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.Giselle started, suddenly feeling a little uncertain.She d never really likedpriests and priestesses who claimed to speak to the Goddess.In herexperience, they usually wanted money.But this couple really didn t seem tobe asking anything of her. The Goddess rejoices at your presence, child, Velor said, his voicesoothing. We were both able to feel it as soon as we met you.It will bestronger when your Jerred arrives, of course, but there s no question thatyou re newly life-mated. So what does that mean? Giselle asked, almost afraid to know the answer. Well, it means that you and Jerred will probably have very long, happy livestogether, Grania said. Of course, there will be hard times.But, all in all,the Goddess chooses wisely when she creates mates.You are very lucky to havefound each other. What about Jerred? Giselle asked, feeling even more confused. How is hegoing to react to this? Well, I would imagine that once he understands what s going on he ll bethrilled,Velor said. Although I wouldn t be surprised if right now he s tearing thestation apart108Jerred s Price looking for you.My chief of security tells me that he sdemanding entrance to the temple, he added, tapping his ear lightly.The manmust have a communications implant, Giselle realized.How funny, that a manwho lived in a wooden house had a com implant.This temple was an extremelystrange place. You d better go and fetch him, dear, Grania said, turning her head to smileup at her mate. The poor boy will have a heart attack if we don t let himknow his mate is safe.They tend to get very concerned about these things,she added, looking at Giselle.Velor nodded, then quietly left the room. He won t be but a moment, Grania said. We have an entrance in back of thehouse, too.We only took you the long way because we wanted you to see some ofthe grounds.True to her word, Velor was back within moments.Jerred followed him, his facefilled with strain.He came up to her and pulled her roughly into his arms. Are you all right? he asked, running his hands over her shoulders. Yes, she said, looking up at him with all the love she felt.She couldn tquite figure out why he was so concerned.It wasn t as if she hadn t left anote. Xander told me he d had a talk with you, Jerred said, his face betraying hisnerves. He told me you d gone to the temple.I was afraid you might beseeking sanctuary from me. Sanctuary? she burst out laughing. Why on earth would I need sanctuary?He blushed, and then looked to Grania and Velor. Considering how I originally got you to come with me, I had reason to bePage 82 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlworried, he said softly. My mind just kept racing through all the reasonsyou might be trying to leave me.I couldn t understand why you d go to thetemple, either. It is customary for life mates to have their union sanctified within thetemple,Grania said.Jerred s head jerked up, and he looked at her. What are you saying? We re life mates, Jerred, Giselle said softly, looking up into his face.Foran instant, joy chased across his features, and then he seemed to clamp downon the emotion firmly. This isn t a joking matter, Giselle, he said. You have no comprehension howunlikely it is that we could possible be life mates. And yet that is exactly the case, Grania said. And I think you know thatalready, young man.You re just afraid to give in to your happiness.You reafraid to believe it s real.But it is.Jerred suddenly sagged against her, clutching her so hard Giselle though she dfall over.He caught himself quickly though. This is more than I could have imagined, he muttered, giving her a soft kisson the mouth. Giselle, I love you.Will you do me the honor of sharing mylife?109Joanna Wylde Oh, hell yes, Giselle said. Don t be ridiculous.I don t suppose you wantto open up a bar, do you?He shook his head, and started laughing. Can we discuss this further? heasked. I think we have quite a few things to talk about. Not least of which is you getting out of the spying and smuggling thing,Giselle said. Or at least I hope you ll consider it.I don t think I canhandle another run-in withJosiah.He kissed her, his mouth slanting over hers in a gesture that was franklycarnal.Giselle sighed, allowing herself to fall into the kiss.A second later theywere brought up short by a discrete cough. As much as the Goddess celebrates physical love, Velor said softly,  Ibelieve Iwouldn t be overstating my bounds by requesting you celebrate yours inprivate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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