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.238 Paul, St., apostle, 469Ouse, river, 155, 157, 159 altar dedicated to in St.Peter sOvid, 95, 462 3 (York), 155, 158Ars amatoria, 463 letters of, 40 n.87(pseudo-) to Seneca, 378 9Pachomius, St, computistical verses of, to Timothy, 27220, 288 n.108 and see Index of Biblical Citations bullough_index_495-566 9/30/03 4:47 PM Page 553general index 553Paul I, pope, 308, 325 Peak, 129letters of, 100, 152 Pehtred, 89to Archbishop Egbert and King Pehtwine, bishop of Whithorn, 162,Eadberht, 88 249 n.357to Pippin, 194 n.195 Pelagius, popePaul the Deacon, 255 n.14, 341, 454 creed attributed to, 403abstract of Festus s De verborum Libellus fidei, 427significatione, 94 5 n.233 translation from the Greek of theepitaphs, 157 n.86, 344 Verba Seniorum, 266for Queen Hildegard, 172 n.125, penance, 116, 233, 353, 354, 361,461 n.92 387 8, 405Gesta episcoporum Mettensium, on baptismum lacrimarum and, 389Chrodegang, 169 n.118 for drunkenness, 233Historia Langobardorum, 155 for (lay) fornication, 233homiliary of, 31 n.69 for consumption of pollutedletter collection of, 294 n.131 foodstuffs and liquid, 233move to Francia (A.D.782), 332, 336 for killing, 145 n.55poem to, written in the name of liturgy associated with, 211Charlemagne, by Alcuin or texts associated with, 197 n.203Angilbert, 282 and see Index on Alcuin under hispoetry of, 343 and n.36 thought on confessionrelations with Alcuin, 344 Penitential Psalms, Seven, 182, 257 8relations with Angilram of Metz, 358 penitentials, 95, 135, 138, 231visit to Rome to request Gregorian available at York, 355Sacramentary from the Pope development of in early England, 234(A.D.786), 358 of Cummian, 233, 234writings of, 317 n.206 Remense, 235Paulinus of Pella, Eucharisticon, 269 n.49 and see canon-law, and penitentials ofPaulinus, bishop of Nola Columbanus, Egberht s DialogusCarmina, 371 n.123, 405 n.232 and Theodore s Canonesas a source for Alcuin, 243 n.342 Pennines, 131use of alma in, 321 n.222 Pentecost, 399 n.212cited in Alcuin s  York book-list , 277 liturgy for, 198 9, 208, 239 n.329,Paulinus, patriarch of Aquileia, 17, 21, 252173 n.130, 317, 341, 344, 421 weeks after, as a time forn.281, 428, 451 n.61 ordinations, 248 and n.357Alcuin correspondence with, 41 and peregrinatio, 128n.92, 42 and n.95, 60, 64 n.153, Peregrinus, an Anglo-Saxon, 180 n.14879 and n.189, 90, 100, 102, 105 pericopes, 188 and nn.175, 176, 178,n.263, 113 n.284, 198 n.209, 189 n.179, 191 and n.186, 193246 n.351, 297 n.139, 345, 363, n.192, 207 8 and n.235, 225, 229402 n.224, 411, 438 n.20, 446 n.301, 384 n.163and n.45, 447, 448 n.48, 449 periurium, term used in Frankishand n.55, 450, 451 n.60, 452, capitularies, 233 n.317453, 457, 462, 463 n.100, 469 Petau, P., 290 n.116Carmina, 317 n.205 Peter and Paul, SS, 202Libellus exhortationis, 78, 425 Peter of Pisa, grammarian, 21, 244,use of Alcuin s letters as a source 308, 317, 341, 358 n.85, 454for, 78 9 at the Frankish Court, 346 n.47relations with Alcuin, 344, 363 Ars grammatica, 344Paulinus, St., founding bishop of York, De nomine dicit Donatus, 370 n.122feast day of, 215 letter-poem to, from Angilbert, 363Pavia, xvii, 154 n.77, 155, 244 n.99Pe(c)htelm, bishop of Whithorn, 162 poem to (carm.xxxv, in  Pauli et bullough_index_495-566 9/30/03 4:47 PM Page 554554 general indexPetri