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.Don t worry, this isn t a test you canfail.We are just being cautious. Klaus stood to his feet.As he turned to leave, Astrid jumped from the couch and grabbedhis hand.He met Astrid s pleading eyes. Do you mean it? Youpromise you won t leave me? I promise. Klaus brushed his lips across Astrid s. You re mine,and I take care of what s mine. What do you mean I m yours? Astrid asked.Klaus cupped Astrid s cheek with his hand. We re mates, but I llhave to explain more of that to you later. He winked at his mate. Ibet if you ask Miles, he would love to explain it to you. He started towalk backward toward the door. Now I m off to make that call.Willyou be okay by yourself? Yeah. Astrid laughed softly. I live here, remember, silly?Astrid s smile broadened.Klaus s smile matched his mate s.Astrid s laugh sounded asprecious as angels singing a holy chorus as if the clouds parted tobless the people below with hope.And Klaus did have hope.One wayor another, he would find a way to make his mate laugh every day andshow him how truly special he was. Astrid s Wish 49He chuckled to himself as he walked down the hallway.Klaus felta little guilty sending Astrid in Miles s direction for answers in themating department.But something told Klaus that Miles would beperfect for the job.The man was well spoken, intelligent, and most ofall, caring.He would go out of his way to make Astrid comfortablewith the details of being mated.Klaus pulled his phone from his pocket and punched the numberfor headquarters.He waited while he was connected. CPB headquarters.How may I direct your call? the operatorasked over the line. I need sector one zero nine, he said. Just a moment, sir.Klaus heard some clicking before the call was answered. Sectorone zero nine.How may I assist you today?He recognized the voice instantly.Carlos, a fellow witch and goodfriend. Hey, old man, how s it going there without me? Old man? You re one to talk. Carlos snickered. Weren tdinosaurs still roaming the land when you were born?Klaus chatted with Carlos for a few minutes.He hadn t checked inwith his department since arriving in Missouri, and he enjoyed thefriendly banter with Carlos.The man was as laid-back as they came. Carlos, I called because I need you to send Carter out hereASAP.Carlos groaned loudly enough, and Klaus was sure the wholedepartment heard him. You know I hate talking to that kid.He givesme the creeps.He dyed his hair again, black this time.The boy betterbe thankful he s immortal, or all that hair of his would have fallen outby now. I m sorry, Carlos, but I need a past-reader. Klaus sighed. Thiswitch I was sent to interrogate just happens to be my mate.And to putit mildly, when we re alone together the last thing we want to do isdiscuss his terrible past. No shit? 50 AJ Jarrett No shit.I need you to send Carter.He s the only one I trust topiece together Astrid s memories and maybe see things that Astridhas forgotten. Fine.I ll endure his evil stares and smart mouth just for you,Carlos whined. I appreciate it, friend. Klaus took a deep breath. Another thing,don t tell anyone.Keep this between us.I don t want the councilcatching wind of him and I being mates.I wouldn t put it pastBenedict to question my judgment and send out another interrogator,and I will not subject Astrid to one of those cruel assholes. Umm, aren t you one of those cruel assholes? Carlos teased. Fuck you, Carlos. Klaus chuckled into the phone. Butseriously, I tried to deny this mating bond at first, but hell, Carlos, Ican t.When I m around him, I can t think.I can barely string twothoughts together.It s the weirdest feeling ever.Just talking about Astrid had his heart beating double time in hischest.A light sweat covered his palms.All he wanted to do was gofind Astrid and sit and cuddle the man in his arms, never letting himgo.The truth of what he felt for Astrid hit him like a ton of bricks,leaving him momentarily speechless. Dear god, I think I m falling inlove with him already. I ve heard it said that is what happens when one finds their mate [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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