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.TEST 24TEST 24I.Put one correct word in eachgap.1.I couldn't.laughing at Jim when I saw him in that funny old hat.2.English is an international language.It is.all over the world.3.Do something useful! You spend long hours sitting in.of the TV set.4.How long do chimpanzees live.average?5.It.to me that Tina has a problem with starting her car.I'II go down and help her.6.days, people are more closed and selfish than they used to be.7.I admire people who have devoted their lives.helping the poor and homeless.8.For ages, humans have been wondering.there is life on other planets.9.Jack's always busy.He is.preparing something or writing reports.10.Trappist monks are famous for spending their life.solitude.II.Put the words in the correctform.1.Mike's got a toothache and that's why he cannot speak …………………….CLEAR2.Don't panic.Influenza is a.disease.CURE3.You needn't worry about the rising interest rates.This issue RELEVANT is.to us.4.Hundreds of teenage fans appeared to see their idol's live ……………………….PERFORM5.Thomas is a.gambler.He spends his every HABITevening in the casino.6.The man who lives upstairs is lonely.He doesn't have any RELATE.here or abroad.7.I have taken up this.job to earn some money SEASONfor holidays.8.There was a great.when our teacher told us EXCITEabout the trip.9.Mr Dawson is a famous.He explores ancient HISTORYcivilisations.10.'What does.mean to you ?' 'Plenty of money, HAPPYof course.'III.Write in the correctwords.1.Uncle Bob and aunt Mary live in a wooden _ _ _ t _ _ _ with a garden in the countryside.2.Dave has been staying in bed since Sunday.He's got a high temperature and a _ o _ _ throat.3.I support organisations protesting against nuclear _ _ _ p _ _ s.4.`What is the _ _ r _ _ of this unusual sculpture?' `I'm afraid it is not for sale.'5.Susan is a very intelligent and erudite person.Her _ _ s _ _ _ is most admirable.6.Tom Lee is not a star.He's nobody special just an _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ person.7.'How did you do the trick?' `In a very simple _ _ _ _ _ r.I will teach you.'8.You think too much about your work.That's the _ e _ _ _ _ why you live under so much stress.9.Such wrong economic decisions are going to _ f _ _ _ _ all of us.We will all suffer from their consequences.10.You will recognise Lucinda easily.She's a dark-skinned woman.She's got a dark_ _ _ p _ _ x _ _ _IV.Choose the correctanswer.1.Our grandfather has suffered from depression since he.from work.a) abandoned b) retired c) departed d) released2.'Who.you to take part in the competition?' `My mother did.'a) insisted b) suggested c) encouraged d) proposed3.to her persistence and ambition, Becky has achieved a great success in her professional life.a) Owing b) Subject c) According d) Because4.I won't stay long this time.It is just a.visit.a) running b) jumping c) speeding d) flying5.Mandy says she dreams of.a lifestyle of a celebrity.a) leading b) conducting c) performing d) driving6.The falling plane missed the tower by centimetres.It was a close.a) crash b) shave c) piece d) slip7.If Adam hadn't.the news, we wouldn't know Celine was pregnant.a) cracked b) broken c) smashed d) burst8.More money has been.for charity this year than in the previous one.a) risen b) aroused c) rose d) raised9.He said he'd taken my bag by accident but I think he did it on.a) purpose b) aim c) reason d) intention10.More than a hundred thousand people are expected to.at the concert.a) set in b) bring round c) turn out d) get by1 help/stop 2 spoken 3 front 4 on 5 seems/appears 6 These 7 to 8 if/whether 9 either 10 in1 clearly 2 curable 3 irrelevant 4 performance 5 habitual 6 relatives 7 seasonal 8 excitement 9 historian 10 hapiness1 cottage 2 sore 3 weapons 4 worth 5 wisdom 6 ordinary 7 manner 8 reason 9 affect 10 complexion1B 2C 3A 4D 5A 6B 7B 8D 9A 10C [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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