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.Please. He stared up atKane, putting his heart in his eyes as he begged,  Just give me five minutes. He movedbackward, giving Kane enough room to step outside.His lover didn t budge. Come on. Rafe grabbed Gabe s hand and pulled his husband behind him. Theyneed to talk.Gabe s reluctance was obvious but he followed Rafe, glowering at Syren until hedisappeared into the house and closed the door.Kane and Syren stared each otherdown until Syren spoke. I didn t cheat on you.Never, he whispered. What we have is too important forme to  What we have? Kane laughed harshly. What do we have, Syren?Syren blinked up at him. We have a relationship.We have  Sex, Kane spat. We have damn good sex, but that s all it is because let s face it, Iknow absolutely nothing about you, do I? No. Syren shook his head as his heart cracked with each word Kane spoke. Youknow me. His voice shook. You know me better than everyone else.Better thananyone. But I don t. Kane leaned against the porch rails and looked out into the distance. I don t know you otherwise I wouldn t have been so surprised to see you gettingfucked by the son of the man you blame for everything that s gone bad in your life. Heturned to Syren, looking into his eyes for what felt like the first time. You give menothing.You re a stranger and I don t care to find out any more of your secrets.You renot for me. Don t, Syren rasped. Don t make a decision without knowing all the facts. Hischest squeezed tight, but he battled through it.Fought to breathe, to think straight, toremain standing when he wanted to fall to his knees. What are the facts? Kane asked, voice devoid of emotion.He d already closedhimself off and the realization hurt. The facts are you ve got a million and oneidentities.You ve made lying your business and stock in trade for the past few years.Nothing you say can be trusted. Kane s throat worked. You can t be trusted.I can ttrust you with me, with my heart.187 Avril Ashton That s not true. Syren grabbed his arm. You can trust me.Don t.Please, hewhispered brokenly. Don t hurt me. Like you hurt me? Kane asked quietly. Like you trust me? Syren nodded andKane laughed, the sound without mirth. Where did you really go last weekend?Syren gaped at him. You told me you were going to see Isa in Paris, but when Gabe called you aboutme being shot you were back in LA in less than six hours. Kane held his gaze. Paris toLA is at least ten hours. I didn t  For the first time Syren found himself stumbling over his words.Kanegave him a sad smile. Save the excuses. Kane held up his good hand. I m not interested in being withsomeone who constantly lies to me, who can t be bothered to be faithful to me. His lipstwisted. I m too old for that shit, too old to settle for just anything.I ve had the real, Iknow what it is. He shook his head. It s not this.Syren stood rooted to the spot. Don t make me go back. His lips and wordstrembled, but he didn t care. Don t make me go back to a life without you. Maybe you need to be by yourself, Kane offered, not unkindly. Maybe you needsomeone who doesn t mind the bullshit, the lies, all of it.That someone isn t me.I mdone. He turned and walked away. Kane, Syren called to him. I can t go back.Kane stopped with his hand on the doorknob. Then move forward.Without me.He walked into the house and closed the door.Syren stood, hands fisted at his sides.He hurt all over, but it wasn t physical.Thepain was inside, under his skin where he couldn t get at it.He forced himself off thatporch and onto the streets.In the back of a cab he let the pain out the only way he knewhow he pulled a pocketknife from his jacket pocket and sliced into his palm.Soundsfell from him as he carved himself open, raw and wounded and he didn t hide them.Heignored the driver s questions.No, he wasn t all right.He d never be again.What he needed, who he needed had given up on him.Left him like everyone elseand once again, he was back fighting the demons and the darkness alone.He shouldhave known this day would come, loving someone who could never love him.Attempting to live in a life he wasn t made for.He had no sense of time when the plane finally landed in New York.Not where hewanted to be, not by a long shot, but he needed to speak to Pablo Castillo.He couldn ttell the man of either Delatorres deaths as yet, but at least he could give Pablo the outhe d been looking for to be with the man he wanted.Syren couldn t let him suffer whenhe didn t have to just because his own relationship lay in ruins.He d be a big boy, wipethe tears and the blood away and smile Faro s pretty smile.Everyone liked that.188 A Sinner BornHe found Castillo sprawled on the floor of his living room, looking like shit.Helifted an eyebrow when Syren dropped into a chair. Rough times? I could ask you the same, no? Syren smirked and made a show of looking aroundthe room and up the stairs for who he knew he d never find. Where s your agentfriend?Castillo s expression shuttered, but he didn t hide the pain fast enough. Whoknows? Gone. He kept his voice short, curt, yet that too gave him away.Syren grunted. You sent him away, yes? Your choice, so why do you look like youwant to kill someone? Fuck, what are you? My shrink? Pablo moved onto his stomach and buried hisface in the cushion he d been using to prop his head up. Are you here for a reason orjust to invade my goddamn privacy? Hmm.Can it be a little bit of both? It actually hurt, the banter.The small talk.Pablo rolled his eyes and sat up. Okay.Just say what you came to say and let spart ways before I shoot you.Syren clucked his tongue. I d watch that temper, Mr.Castillo.Not attractive. Oh my God! Pablo chucked the cushion at his head and Syren ducked out of theway. Why don t we talk about you, hmm? About the swollen lip and the person whocaused it? Found yourself a boyfriend, did ya?Shit.Damn that Gabe and his right hook.Syren swiped his tongue over said bottomlip.Pablo laughed and Syren fidgeted in his seat.He wasn t used to that.He wished fora second he could let the façade fall.That he could talk to someone.Other than Kane. Yes, well, I have some business to discuss with you, Castillo. I bet you do. Faro business.Pablo sobered quickly and Syren figured he d go with the old  rip it off like aBAND-AID method. Delatorre is suspending all North American weapons shipments indefinitely.Pablo cocked his head to the side. What? Some in-house machinations have made it impossible for the Delatorres tocontinue the weapons trading part of their business. Syren s lips quirked up. Themain supplier of our weapons has had a& change of heart, shall we say?Castillo remained skeptical, if that expression on his face was any indication. Thisis your doing? Part of your plan to deal with the Delatorres? Could be [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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