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. No, I know you won t, my darling.You were always good at that, Orlan said witha twisted smile. There s very little to it.I think she found someone else, though shenever said.She d had affairs before, but I d never seen them as a threat.We d agreedfrom the start that we could wander if we felt the urge, so long as it wasn t serious, andwe both came home to each other.And I always did, he said earnestly. I didn t eventake up half the offers I had, and I always told her about them.Always.They nevertouched my heart the way she did.I thought she still loved me, right up to the end.Rightup to when she said she no longer considered us man and wife.Ria winced a little. But no divorce? She asked.I refused.I still hoped, you see.She said it made no difference to her.Iheld on for a while, trying to mend things, but she simply wasn t interested.That s whenI came back.Ria sat up. You refused her a divorce? Was she angry? No, he said sadly. She didn t care enough to be angry.She just said she d waitfive years if that was my attitude.She doesn t want to remarry.She just didn t want mearound any more.Ria nodded, but to himself, wondered if a woman as passionate as Estaone could really be indifferent to something so important. But she s happy for you to remain inbusiness with her?Orlan gave him a wry look. I wouldn t say  happy , but she hasn t a lot of choice,nor do I.We own two main subsidiaries within her family company.I m the mainshareholder in one, she s the main one in the other.But she can t remove me from eitherwithout my consent, nor can I remove her. Do you really want to yoke a woman to you who doesn t love you any more? Thatdoesn t sound like you. It s complicated.Ria looked at his watch ostentatiously. I ve got time.And interest.Come on.That provoked the most Orlan-like look he d got so far that evening. From a manwho bit my head off and spat it out for daring to mention his precious Jerna, that s just ateeny bit hypocritical, don t you think, sweetheart? That s different. How? I tell you what you tell me all about your little married lover, and I llhumiliate myself for your entertainment.Does that sound fair? Don t be a bitch.You were being nosy.I m trying to help. You re not, he said bluntly. Let s cut this short.I didn t kill two women becausemy wife doesn t love me any more, and my wife didn t kill two women so I d divorceher.End of story.My feelings about Estaone are my business, and I don t want to talkabout it, or my marriage.Or anything at all.He turned to look out the window, though there was nothing to see in the gloom asthey sped through the silent countryside to Ria s parents estate.Ria didn t know whetherto be angry or worried, so he settled for irritated. It s not like I don t care, Orlan.Isimply had no idea this was going on.You ve not exactly been open with me. Well, my darling, I had to learn about your little friend from the newspaper.Howdo you think that made me feel? That s not fair.Even my parents didn t know.There are two families with childrento protect.Outside of Juli and Jerna s wife, only Sila knew before the media got hold ofit, and only because I needed her help.I wasn t shutting you out. Not deliberately, no.But this is why I m suspicious of this man.You re not one tohide in the shadows, not from your friends.I hoped to see you in love one day, to meetthe man who would win your heart completely, and I really wanted to see you happy andproud with him, my darling.But instead what do I see? Someone who can t be spoken of,who isn t there when you need him, whom you can t or won t acknowledge in public.You deserve better, my love.He s common, and he s not yours.Find a better man to giveyour heart to. Without even thinking, Ria s fist curled on his thigh, and he realised in horror he wasseriously considering offering violence to one of his oldest friends.He made his handrelax, and he took three deliberate breaths before he answered, in as calm a manner as hecould. I m not ashamed of Jerna, and discretion is purely because of my position and ourfamilies.I ve never met a finer man, or had a more considerate lover.He s rarer than ablue diamond, and mine where it counts.I deserve no better because I could find nobetter.I ve always insisted on the best, and I ve got it.More than you could ever possiblyknow, I ve got it. Ria, he s a former whore. Yes.Don t you know how good that makes him in bed?Orlan threw back his head and laughed, though it sounded a little forced. Goddess,what has the world come to that Riashe Kezime can boast of something like that? Allright, I admit defeat.I don t understand it, and I don t approve of it, but it s your life, mylove. He turned serious. But Estaone is still off limits. What if she s behind these murders? She s not.Drop it.I d rather go to prison myself than have her name sullied in thismanner. As you wish.Orlan turned his face away, and Ria, still unsettled by his friend s attack, decided notto push it.They spend the rest of the journey in an uncomfortable silence, broken only bythe driver announcing over the intercom that they were on the estate and that he d beendirected to take them directly to the worker s cottage where Orlan was to spend the nextfew days the next few weeks, if need be in hiding.Orlan paid more attention to things after that, though there was little to see.Thecottage was on the very edge of the estate, and isolated.As it came into view, several ofthe interior lights revealing its location, he looked at Ria with alarm. That? It s a ruin. It s being renovated.Papa assures me it s habitable.Come on, where s your senseof adventure? Strangled at birth.I dislike surprises, my dear boy, and I dislike roughing it evenmore. I don t think my father would expect a Gomici to rough it.We know what you relike. Orlan gave him an old-fashioned look for his cheek.His father s steward was there to meet them, bowing deeply. Sirs, all has been putin readiness for Master Gomici.The larder is stocked, communications assured, and youwill find the heating is working properly.Orlan examined everything, grunted as he saw the bedroom was actually quite respectable, and didn t seem displeased with the food laid in. I ll be here on my own?  Fraid so.I hope not for too long, but this whole plan depends on your keeping yourword, and silence.I ll call, and so will she.But no calls out, word or text.Swear it,Orlan. Oh, be quiet, Ria.I do understand.No only am I supposed to be murderous, youseem to assume I m a bloody fool as well.Ria laid a hand on his shoulder. I most certainly don t.I hope it won t be tootiresome.Papa said he s happy to provide anything you might want. Anything but company.I was better off in the cells.At least I knew there were otherpeople around. Are you serious? You really want to be back in prison?It hadn t occurred to him that Orlan would actually prefer not to be alone, even if itmeant being confined.But his friend shook his head. No, of course not.Never been fondof my own company, my love, you know that.Can t you stay?There was nothing but naked need in Orlan s eyes, and Ria was hardly unmoved, butstill he shook his head. I m sorry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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