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. The Officer smiled. Thank you, Hunter said, his voice shaking.He stole a glance at corner of the room andshuddered as the officer walked away. I can t believe it s over. I can t believe were that good of a shot.Shit! Mac shook his head. Where d you learn todo that? Never shot before. Your eyes are twinkling.You re lying out your ass, Mac laughed as he wrapped his armaround Hunter s shoulders. All right.Caught me.I wanted him to die, Mac.I really wanted him to die. Flashes of thepast continued to roll past like a bad movie but with each minute Hunter felt better, stronger. But you maimed him instead.  The acid did a number too,  Hunter could barely stand to see the face that was ruinedfrom the force of the gunshot.Touching his face, he grimaced.Mac turned Hunter s head and smiled. You saved if not my life my eyes, my face and mysoul.I ll always be grateful and there s something else.Tears slipped from the corner of Hunter s eyes as he watched Mac s expression go fromconcern to something he never thought he d see again, love. What? His voice barely awhisper, he brushed his fingers down the back of Mac s hand. I love you.I want you in my life.Will you allow me the chance to get to know you?Could he? Should he? As Hunter s heart filled with joy and peace for the first time in solong, he smiled. I d like that.Mac sucked in his breath and allowed a single whimper to escape his lips before he leanedin and captured Hunter s mouth, pressing his tongue just inside.Hunted leaned into the moment of passion and for a few precious seconds the worldaround them didn t exist.This was exactly where he was supposed to be. Um.Excuse me, a man said, clearing his throat.As Hunter broke the kiss and stared into the kind eyes of a man that must be the detective,he smiled.Maybe everyone in the world wasn t an asshole after all. Epilogue I don t understand.Why are you guys dragging me to some dive club? Mac laughed as heeyed the dark establishment.While it was a large space, it was certainly a joint and not a club.Still, Carlo and Tom had insisted. Surprise, Tom strolled toward a staging area and stopped at a table smack in front of thestage. Sit. Carlo commanded as he yanked out a chair and pushed Mac into it.Mac chuckled and glanced around the place as he thought about Hunter.What a whirlwindthe last few months had been.From hearing the sordid details about trinkets Christopher keptstolen from each victim to Hunter s father being arrested for embezzlement and finding out allthe ugly details about Hunter attack as a child, they were both drained.And they were verymuch in love. It s not my birthday. No but you need good things so Carlo and I decided to give you something, Tom growled. Okay.Geez. There was no doubt the boys had something up their sleeve but hell, it wasabout time he got out more often.He and Hunter had been homebodies for weeks when theyhad the time.Granted, Mac had been on assignment out of town for a couple of weeks and hewas dying to see Hunter. What s going on with that new toy of yours? Carlo teased as he nodded to a waiter as heapproached. Whatdya want? Tonight I feel like a tall gin and tonic, Mac said as he gazed at the band s equipment.Hehadn t heard a band in a solid year. Make that two, Tom said. Scotch for me, neat, Carlo said. So.Haven t seen you for a good three months.Fess upabout the sexy movie star. Not working right now.Sadly Hunter s not sure what he s going to do right now.He ssuddenly un-bankable at the studios. Damn! He hated it for Hunter but Mac had to give theman props.He was handling the situation well enough. What about the surgery you mentioned? Tom asked.  He had the final one almost a month ago.He was getting his bandages off last week.Ihated not being with him.Damn it. Mac hissed as he thought about why Hunter had insistedhe take the damn assignment.Granted, the series of interviews in Italy was going to boost hiscareer but he couldn t get back to Hunter fast enough. That s fantastic.I know you guys have to be happy, Carlo said as he grinned. We are. Mac could feel his face flush.Tom leaned in and sniffed. So ya gonna think about asking the hunk to move in with youor perhaps getting married? New York just legalized it and it would make a great spot for ahoneymoon. Thinking about both, Mac blurted out.Carlo looked at Tom before they both grinned. That s what I wanted to hear.So damnhappy for you and about time, Carlo breathed. What? You didn t like the little threesome? Mac asked, feigning astonishment. Getting old and stale, Tom teased. Yeah.Yeah. Mac rolled his eyes as the lights dimmed. Good, the show s starting, Carlo breathed.As the waiter set down the drinks, Mac took a sip before scanning the crowd.He was damnsurprised the place was wall to wall with people.How the hell had they gotten a front row seat?Sighing, he glanced at the band as they took their places in the darkness. Who are these guysanyway? What? Tom asked.Lights sliced a warm glow across the stage illuminating the group.Standing facing the wall,the keyboard player played several keys of a song. I asked what the name of the band is. Oh, sure, Carlo said as he locked his gaze on the stage.Mac narrowed his eyes and laughed. Not gonna tell me? As the band slowly turned andthe lights grew brighter, he slapped Tom on the forearm. Hey big lug.Are you listening tome?Before Tom could answer a man stepped in front of the microphone, his form stillshadowed. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first of many nights back in the states. We ve missed you guys and this night is special indeed as we welcome another new member toour band.The voice Mac recognized but from where.As the lights fully came up across the stage, Macsucked in his breath as he recognized Taylor. Dangerous Liaisons.Fuck! Shifting his gaze hecould barely breath as the guitar player stepped forward. No.No! Every part of his bodyshaking, echoes bounced in his ears.There was no way that& Grinning from ear to ear, Macwas ecstatic.Wearing a grin Hunter nodded as he locked eyes with Mac and stepped forward. Dangerous Liaisons welcomes Morgan Reynolds to the band, Taylor breathed andstepped back from the microphone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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