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.Alex looked up as Sage came in.Heseemed very tense.“Alex, is everything okay?” Sageperched his backside down on the deskbeside him.Alex moved back slightly.“I’m fine.I’ve just not been sleeping well and I’mtired.”“I’m worried about you; we all are.You haven’t been eating and you lookvery pale.” Sage smiled as he said thewords but the other man’s expressionstayed stoic with no flicker of real life inhis eyes.“Everyone needs to stop worryingabout me.I’m a big boy.I can look aftermyself.I wish everyone would bloodyleave me alone.” He leaned forward,looking at his computer screen intently.Sage stood up, conscious that he’dbeen dismissed.“Well, if you need totalk, you know where I am.”Alex nodded but he didn’t seemparticularlyconcernedinSage’swhereabouts.A prickle of temper beganin Sage’s chest at Alex’s disregard ofhis concern.He felt the Black Irishcreeping up on him.He was only trying to help for fuck’ssake!He’d thought they’d started making abreakthrough but this man was justunreal.He really should give it up and findsomeonewhoisn’tsobloodytemperamental and secretive, just like hepromised himself he would.Sage shrugged.“Suit yourself.Itseems like you think you can doeverything on your own.We’ll all leaveyou to it then, shall we?”He hadn’t meant to sound bitchy butthis man bought out the worst in him.Hescowled then turned as someone came inbehind him.It was Janine Fortress,looking fairly harassed.“Sage, have you seen Dianneanywhere? We’re due to start filming intwenty minutes and nobody’s heard fromher.Luke is getting a little pissed offwith the delay.Her phone is off and noone can get hold of her.Has she calledyou?”Sage frowned, pulling his mobile outof his pocket.He shook his head.“No.No call, no text.That’s very unlikeDianne.She’s normally very punctual.”Janine looked fed up.“Thomas lastsaw her this morning.She was onlyscheduled to be here at two p.m.She hadsome beauty treatment this morning andshe was coming in from there.Thomascalled them but they said she left a longtime ago.”Alex looked up with a frown on hisface.“That isn’t like Dianne at all.”Sage was perversely glad to seesomething shocked the man’s current airof disinterest in everything around him.“I imagine she’s just lost track of time,Janine.I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”He moved out of the office onto themain studio floor, Janine following himlike an anxious puppy.Diane’s husband,Thomas Cunningham, was on his mobileon the other side of the floor and Sagewalked up to him, placing a hand on theman’s arm."She’ll pitch up, Thomas.Stopfussing."Thomas scowled, looking harassed.He finished talking to whoever was onthe phone then put it back in his shirtpocket with a vexed sigh.“Absolutelyno one has seen her since this morning.Idon’t know where the hell she can be.I’ve even called her friends and theyhaven’t spoken to her today either.Shewas supposed to give her sister Jem acall too to find out how Natalie was andeven she hasn’t heard from her.”Sage frowned.“Natalie is your niece,if I remember?”Thomas nodded.“Yes.She’s been illlately and Dianne calls Jem in the USevery day to check how she is.” Hechecked his phone screen again.Out of the corner of Sage’s eye hesaw Alex talking to Luke.He wanderedover.“Luke, I suppose we’d better putthe next scene on hold and do somethingelse until Diane turns up.Anysuggestions on which one you want to doand I’ll get it sorted?”Luke looked grateful.“Perhaps wecan shoot that one scene in the casinothat didn’t need Dianne.That was all setup to go next anyway.We’ll just bring itforward if you’re okay with that.”Sage nodded.“No problem, I’ll getkitted up in my James Bond suit.”Luke chuckled.“That’ll make theladies and gents squeal in delight.Didyou see that last magazine article fromwhen you attended that summer fashionevent a couple of weeks ago? Maggiesaid your bloody fan mail went ballisticafter that photo was published with youin your tux with that gorgeous modelMaddox on your arm.They had to hireextra help just to get through it all.” Helaughed softly.“You’re becoming afashion plate, a real-live sex symbol.Ibelieve you’ve even got a modelling jobon the catwalk next week, right? Thatshould be something to watch.”Sage flushed, wishing this propensityfor blushing would disappear.It’s a realbloody nuisance, he thought, consciousof Alex’s eyes on him.“You say the nicest things, Luke.Yes,I’m doing a charity function next week,wearing some designer’s new suits orsomething.As for Maddox, I’d havethought she would have been the onemost people were focusing on.She hasthe longest legs I’ve ever seen on awoman.She’s a stunner.”Luke chuckled.“As the saying goes, aman would like those legs wrapped rightaround him.She’s bloody gorgeous.PityI’m already in a relationship.”Sage grinned.“Lizzy would haveyour balls if you even so much asmentioned that, Luke.Your wife is onewoman I wouldn’t want to mess with.”He walked over to the dressing room.The tuxedo for the casino shoot wasalready hung up, ready to wear.Hedressed quickly, trying to get the bow tieon, swearing softly to himself with hislack of success.Something made himlook up to the mirror and he started,seeing Alex standing behind him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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