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.Colt took her hands and kissed them. Honey, you re doing great.You re amazing.I know we cando it, just breathe like we practiced. We? We! Kady pulled Colt s face level with hers and looked him straight in the eye. I ve got abetter idea.You do it! Good news, you re crowning, the doctor interrupted from the foot of the bed. I can see thehead.A head.Oh, God.Regan had the right idea.Gray spots danced in front of Sophie s eyes and shewondered if she d pass out if she made a run for the door.Too late.Kady groaned again. Herecomes another one. Give it all you ve got, Mommy, the doctor said. Let s have this baby.Kady screwed her eyes shut, squeezed Colt s hands until her knuckles turned white, and let loose ahigh-pitched scream.Colt s face took on an anguished look that had nothing to do with the crushinggrip Kady had on his hands and everything to do with the torture of seeing the woman he lovedsuffering and being powerless to relieve her pain.Pain so overwhelming Kady s whole body shook.Every muscle inside Sophie stiffened in sympathy.Then Kady s scream subsided, and a tiny wail reached her ears. Good job, Mommy, the doctor said, and then backed away to make a space for Colt.Next thing she knew, Colt stood beside her, his expression awestruck, eyes brimming with pent-upemotion.He placed a blanket-wrapped bundle in Kady s arms, and then sat down on the bed andsnuggled his exhausted wife against his chest. Ladies, he said, in a voice that wasn t quite steady,  meet Emily Wynn Brooks.She s perfect andbeautiful.Just like her mom. A chorus of  Ooooh broke out in the room, and she couldn t help add her voice.The most rivetingblue eyes she d ever seen stared out from a soft pink face. Hi, Emily, she crooned, brushing a fingerover the baby s velvet-soft head.It took some doing, but she tore her attention away from her niece sface and looked at the group gathered around.Colt, Kady, Christine, and Julie smiled down at thenewest member of their group.Regan, Logan, Tyler, Brock, and Reed peeked in from the door. Good job, you two, Christine murmured. She s absolutely beautiful. Then the redhead lookedup and winked at her and Julie. We should step out and let Mommy and Daddy get to know theirlittle girl.The suggestion set off unanimous agreement, a quick, dizzying round of kisses, and then she stood inthe bright hallway, tucked against Logan s side, blinking back tears as the others headed toward thewaiting room.He squeezed her. You okay? I m good. She pulled a tissue from her purse, swiped her eyes, and blew her nose. Just happy. I understand.Let s sit down for a minute. He gestured to a couple of linked guest chairspositioned in the hall between two rooms.She poured her grateful body into one of the chairs,expecting Logan to take the other, but, to her surprise, he knelt before her instead, and took her hands. We never got to dessert this evening. He smiled at her, treating her to a flash of the groove besidehis mouth.She smiled back. No, I guess we didn t.You re really stuck on that, aren t you?He shrugged. I had something very particular in mind and I planned to kick things off with softlights and a romantic view but your niece didn t cooperate. There s always tomorrow night. No.I m ready now, and even though the setting isn t ideal, I m too anxious to wait a secondlonger. He released one of her hands and dug into his pocket.Goodness, they were in the middle of a hospital.Slightly scandalized, and more than a littleexcited, she tried to tug her hand back.He refused to let go. Logan. She looked left.Looked right. We should at least find an empty room. Uh-uh.Right here, right now. She felt him slip something on her finger. Will you marry me? What? He released her hand.She looked down at the sparkling diamond gracing her ring finger. What? I love you, Sophie Brooks.You re my present, my future, my everything.I want to climbmountains with you. He looked around them and raised a brow. And have babies with you.Mostly,I want to spend my life with you.What do you say?For a full minute she couldn t say anything.Eighteen months ago she d set goals to change her dull,empty life fill it with challenge, passion, excitement, and love.Now here she sat, surrounded byfriends and family, secure in the arms of the man she loved, staring at a future so exciting she couldn t even have imagined it a year ago when she d watched Logan stride across the Beaver Creek Resortlobby, felt all those assessing eyes on her, and wished for one crazy moment he could be hers.Shewas a walking, talking testament to the power of skinny jeans, a favor, and a little courage. Sophie, he prompted, and she got a glimpse of some of the nerves she d sensed earlier in theevening.Realizing she could make Mr.Perfect suffer a moment of doubt unlocked her tongue. I say yes.Yes, yes, and more yes. She went with impulse and threw herself into his arms. I loveyou, Logan.I can t wait to get started on the rest of our lives.He laughed and caught her. Love you too, Sophie. Then he lowered his head for a kiss.Sheclosed her eyes and touched her lips to his, dimly aware of people gathering in the corridor.Someonestarted clapping.Soon full-blown applause broke out.She looked up to find everyone standing there,watching them.Regan and Brock, married and about to have twins.Christine and Tyler, fresh fromtheir honeymoon in Mexico.Julie and Reed engaged, while Julie put all those organization skills touse for her own benefit, for once, and planned what promised to be the wedding of the century.As the clapping subsided, Colt poked his head out the door of the birthing room, took stock, andcalled to Kady,  Looks like we re going back to Beaver Creek.Did you love this Brazen? Check out more of our steamy titles here! Grab the rest of the Wedding Dare series!When four bridesmaids dare one another to find lust or maybe even love at the destinationwedding event of the year, the groomsmen don t stand a chance.But little do the women know, themen are onto their game, and sparks will fly alongside the bouquet.Four bridesmaids.Four groomsmen.Five New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling authors.Long-carried torches, sizzling newattractions, and forbidden conquests will ensure a wedding never to be forgotten.DARE TO RESISTa Wedding Dare novella by Laura KayeColton Brooks is in hell.Being trapped in a tiny motel room with Kady Dresco, the object of hisdarkest fantasies, will require every ounce of his restraint.She s his best friend s brilliant littlesister, not to mention his competition for a lucrative military security services contract.Craving hersubmission is not allowed.But as her proximity and the memory of their steamy near-miss three yearsago slowly destroys his resolve, Colton s not sure how much longer he can keep his hands off& or hisheart closed.FALLING FOR THE GROOMSMANa Wedding Dare novel by Diane AlbertsPhotojournalist Christine Forsythe is ready to tackle her naughty to-do list, and who better to tap forthe job than a hot groomsman? But when she crashes into her best friend s older brother, her planschange.Tyler Dresco took her virginity during the best night of her life, then bolted.The insatiableheat between them has only grown stronger, but Christine wants revenge.Soon, she s caught in herown trap of seduction [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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