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.The booth wasempty; Paul's collar and chain lay next to a bottle of bourbon and two glasses.Heglanced around the club, searching the crowd for Paul.His friend, Rafe, stood at thebar.Nash moved through the crowd to the man's side."Have you seen Paul?""Oh yeah, I saw him." Rafe lifted his glass and drank deeply."You sure made agood impression on that sweet sub."Nash rubbed the back of his neck."What the fuck do you mean by that?"Rafe gave him a long, considering look and shook his head slowly."You knowthere's not a dom in this place who wouldn't give his balls for a young sub like Paul."Rafe waved at the bartender for a refill."Everyone in the place can see the devotion hehas for you, and trust me, in the short time you've had him, that's fucking rare.""So?""So.he's left you." Rafe downed another drink."Fuck, you should have seenhis eyes, man.You are some asshole going off with Damien after that delicious sub gavehimself to you."Left me? "Is this some kind of joke? What do you mean, left me?""As in, 'he won't even notice I'm missing', took off his collar, put on his coat andcalled a cab." Rafe shrugged."You were so engrossed with Damien; any of the doms could have snatched him for the evening.You are supposed to protect what's yours,Nash."Nash forced his way through the crowd to the foyer.He went to the desk."Giveme Paul's address.""Paul who?" The man at the desk pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.Oh my God, I don't know his surname."Give me the names of all the guys in theauction.""I don't have that information.You know, I'm not supposed to give out addressesof anyone."With a growl, Nash pushed open the office door."You don't have to give meanything.Go get a drink or have a piss while I look on the computer."The man moved away from the computer and left the small office, mutteringunder his breath.Nash accessed the club's files.There were hundreds of names ofmembers.He did a search for all members named Paul and printed out a list.Withdismay, he looked down the long list, and then reached for the phone.After two frustrating hours and a disgruntled office manager, Nash hadnarrowed his search.Six men on the list were not at home or answering their cellphones.In the morning, he would visit every single one of them.He left the office andretrieved his coat.As he stepped out into the night, a strange feeling of lonelinesssurrounded him.Why would Paul leave without confronting him about Damien? Hadtheir days together meant nothing? No, that can't be.Not if what Rafe had said was trueabout Paul being upset.Fuck, what could he do to fix this problem if he could not findthe man? Why didn't I tell Paul I cared for him? I didn't even ask him his name; fuck, am I anasshole.Nash climbed into the Mustang and rested his head in his hands.His heart gavethat funny little twist again.What a complete idiot.The man was so new to the scene;he had no idea of the rules of the game.He would find his sweet sub, if he had to checkevery Paul in the damn state. * * * * *Paul arrived back at his apartment, unlocked the front door, and went inside.Heshook his head; his humble home was very different from Nash's opulent house.Hegazed around the sparsely furnished room.The temperature inside was below freezing,the windowpanes in the den solid frost.Paul pulled his coat around him and moved tothe opposite wall to turn on the heat.He looked around the room and shivered.I need adrink.The liquor cabinet opened with a cheerful light, the rich colors of alcohol awelcome sight.Paul took a bottle of whiskey and went straight to his bedroom.Toocold to undress, he pulled off his boots and crawled into bed.His nipples still hurt, butthe pain had dulled to a throb.He pulled the top from the whiskey and drank deep.Thelump in his throat from holding back tears slowly subsided with each swallow.Nash's face danced before Paul's eyes.Fuck, he could still smell the man on him.Damn it, he ached for his master.He cared for Nash, wanted and needed him.Paul putthe bottle on the floor and rolled his face into the pillow.He cried for the love of a manhe knew he could never have.Sometime later, he made the decision not to return to Floggers.The thought ofseeing Nash with Damien was too much to bear.Determined to move on, he reachedagain for the bottle of whiskey.Well, at least I had Nash for a few memorable days.I shouldbe grateful.Here's to you, Damien, may you rot in hell.Chapter EightFor the next three days, Nash searched for Paul.He contacted every Paul on theFloggers member's list without luck.At a loss to know what to do next, he searchedPaul's backpack for clues.The bag held a few clothes, perhaps the man's only decentoutfits.Nash replaced each item with reverence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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