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.And to work togetherwe're going to have to trust each other.""I suppose you're going to tell me now thatyoutrust me?" Another laugh.Page 185 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Of course I trust you otherwise I wouldn't be here." She glanced over hershoulder toward Jamey's body."And he wouldn't be there.So I'm asking youagain, what's it going to take to get you to trust me?"He took a step toward her, raised the pistol until she was staring down thebarrel."You're serious, aren't you?""As a heart attack," replied the fool on the hill.The stars froze overhead;behind her, Selene knew, the waves were poised in mid-rise, the breakers inmidfall, the whitecaps hanging in the air like swirls of white frosting on awedding cake.A lifetime passed in which nothing moved but the quivering blackhole at the end of the gunbarrel.She had just about decided that she'd madethe very last mistake of her life,a real doozy, when he lowered the pistol."In that case, I suppose I can think of something," he said but the pause hadlasted so long she couldn't remember for a moment what it was he was going tothink of.Then it came to her: this madman standing in front of her, thisarsonist, this kidnapper, this murdering vampyromaniac, was going to think ofsome way that she could prove herself worthy of his trust.This should be good, she thought.This should be a real doozy too.Doozywas not the word.There was no word.After Aldo loaded Whistler into thetrunk of the rental car, he backed it the rest of the way up the winding dirtroad with Martha slumped beside him in the passenger seat, sagging into theshoulder harness.Selene followed in the Jaguar and parked it next totheToyota under the stand of cypress trees at the end of the road, thenfollowed him on foot through the high grass.He had Martha over one shoulderand Jamey over the other; both bodies were limp.Strange feeling, to be walking now over ground she'd seen from the airearlier that same day.Selene followed Aldo through the grass to the thirdcabin, and up two plank-and-cinder-block steps.Inside, he propped both bodiesup against the far wall, heads lolling.Between them a battery-powered Colemanlamp cast their elongated shadows out sideways and sent Aldo's dancing crazilyahead of him across the dusty wooden floor."Ready?" he asked.Selene forced herself to smile."As I'll ever be."He smiled back."Stand over there by the foam pallet.Start by removing yourclothes slowly.Not that I'm an ecdysiaphile.""Not a what?" said Selene, taking off her blazer, looking for something tolay it down on, settling for the ice chest, then kicking off her sandals."An ecdysiaphile, one who enjoys watching strippers.I just want to make sureyou haven't any more pins secreted about your person." He shook his headsadly."Disgraceful, how little you Americans know of your own mother tongue.""And amazing how much of it you know.Did you learn it in school?" Selenestarted to turn her back to him as she pulled her "Surrender Dorothy" T-shirtover her head."Don't turn around," he said sharply."And keep your hands in sight at alltimes." Then, conversationally, as if they were on a first date, as shePage 186 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlunzipped her jeans and peeled them down over her hips: "School? After afashion; I studied at the Institut Limba Strain inBucharest.And you?""Barnard." She stepped out of her jeans and stood before him in hersee-through lavender panties and bra."Shall I keep going?""What do you think?"Selene reached behind her and unhooked the bra, then slipped the shoulderstraps down and let it fall; she slid her panties down and stepped out ofthem.Now she stood before him naked, feeling the goosebumps starting to riseacross her shoulders and arms; her nipples had puckered up into hard cones.Her shoulders slumped forward as her body turned shy, tried to draw in onitself.Then she remembered the magazines she'd seen in Moll's office, forcedher shoulders back, thrust her chest out."Well?" she said, shifting herweight to one leg, cocking her fist on her hip.He looked her up and down."You'll do.But let's make sure you haven't anysurprises for me.Hold your hands out to the side [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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