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.Kelsey respected him for that, and she knew she d inherited hisdeep sense of responsibility.No matter what Kevin did, she wasalways there for him.If she could find her mother, she would bethere for her, too. Billings Industries became his first love when he realizedhe d lost your mother, Artie said. He thought it was too late toget her back. What do you think?They turned into the Whitakers neighborhood, a sea offamily homes with tidy gardens and swimming pools in theirbackyards. I think he made the worst mistake of his life not going afterher." 125 " LARKIN ROSEKelsey stared at him, lights flashing in her head as herplans for the company rolled through her mind.She was moredetermined than ever to see this through to the end, to set BillingsIndustries on a new course of action, to never hurt another livingsoul to feed corporate greed.Maybe once she was done, shewould go find Jordan and they could start all over.She gave Artie her best smile. Thank you for sharing myfather s fears with me.I don t want to live my life loving mysecond love.This company wasn t my dream.I want my own. That s my girl.I m proud of you.She plucked a tissue from the box on the seat and patted herwet face. Don t be proud yet.It s going to be hell to make surethis company gets into the right hands.Douglas slipped into her mind.Of course.How could shehave been so stupid? All those grueling hours he d spent with hergoing over figures, sleepless nights trying to figure out how thecompany could help struggling companies survive and keep theiremployees out of the unemployment line.Douglas knew whatshe wanted to do.He knew every corner of the business.Therewere no other hands she would ever trust more with her father sdreams. Douglas! she yelled in excitement. Douglas can takeover. Now I know you ve lost your mind, Artie said. My sonmight be good at his job, but running a company as big as BillingsIndustries is another story. Are you crazy? He helped me come up with the plan to turnit all around.I know he can do this. Can I ask you something?Kelsey froze.That fatherly tone that always made her standat attention. Sure. If you knew you wanted to turn things around, and if youspent so much time figuring out how to do just that, why didn tyou do it yourself?" 126 " I DARE YOUKelsey s chin fell to her chest. I was afraid I d screw thingsup and make the company fold.I couldn t bear it if I destroyedhis dreams. So you re both fools?She smiled uncertainly and shrugged. In a way, I guess so.Lucky for me, I m young enough to get out and find a life.They stopped in the Whitakers driveway.Their house hadbeen her second home ever since her mother left.Ellie, Artie sperfect wife, had helped her go through her mom s belongingswhen it became clear that she was never coming back.She ddone the same when her dad died.It was almost like she d lost both parents, Kelsey thought.She d buried one and couldn t find the other.She didn t knowwhich was worse.At least she could visit her father s grave.She d saved a few select things that reminded her of her mother,but they could never take the place of the real thing.Ellie met her at the front door and gave Artie a wave as hepulled out of the driveway, returning to duty.Even at this late hour,she wore her apron.Laugh lines crinkled around her deep blueeyes and her gray hair was twisted into curlers.Her pudgy facebroke into a grin the closer Kelsey got to her.Those welcomingarms spread open for a hug and Kelsey slid into them, feeling herheartache and troubles drain.No matter what her problems were,Ellie always helped her get a new perspective.She d hug her,then bring her cookies and milk, as if that was the cure for everyreal or perceived ailment.Usually, it was.Giving Kelsey s hand a gentle squeeze, she said,  I havecookies. That s just what I need.More weight. Oh, girl.Give me a break.What I wouldn t give to have afigure like yours. Ellie bundled her into the kitchen.They sat onpadded chairs at the glass dining table. Do you think they wouldlet some old fart with cauliflower thighs do a sexy dance at yourclub?" 127 " LARKIN ROSEKelsey choked on the cookie. What? Ellie glanced down at her handlebar hips. ThinkI d be too heavenly for them? I don t think we have enough bouncers to hold the audienceoff you. Kelsey gave her a wink.It was the best feeling in the world to have someone onher side, loving her no matter what.She recalled the time she dadmitted to Ellie that she was a lesbian.Ellie s eyebrows hadarched with the confession. You say this like you have a diseaseor something.Don t say it like you re ashamed.If you think alittle word like  lesbian is going to make me love you any less,you ve got another thought coming.Kelsey s heart ached with the memory.She couldn t loveEllie an ounce more for all the support she d given throughKelsey s heartaches. It s good to be here, she sighed. You ve no idea what alousy month I ve had. I m sorry, sweetie.What s happening? Oh, just the usual.Work.More work. Kelsey felt prettysure Artie wouldn t have mentioned the vandalism at her house.He didn t like to worry his wife.Ellie studied her face intently. You lie so sweet.Kelsey glared at her. I hate how you can read my mind. I know, Ellie said with satisfaction. Tell me about thisnew love of yours.Kelsey froze.Was it written on her face or something?She d only just figured it out for herself, and maybe she waswrong about the feelings that kept her stomach in knots.She dprogrammed herself not to feel love, not to need it, not to want it.Fuck.Was it love that kept Jordan playing through her mind likea virtual reality? There s not much to tell, she said weakly. Oh, bull [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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