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.She left it up to me, though how long they both stayed.Switch took my other hand, and for a brief second, I could’ve sworn jealousy flared in Aries.I sifted gently through his mind undetected and found what I had feared.A predator lurked beneath the surface, possessive, lethal, and untamable.I had not noticed before, simply because I felt his mind should be private.He trusted me more than he did Switch, even sensed Switch’s desire for Raven, but the beast still growled silently warning the other man that he touched what was his.I hugged Switch quickly and pulled back from him.He must have realized why because he glanced to Aries whose eyes were closed.Switch moved back from my bed as he thought about that.I sifted through his thoughts easily with Switch well aware of it.He figured Aries was just stressed, and his demon was fighting for control.He thought that it would be pointless for me to worry right now.Their demons were a minor thing, something I hardly ever thought about.It was just a part of them.I relaxed back against the bed and closed my own eyes still holding Aries hand.I sent him reassuring thoughts.I was his mate and no one else’s, but being who I was I’d be involved in many people’s lives including other men.I’d never betray him, no matter what.CHAPTER THIRTYBefore too long, I must have dozed, because when I woke the guys were gone.The pain had lessened , and I could now sit up.My body felt like it was thrumming, reminding me of a hive of bees.Not exactly buzzing, but I was definitely aware that I was undergoing some kind of change.Raven was nearby reading.I could hear laughter from down the hall and Nanna in the next room speaking with someone.I sat up and drank down half a pitcher of water.The next few hours were miserable, and I was exhausted from everything I was trying to do at once.I also knew that when the time came I would need all the energy I could get, so I catnapped the best I could.Before I knew it, the time had come.I heard people shouting and tried not to concentrate on that listening to Nanna only.She kept reminding me that this process would take forever.My job would be to conserve energy, so I put myself into a light trance trying to stay in constant mental contact with either of my nurses.Aries watched the devastation along with the rest of the island.The ones who didn’t join the below ground celebration had meandered down when they heard rumors of the news.There was worldwide panic as nature wreaked havoc on its people.China had major tsunamis’ and earthquakes, while the arctic had begun to flood.The ocean was rising in many areas.There wasn’t much we could do but wait out the next few days.The last ship would be here within minutes, and Aries was on his way to the docks with Switch when he caught the live newsfeed.Switch patted his shoulder and went out the door.Aries followed having no choice but to do so.Michael was already down there.He was the only one on the island not in the monastery.He wouldn’t join us without his parents.When they arrived there was panic as people were unloading and heading for shelter.They had been warned minutes before.Coastguards had sent out warnings to all to head for land.There was to be no transport until further notice.There were storm clouds on the horizon and Aries was worried about me that it would not get bad here.Switch was trying to calm the crowd and head them towards shelter.I monitored all this from both of their minds.It was affecting my energy level, but it distracted me too.Aries was helping to unload the supplies and other items as quickly as he could.The darkness was eerie in its way, on the horizon.We knew what magic it held.He looked up to see many Lykan’s pitching in to help.I knew who a few were.That’s when we noticed Michael stalking off towards the jungle… alone.His parents had not come.He was obviously upset.Aries didn’t know what to do.He felt torn, knowing the supplies were important.They had a couple hours before they felt anything, so he headed for Michael.“Go away,” Michael growled.“Dude I understand…”“Like hell you do, you got your woman and your friends [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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