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.No male would be foolish enough to harm you if you tell him you are mine.I will killany warrior who even considers touching you.Stunned, Shanna stared up at him. Wow.So you re possessive, huh?He tilted his head. I don t understand. You wouldn t really kill someone for touching me, would you?He moved quickly and grabbed Shanna s hips to jerk her against his body.Angertightened his features. I will kill anyone who tries to harm you or take you from me.He growled deeper in his throat. You chose to be mine and I am this possessive if itmeans that I never want to let you go.Staring into his eyes, Shanna swallowed hard.The intensity of his look leveled her.He really meant it when he said he d kill to protect and keep her.She lifted her hands tospread them over his ribs to caress him and to soothe away the anger that she saw in hiseyes, instinctively knowing it wasn t directed at her.He had the hottest skin and the muscles under her fingers were not only visible butshe could feel them on his super in-shape body.He was just beautiful, everything from44 Berrr s Vowhis eyes to his long black hair to his buff body.More than that, he was really a great guyfrom everything she was learning about him.Realization was a bitch, Shanna decided, still staring into his eyes.This was a guyshe could fall hard for.No man had ever looked at her the way he was and no man hadever been willing to kill for her.She took a deep breath. I m starving, Berrr.Those assholes who kidnapped me barely fed us.Whateveryou brought smells really good.His body relaxed as he smiled at her. I will feed you then.I think you will enjoyZorn food.45 Laurann DohnerChapter FiveShanna knew it was late.She laughed, gazing into Berrr s amazing eyes while shestraddled his waist with just a sheet separating their naked bodies.The fire in thefireplace that he had lit hours before was burning low, making the room dim but veryromantic.Berrr was an amazing man, alien or not.He d fed her all right, by hand, having hertaste everything, and had made her laugh all the while trying to explain whateverything was.He had a quick wit as he described the animals of Zorn who made upthe meat strips she d tried.He even shared some of his fishing tales with her whenshe d tried two different kinds of them.Zorn food was delicious. My son Ral takes after me the most, he admitted with a chuckle. He is my oldestand one day will take my place when I step down as Hyvin.My second son isArgernon.He is like me as well.My third son is Rever and he is more intense than I am.Then there is my youngest. He sighed loudly. He is still young and wild but I amhoping by the time I step down that Vhon will mature. That won t be for a long time though before you retire. She raked her gaze overhis chest and arms. You look so young that I can t believe you have grown children.He smiled. I am a fit warrior and I have never gotten lazy.Leaning down, she braced herself on his chest to run her fingers through his long,silky black hair. Will your hair turn another color when you get older? On Earth whenwe reach a certain age our hair turns white or gray.Since I m a blonde my hair will turnwhite in a few years.I m surprised I don t have any yet.Berrr nodded. I will turn white as well.I have gotten a few but Ovoly alwaysremoves them from my head. Who is Ovoly? Your hair person? Do you have someone trim your hair? On Earthwe have barbers who cut men s hair. She is one of my house helpers and she tends my hair by cutting it, yes. Wow.That s nice that you have a full-service staff. Smiling, she sat back up,releasing his hair. I cut my own hair.I m a bartender at home, that means I make andserve drinks to people in a building where people come to meet, she explained. Idon t make a lot of money so I can never afford to pay other people to do things forme. She turned her head, looking around the shadowed large room. This is thebiggest bedroom I ve ever seen in my life.I could fit my entire home in here.Large, warm hands slid up her thighs on the inside, drawing Shanna s attentionback to Berrr.Her body responded to his touch as his hands stopped inches from where46 Berrr s Vowthe sheet was bunched between her thighs.His thumbs rubbed circles on her skin,making her shiver at the memory of what that man could do to her body.After dinner Berrr had stripped her out of her towel, lifted her and placed her backon the bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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