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. Michael I am sure wewill be fine with Matthew s escort. Michael had a sudden memory of Emily sittingon a fat job horse unattended at the park one morning.With an effort, he pushed thethought away. Emily my dear, he began,  I suggest we compromise and I will meet youat Lady Bentley s house after your tea and we shall take in the air of Hyde Park.This plan met with everyone s approval. Papa what will you be doing this afternoon, Beatrice asked as anafterthought. I hear that a new tin soldier set has just arrived at the toy store.Is thereanyone here who could possibly appreciate a new set of toy soldiers with me, SirHorace said looking around the room as if Peter weren t jumping with excitementright in front of him. Oh Papa, me oh me! Peter exclaimed excitedly with his twin sisterand older family members hiding a smile. Well yes Peter, I do believe I recall you are something of aconnoisseur of all things involving tin soldiers, Sir Horace said as thoughremembering this suddenly. I also think we should reconnoiter at Gunther safterwards and let the staff here indulge your Mama.Maybe Miss Grimsby can readto her while she enjoys her tea upstairs. Marcus mentioned to me last evening before he left with cousin Nigel thathe had to consult a solicitor in regards to some recent developments in his father sfamily, Emily said. Maybe he can tell us his news over dinner tonight andperhaps help set up a battle scene with the soldiers. Capitol idea my dear, Sir Horace said, rubbing his hands together. I donot know about you children but I could stand a spot of luncheon about now, mybreakfast was quite spoilt by worry for your Mama.Shall we adjourn to the diningroom?125© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica TowersOver luncheon, Sir Horace handed the list of tasks still to be doneprior to the Wedding, in two days time, to Emily and Beatrice.Emily saw that theirafternoon would be quite busy and decided they might enjoy a bit tea, even if it wasas the guest of Lady Leonora Bentley.She looked at the faces of her aunt s familyand knew that the new baby would be much cherished by all.Matthew andBeatrice, for all there sniping and bickering, would do anything for one another.She wondered if she and Michael would be as happy as her aunt and uncle.Onlytime would tell.The young man she idolized as a young girl was still present in thefashionable noble he had become.Hopefully he would appreciate the cautiouswoman into whom she had evolved.Emily was the first one downstairs after luncheon and found Michaeldownstairs getting ready to take his leave.He looked at Emily and took her handsaying,  Emily let us take a stroll through your aunt s garden while the rest of yourfamily assembles themselves.As they strolled through the roses in the garden Michael stated, Emily I have a great fondness for you.In time, I may even grow to love you.Iknow you feel that you are being rushed into a marriage with a stranger, but Idon t think you are indifferent to me, are you? Michael asked with a knowingsmile.Emily felt a faint hurt that Michael did not love.She looked up athim and lied,  I have fond memories of the boy who was so charming to a child.Ihad thought myself quite in love with you then, but I know very little of the manyou have become.It is difficult to judge you, since some of the choices you havemade in companions have not been impressive. Since one of those choices was you and another was your cousinMarcus, I think that I should be allowed for the occasional lapse in judgment,Michael defended himself. Marcus has never tried to push his way to my attention or to compete withme for yours, she retorted feeling somewhat snappish. I think we should continue126© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica Towersthis discussion at a later time when my family is not about to ascend upon us, shesaid as she saw Matthew walk out to the garden to join them. Oh good Althorpe, you have not left yet, Matthew said. Papawishes to see you and Emily in the study.Jenks and Wolcott are about to make areport.In the study, were the two runners who stood as Emily, Michael andMatthew came into the room. What news have you? Emily said expectantly.Wolcott seemed to be the spokesman for the pair. It seems that yourcousin Lord Debenham has got himself up the river tickEmily sighed,  Why I am not surprised?Jenks prompted Wolcott,  Tell her the other part we learned Josiah.Wolcott glanced with annoyance at his companion,  I was justgetting there, Darby, he looked back at Emily, Michael and Sir Horace. It seemsthat Miss Blakely here has a property up in the Northumberland area what  as thathas coal on it. That would make it more valuable, agreed Michael. Is thereanything else?Jenks spoke up,  There be jist a bit more, shall I tell  em? Wolcottnodded his head. It seems that some coal mining companies are lookin to use thetwo rivers on your land to transport the coal to market and are willin to payhandsomely for the right to build a canal between  em.They thought that LordDebenham was the owner, or at least the agent of the owner, and have been incontact with him, Jenks concluded with a pleased expression on his face. That would give him motivation for wishing to be Emily s trusteenow wouldn t it, Sir Horace said ponderously. That makes no sense.I am getting married the day after tomorrow,Emily exclaimed perplexed. Maybe that is what all of the attacks and the murder is about,Michael said. I could not marry you if you were in Newgate under suspicion of127© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica Towersmurder or if I was otherwise incapacitated.It escalated to murder after weannounced our engagement.It seems odd though. How so? Sir Horace asked. I am well acquainted with Debenham s work at the war office; he isonly there because a relative of his had close ties with a previous governmentofficial.He has never shown any ability or talent with formulating and executingplans. Yes I see, said Sir Horace. I also have heard stories of hisincompetence at completing even the smallest task.Emily was shocked that she was the probable cause of Michael beinghurt and the death of another person.Sir Horace, Matthew and the runners left theroom, leaving Michael and Emily alone once more.Emily cleared her throat andwithout meeting his eyes,  Since I can afford to provide my own home we do notneed to marry.Where there is not love and caring on both sides to begin with&. My dear, we are definitely getting married in two days. Michaelsaid firmly. Besides, you could be breeding.She flushed a bright red with embarrassment, but she felt justifiedand attempted to feign anger. Didn t you hear me? I was marrying you for yourmoney and position.I knew what you were saying all the time in that garden atVauxhall [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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