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.Another distinction was the shifter s eyes.They were bright blue and almost piercing. Hi, I m North. When Chance and Thomas blinked insurprise, the shifter smiled. I know, it s weird, but that swhat my parents stuck me with.You gotta hand it to Foxshifters, they love to be different. Hi, I m Chance.North held up a medical file. I know.Doc Featherstoneasked me to take a look at your case and see if I can help. Help how? I deal with emotional and mental issues. Are you trying to say that Doc thinks I m crazy?86 Chance s VindicationChance asked, thoroughly offended. No, he just thinks you need help getting through somethings.Since I was already at the infirmary helping Rileyout, we thought that maybe this would be a good time for usto talk.Riley chose that moment to start retching again.Chancecocked his head in the direction of the noise. You re notgoing to do that to me, are you?North smiled. No, Riley s case is completely different. So, what exactly is it that you want to do to me? Chanceasked, with heavy distrust. Just talk.I d like for you to come in once or twice aweek. This is because I won t shift.Isn t it? Chance glared atthe Fox. Partly, it s concerning that you d rather go through allthis pain when a simple shift could take care of most of thewounds.Damn, when he put it that way, it kind of did makeChance look like he had some major emotional issues.Chance snuggled deeper into Thomas s embrace andadmitted,  I don t want anybody to see me that way.Thomas gave him a squeeze. We can close the curtains sonobody else can look at you.Nervous, Chance took a deep breath and finally admittedto his biggest fear of all. I don t want you to see it either. Why? I don t want you to go back to hating me.Thomas cupped Chance s face. That will never happen.Iswear it to you.Chance shot an uncertain glance in North s direction. Are you sure it won t gross you out? Trust me, kid, I ve seen way worse.It scared the ever living crap out of him, but Chance87 Stephani Hechtrealized he had to take the chance.Not only did he need toheal, but this would show Thomas that Chance trusted him. Make sure the curtain is closed tight, Chance ordered ashe got up and stood away from the bed and medical cart.He closed his eyes and let the change come over him.Unlike other shifters, his transformation didn t come as abright light.Instead a dull, illumination shimmered over hisbody.There was a brief moment of pain, but Chance learnedfrom his first time and just gave over to the shift rather thanfighting it.It went much quicker this time and in a matter ofmoments, he was in his Raven form.He only held it for as long as necessary to heal, before heshifted back to his human form.Once it was complete, helooked down at his body.Aside from some rips and stainson his clothes, he was back to normal.Even the scratchwounds from the night before had healed.Terrified of what he d find, Chance forced himself to lookat Thomas.Instead of the hatred and disgust, Thomas worean expression of pure lust.His cheeks were flushed and hiseyes were dark with desire.Most arousing of all, his canineshad grown larger.Something Chance didn t know felineswere capable of doing while still in their human form. Come here, Thomas ordered.The need that was so evident in that gravelly voice, sent ajolt of desire down Chance s spine.As he slowly movedforward, his cock grew hard and it was all he could do tohold in a groan.When he reached the bed, Chance didn t hesitate, heclimbed up, straddling Thomas s lap so they were facingeach other.Their lips were just inches apart and Chancesoon covered that distance as well, pressing their mouthstogether in a scorching kiss.Thomas growled, his hands shooting out to cup Chance s88 Chance s Vindicationass.He pulled them closer together, making their cocksgrind together perfectly.Waves of pleasure shot throughChance. I can see that I m not needed here anymore, Northcracked. I still expect to see you in my office next weekthough, Chance.They didn t respond to the Fox, both too busy kissingeach other.Since Chance discovered how nice it felt to rubagainst each other, he did a few more times.When Thomasgroaned in return, a heady thrill went through Chance.Itwas the best turn on of all, to know that he had this effect onthe strong Lion.Chance rolled his hips again, a whimper ripping from histhroat at the wonderful sensation. Need you. Let s get out of here then.Otherwise we re going to givethe infirmary one hell of a show. Hurry, I don t know how much longer I can wait.89 Stephani HechtChapter Tenhomas stood up so quickly that he almost dumpedTChance on the ground.Recovering quickly, he caughtthe Raven just in time.Chance looked up, a sexy grinplaying on his lips. You re not wasting any time, are you? Chance teased ashe picked up the Yogi doll from the bed.Thomas got them both steady on their feet, grabbedChance s hand and practically dragged him out of theinfirmary.Chance let out a soft laugh. I guess that answersmy question.While Thomas would have loved to go to his apartment,where they could have a bit more privacy, it was a fiveminute drive away.Since, he didn t want to waste even thatsmall amount of time, he opted to go to Chance s apartment.When they got there and the place was empty, Chancewanted to yell the Hallelujah chorus.Maybe they could getsome seclusion after all.He led the way back to Chance sbedroom and closed the door behind them.If the way Thomas was taking charge intimidated him,Chance didn t show it.He just gazed up from under the lockof hair in his face, desire burning in his eyes.Thomaswondered how he could have ever thought that Chance sgaze was soulless or expressionless.The emotions hadalways been there, plain to see, one just had to be willing tolook closely enough.Thomas pulled Chance in for a kiss [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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