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.Hell, did you ever even see a dead body on the job? Not like that, I said.The demons in my brain whispered: justRick. But thanks for your support, Bobby.I feel the love. Love for you, I ve got.Faith that you re not going to get yourselfkilled doing this? Shaking his head, he turned off the highway andonto the surface streets. That I don t have, Princess. Dirty Kiss | 147With nothing to add, I pointed out the next cross street,concentrating on giving directions.I had to agree with him on severalpoints.Murder was outside of my comfort zone.If it weren t for Jae, Iwould walk away from Hyun-Shik s death, especially since I seemed tobe the only one who thought he d been murdered.My gut told me that Iwas doing the right thing.Someone had to do right by Hyun-Shik.Itmight as well be me.Josh Yi looked nothing like his cousin.For one, he was alive.Secondly, he took the SoCal wannabe thug culture to heart.He worewhite socks and flip-flops, long, brown, baggy shorts trailing down pasthis knees.Yi s head was shaved nearly bald, a scrawl of blue inktattooed on the back of his neck.I couldn t make out what it said, thenrealized it was Korean, a pop of circles and lines against his pale skin. Yi? I approached with my hand out, keeping my smile tight. We talked on the phone. Yeah, you re the guy his club hired? He repeated the lie Bobbyhad told him earlier.Spitting on the cement, he chin-nodded a greetingto Bobby. You can take the leftover shit with you for a couple ofhundred.The clothes and kitchen stuff are already gone. Wouldn t his parents want his things? I asked as Bobby handedmoney over to Yi. Nah, he s been dead to his parents for years.They don t want hiscrap.I m just going to throw it out.You might as well take it. Hisshrug was a dismissal of Jin-Sang s life.We loaded up the trunk withboxes from the garage, their cardboard sides smelling of apples.Yistood over us, watching but not helping.Within a few minutes, hiscousin s life was on its way to my house. It s kind of sad, Bobby said.His rugged face was smoothedwith a solemn look that I rarely saw. Kid s been dead for a few daysand he s already nothing. Not to me, I replied. Whoever killed Hyun-Shik probablymurdered Jin-Sang, or at least is connected in some way. Well, like I said, he grunted. Don t get killed doing it. 148 | Rhys Ford WHERE S Jae? Bobby lugged the last box in from the car,forbidding me to carry anything in my delicate condition.Adding it tothe stack on the floor, he flopped down on the couch, gratefullyaccepting the cold beer I d left for him.I had to admit, I was ready tocall it a day.My body was sore, and the crackling haunted my hearingwith a ferociousness I d not thought possible.Going out hadn t beenone of my best ideas, and my bruised limbs were letting me know it.Jae had dinner waiting for us when we came back, and I resistedthe urge to tease him about being domesticated.At least not before Iate.I wasn t exactly sure what we were eating, but it was flavorful andhad meat in it, all signs of a good meal.Bobby crooned over thespiciness, and I spent the better part of the meal plotting his demiseafter Jae gave him a brilliantly warm smile. He went upstairs to lie down, I said, cursing the bump on myhead.Alcohol was off the menu for a few days, and I grudgingly sippedmy water.Then again, a beer would have knocked me on my ass, andwe still had boxes to go through. Said he was tired, but I think hedoesn t want to deal with any of this.Considering the last time he sawJin-Sang, I don t blame him. Shit, we probably shouldn t have been doing this here. Bobbyexhaled softly. He s okay with this? He said he was fine.I don t know. I opened a box, hoping Jaewasn t lying to me. Let s see if there s anything here. Do you know what you re going to do with it when you redone? Bobby cut at the yards of packing tape covering one seam. I m kind of hoping he had some friends down at Dorthi Ki Seu.Someone there might want something.I ll ask Scarlet. I pulled out astack of papers.The contents were a jumbled mess, as if someone hademptied desk drawers into the box and taped it up. Good idea.It would suck if no one did.We pored through the papers and books [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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