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.It really helped to have youstep in for the emergency.”“Yeah,” he agreed slowly.“And I’ll do it again if you need me,but…”“But what?”Unexpected demands 61“If it happens a lot, I’m going to ask you to lay in suppliesfor the pack somehow.I have to account for all my drugs to theDEA.Just so you know, you now own a yellow lab with a bout ofseizures due to unknown toxicity, for which I used half the Valium in the clinic.I can cover, but I don’t like doing it, especially on short notice.”“Understood,” I told him.“Make me a list and we’ll getemergency supplies put aside for the pack.” Somehow.I eyed him speculatively.I could order him and Simon to takeZach home with them.But I wouldn’t.I figured part of Simon’s joined-at-the-hipbehavior was as simple as him wanting every moment together heand Paul could have, in case this was all there was.I wouldn’t force them to lose any of that time to watch a needy kid.In fact…I pulled out my phone.“Mark,” I said, my eyes onPaul.“I hate to double up your work hours but I’m going to.Round up Richard, Patrick, and Andy.I want you to increasethe patrol around Simon’s place.Use pairs, four hours each, youcan figure the details.” I closed the phone on his agreement andlooked at Paul.“Tell Simon they’re out there.Then take your manto bed and make him sleep.Eight hours.You both need to besharp three days from now or we’ll all lose.”A small smile passed over Paul’s face.“I can do that.”“Good man.Get out of here.”“You’ll call me if Zach has any problems?”“You’ll be the first to know.Now git.”As he left I reviewed my options.My pack was small.WithLucas, Mark, Richard, Simon, Patrick, and Andy otherwiseoccupied, there were few choices left to babysit Zach.Vincentliked trouble too much, and at his age he needed his rest.Davidwas too young, Damian too self-centered.I could handle it, I decided.It wouldn’t be the first time I’dhad to cut off my awareness of another man.I had practice.And62Kaje Harperdespite the difficulty, I wanted him here, under my roof, where Icould guard him and keep him safe, watch over him… Jesus.“Hey Zach?” I called, not raising my voice much, so he wouldrealize I knew he was listening.“Yeah?” He came halfway down the stairs and stopped.Hestill looked like hell, too pale, rumpled and shaky, with circlesunder his eyes.He still looked too fucking good.“You want to order pizza or take a chance on my cooking?”His smile was small, but it warmed his eyes.“Can you cook?”“No.”“I like pepperoni and mushrooms,” he said.“Can do.” I pulled out my phone.Domino’s was speed dialthree.We could eat, and I’d push him through a shift or two.Letthe wolf burn some of the pain out of him.Then he would go tobed in the spare room, and soon it would be morning.I coulddo this.Later he undressed in the bathroom and insisted on shiftingon his own in there.I left him to it, opening my mind to him just enough to be sure he made it through.I felt the effort it took,but he did it safely, and when he was back to human some of theworst symptoms did feel muted.I waited in the hallway until hecame out in a ratty pair of sweatpants.He slapped the key to hisshift lock into my hand.I noticed he’d put the chain back on hisneck and snapped the lock tight without being asked.I took the key without comment, trying not to notice his assin those sweats.Like his jeans, they were a bit short, and a split seam showed a flash of olive thigh.I smacked his leg as he walked by, aiming for big brotherly, for the fun of seeing him bristle at me and then back it down fast when he remembered who I was.“Get Megan to teach you to sew,” I told him.“Yes, Alpha,” he said through gritted teeth.“Good pup,” I said cheerfully.“Soon we’ll have you doinghousework and making yourself useful.”Unexpected demands 63I could almost see the effort he made not to snap back at me.His skin was sweaty again, and his hands shook as he pulled thecovers back.He climbed into bed and glanced at me as I pulledout the chair.“You know you’re going to have a crick in your neck by morning.”“Don’t worry about me, pup.”He rolled over to face the wall away from me, and pulled theblanket up to his ears.I leaned back in the chair and stretched out my legs.Zach was right, it wasn’t going to be a comfortable way to sleep.Turned out not to matter, since neither of us was destinedto get much.The night passed in an unending loop of shakes, nausea, andnightmares on his part.And there wasn’t much I could do.Once Iwoke him out of a dream that had his body flailing in protest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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