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.The winters just seem to getcolder and colder each year."Nicky smiled and nodded because he really didn't have anything to say to that.He was from Boston.Their winterscould be brutal.He had no idea how winters were out here in the west."So, you're dating my Seth."Nicky's eyes widened as he turned his gaze away from the backyard and back to Seth's mother.He knew thequestions would come eventually.He just had to figure out how much to tell the woman without giving away his secret."Yes, Seth helped me move into my apartment a few weeks ago and, well& " Nicky smiled and flicked his hand in theair."You know how it goes.""Actually, I have to admit that I am a little surprised.Seth doesn't usually bring the people he dates home to meet us.Iguess you must be pretty special.""I certainly hope so.I think Seth is very special.""I'm sure you can imagine our surprise when Seth called and said he wanted to bring a girl home to meet us.""Yes, I'm sure." Nicky tried to keep the smile on his face but knew it didn't reach his eyes when Pamela frowned at him."I know all about Seth.He told me everything.""Did he?""Mother, stop interrogating Nicky."Nicky was never so glad to hear someone's voice.He looked up and watched Seth walk out of the house and over tothe lounger to sit down.Nicky immediately leaned into Seth when the man wrapped an arm around his shoulders."I was just asking how well she knew you, son.""Nicky knows all about me.""So she said."Nicky couldn't figure out if Pamela liked him or not.He could understand her confusion about Seth bringing him homebut he didn't think that was a reason not to like him.And she wasn't exactly hostile but more like disapproving."Does she know you're ""Nicky knows I'm gay, Mother.""Were gay, Seth, were." Pamela frowned, her forehead wrinkling."If you're dating a girl then you can't exactly say youare gay anymore, now can you?"Nicky felt Seth tense next to him.He reached down and squeezed Seth's hand, hoping to give the man some support.He knew this conversation was hard on his lover.Seth was essentially lying to his parents on Nicky's behalf, and Sethdidn't seem like a man who handled lying very well.Nicky opened his mouth to tell Seth to go ahead and tell his parents the truth when Seth began to speak. "I love Nicky and that s all you need to know.Whether Nicky is a guy or a girl or the man on the moon shouldn't matter.The dynamics of our sex life shouldn't matter either.Not you or anybody else has a right to stick their noses into ourbedroom.All you need to know is that Nicky cares about me and makes me happy.""I just worry& Seth, you've been gay all your life.How can you be sure this is what you want?" Pamela's hand wavedtoward Nicky as she spoke."I have nothing against your girlfriend.I'm just concerned that you're making a hastydecision.""Believe me, there is nothing hasty in my feelings for Nicky.""Seth, I'm your mother.I know you.Once you make up your mind about something a crowbar won't get it out.I justneed to know that you're making the right decision.Don't give up who you are because of a pretty face."Nicky gaped.Seth's mother was actually arguing for her son to be gay.He'd heard a lot of stories about parents tryingto talk their children out of being gay.He'd never heard of a parent trying to talk her son into being gay.He didn't quiteknow what to say or how to react.He did know that the whole conversation was upsetting to Seth.Nicky could feel Seth's thigh muscles bunch under hishand.He leaned over to whisper in Seth's ear."It's okay, Seth, tell her the truth if you need to.I don't want to comebetween you and your mother.She obviously loves you very much and she's just concerned."Seth's head moved back an inch or so as he turned to look at Nicky."I can't put you in danger, Nicky," Seth whispered."Do you trust your parents?""Of course." Seth frowned."Then tell them the truth.We don't have to tell them everything but they might feel a little better if they knew you hadn'tswitched sides.""It shouldn't matter!" Seth snapped."I love you and that s all that should be important.""Seth Daniel Leighton!" Pamela exclaimed, her face suddenly becoming very fierce."Don't you talk to that poor girl thatway.She's done nothing to deserve it and if you truly love her they way you say you do, you should be ashamed ofyourself.I taught you better than that."Nicky blinked.Pamela was defending him? Could things get any weirder than that?"I apologize for Seth's behavior, Nicky.I know this situation can't be easy for you but he really is a great young man& "Pamela glared at her son, "despite his lack of manners [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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