? Jon Mallory? Sinners' previous bassist, the sun rises and setsover his fingers, the only bassist who could ever properly fill Eric's drum progressions, Jon Mallory?"Yeah, that'll work," Sed said."Good thinking, Eric."Fuckin' A.Shoot me now.Jace lifted a hand to cover his eyes.A burst of pain stabbed the backof his shoulder and snaked down his right arm, reminding him he'dalready been shot.Well then.shoot me again."You rest up, and we'll see how you are when we get back fromCanada," Sed said."Fuck that.I'm coming with you," Jace said.There was no way inhell he was letting Jon Mallory tour in his place without him there."Are you sure you're up for it, little man?" Eric said.Aggie took his hand and gave it a squeeze."He'll have me to takecare of him until he gets better.If he's going, then I'm going." Chapter 25Despite Doctor Mills's assessment of Jace's condition, Aggie made himgo to a hospital for a more thorough examination while the band andcrew prepared for the next, extended leg of their tour.A blood test,MRI, and IV of enriched fluids later, Aggie seemed satisfied that Jacewas okay to travel.He wasn't used to having a woman as a fixture in hislife.Wasn't sure how to react to her constant hovering and concern.Hehoped he healed quickly so she'd knock it off already.And she'd madehim go shopping.Sure, her suitcase had been stolen, and she neededclothes and other necessities, but shopping? Jace hated shopping.Almost as much as he hated that pitying look she kept giving him."Maybe you should just stay at my place while I'm gone," Jace said,leaning heavily on the shopping cart as they ambled through the aisles.She'd tried to get him to use one of those electric scooters when they'dfirst entered the store.Next, she'd ask him to hand over his balls on aplate."I promise I'll take it easy.""You don't want me to go on tour with you?"He trod carefully into loaded-question territory."It's not that I don'twant you to go with me." The guys are going to rip on me constantly ifI bring a smothering chick on tour.And this whole go on tour "thing"had been her idea, not his.He didn't get why she insisted on it sovehemently.He knew she needed a break from her mother, but shedidn't have to ride on the tour bus to get away from her."I just thinkyou'd be more comfortable at my place.You'd still be away from yourmother, and Brownie would love the company." He rubbed his jaw onhis shoulder to catch sight of her expression.Was she buying it? Thatwould be a negative.She stared at the shampoo display with her prettyface twisted in a harsh scowl."I see," she said in a clipped tone."I might as well go back toVegas.""No, I didn't mean."She tossed shampoo and conditioner in the cart."It's gonna suck for you to be trapped on a bus with five." And Jonmade six."Uh, six guys for a month.I think you'd be better off--""This has nothing to do with my mother.Don't you get it? I'm worried about you.I feel responsible for you getting hurt."He understood what that guilt felt like.He shouldn't have been soworried about what the guys would think.He wrapped his good armaround her, his injured one trapped in a newly acquired sling, and heldher close, stroking her silky hair with one hand."Okay.If it makes you feel better to go on tour with us--"She stiffened and pulled away with a frustrated sigh.While he triedto figure out what was wrong with what he'd said, she tossedtoothpaste, mouthwash, and a toothbrush in the cart, yanked the cartfrom his grasp, and zoomed off to a different aisle.Jace struggled to catch up, a stitch in his side [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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