Carmina , MGH Poet.1, Pompeius (Augustan Pompeius Trogus),69 70), written in the name of Roman historian, 259Charlemagne, by Alcuin or commentary on Donatus, 282 3Angilbert, 282 History, epitome of by Justinpoems of, 343, 344 n.36, 376 n.140 cited in Alcuin s  York book-list ,relations with Alcuin, 344.345 283writings of, 317 n.206 pontificalsPeter, archbishop of Milan, 17, 451 n.61  Egberht , 198 n.209, 233 n.318,Alcuin correspondence to, 87, 441, 339 n.25, 412 n.254450, 451 Sherborne, 94, and see Index ofPeter, St., apostle, church dedications Manuscripts Cited under Paris, BN,to, 153 n.76 lat.943Petwine: see Pehtwine populus christianus, 457 n.79, 458Phocas, grammarian Porfyrius, Publilius Optatianus, carminacited in Alcuin s  York poem , 282 figurata of, 373, 374 n.133, 375, 378grammar of, sent from York to n.147Echternach, 317 porticus, 157Piacenza, 335 pottery, 161Picts, 131, 139 n.34, 144 n.50, 348 Powicke, Sir Maurice, 3pigments, 398 n.207 praedicatorespins definition of, 301, 303, 307from York, 158 n.88 use of by Alcuin, 312 n.188from Witham, 158 n.88 use of by Bede, 312Pippin, king of the Franks, father of praefecti: see reevesCharlemagne, 128 n.4, 160, 245, prayerbooks (libelli precum), 7, 7 n.10,249, 341 n.29 113 n.281, 178 n.142, 179, 182baptism of, 352 n.71 n.155, 183 n.158, 266letter from Pope Paul I, 194 n.195 Alcuin s De laude Dei, 177 80, and seePippin I, son of Charlemagne, king of under Index of Alcuin s WritingsItaly, 38 n.83, 53 n.121, 145 associated with Tours, 201n.52, 358 n.86, 368 n.116, Book of Cerne: see Index of371, 439 and n.23, 442 n.34, Manuscripts Cited under Cambridge,443, 454, 468 Univ.Lib., Ll.1.10Alcuin correspondence to, 367, 368 Book of Nunnaminster: see Index ofepitaph of, 122 Manuscripts Cited under London,Pirmin, Scarapsus, 235 n.321 BL, Harley 2965Pithou, Pierre, 22 n.47, 57 devotional prayers composed inplagues, 268 n.45 northern England after Alcuin leftPliny the Elder for Francia, 211Naturalis historia, 207 n.234, 260, 359 early English, 183 nn.158, 159, 197citation of in Alcuin s  York n.203, 201book-list , 283 Royal: see Index of Manuscriptsknowledge of by Bede and by Cited under London, BL, Royal 2.Alcuin and at the Frankish A.XXCourt, 283 4 use of for private devotion, 224excerpta Eboracensia, 283 4 prayer-fraternity, 452used in Alcuin s computus collection, prayers292 importance of, 127Pliny the Younger collects for the mass, 195 n.198letters of, 280 commemorative and reciprocal, 315Po, river, 335 n.198Polemius Silvius, Laterculus, 285, 302 n.155 mass-, 176 n.139calendar associated with, 292 ad complendum, 198Polycarp, martyr, prayer of, 261 n.29 oraciones ad vesperos, 198 bullough_index_495-566 9/30/03 4:47 PM Page 555general index 555precium, 142 Hebraicum, 181, 183 n.160, 184, 185Presentation in the Temple, feast day Romanum, 181, 182, 183 and nn.of, 248 n.357 159, 161, 184, 185 6 and n.165,priests, 173, 198 258, 329, 350 n.62, 353, 355,confession and, 116 382, 422ordination of, 32, 32 n.72 Vetus Latina, 186, 187 n.172Primo paganus catechumenus fit, ?pre-Alcuin Psalters, individualbaptismal tract, 47, 48 n.106 Corbie triple psalter, 181 n.153Primum in ordine, exposition of the mass, Dagulf: see Index of Manuscripts6 and n [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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