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.I decided to try again.This time I walked further west until I was on the front sidewalk outside our house.I ran about five feet toward the south this time (away from my house) and I took a flying leap into the air, after looking around for neighbors who could see.I fell flat on my face again! It didn't hurt because I was not physical, and so I picked myself back up.I decided to walk to our back yard (east) and try [to fly] there once.I walked about ten feet or so and I blacked out without any warning.07/02/82 Fri - OBE #77Early this morning I was dreaming.I dreamed that I was talking to someone about astralprojection.After the conversation ended, and I was back inside my bedroom, I said to myself (still in a dream state), "That's an excellent idea; I think I'll project." So in the dream, I stood up and went outside.I walked to the place just behind (east of) myhouse and I woke up there out of my body! I realized my condition, and I was surprised, but I stayed in perfect control of my emotions: The dream had prepared me to be calm for the upcoming OBE.I was standing outside, facing east.I thought about recent failures with astral levitation, but I said calmly to myself, "It's worth a try." With an act of will, I started rising through the air, straight up, in an upright position (standing).It startled me but I told myself, "Stay calm; it's no biggie.I'm going to go for a nice, simple flying lesson.I'm not going to try for a big adventure." I waited until I was about 15 feet in the air, then I said, "Okay; that's high enough for now." The thought that I might not stop rising did cross my mind, and it caused me to rise a bit further, but I said to myself, "It's okay.Nothing bad can happen.I can't be harmed.I'm in control." So I stopped in midair.I totally relaxed my astral body so I couldn't even feel it and I propelled myself forward through the air toward the east with a mere thought properly placed.I was slowly moving (flying) toward the east in a comfortable position.I thought, "I'm totally relaxed.This is a great bodily position to be in for flying." Then I looked down at my astral body, and I saw I was almost upright.My arms were hanging down, my head was forward, and I was leaning forward about 30 degrees.My legs were relaxed and naturally bent about 45 degrees.The position I was in was almost exactly that of a 10-speed bicycle rider except I was more upright and my arms were relaxed by my side.I wasn't too steady in my flying.I bobbed up and down, left and right, trying to correct my direction of flight.I was moving slightly faster now, and the ash tree in my yard was straight ahead of me.I tried to steer around it, but I could not; I wasn't practiced enough at flying.I was just about to hit the tree, when I wiggled my torso to the left (north) and my head managed to miss hitting the tree.The rest of my body hit the tree, and much to my surprise it bent around the tree, and slithered around it elastically like a snake overcomes an obstacle."Whew!" After that, there was nothing in my way.I started flying a little faster, and I purposely climbed higher and higher.I climbed to about four-hundred feet, then I descended back to about two-hundred feet, so that I could see the scenery more closely.I looked down without any panic at all.I noticed that I could see everything well--equally well as in the body, and very clearly.But I saw there was no sun, and I felt it was dark out.I could see fine, however, and everything appeared in a pale, almost gray light.It was like seeing a picture from an infrared camera.I glided softly, somewhat slowly over the houses, eyeing the details of the neighborhood houses.I kept a close eye on all the details of everything as I moved, and I verified that I once again was in a real, waking situation.The details didn't change, nor did my speed.And the tremendous detail I saw around me, assured me I was seeing reality and not a dream.I reasoned that: In dreams I notice very few details, only those that are necessary to the immediate story unfolding around me.This wasn't a dream.Besides, I was fully awake and conscious.1.Even in ordinary reality we screen out and ignore most of the details of our surroundings.So I knew I was experiencing reality with more clarity than normal in-the-body life.2.Since what I saw didn't change, (I was looking for changes) I knew my eyesight was at least normal, and that I wasn't dreaming.Dreams have a bad habit of changing the scenery to produce certain situations and emotions.3.I verified and studied the details I saw below.The details were all the same as waking life.4.I flew to the east about three city blocks.I looked to the north, and I saw a man come out of a house that was on the north side of Lowry Avenue.He stood and looked at me, up in the air.So I brought myself softly down across the street, on the south side of Lowry, also to the west (I was now kitty-corner to where he was standing).He walked across the street toward me, and he came up to me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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